Temperance Help


The point inside the circle and the triangle inside the square aren't also illustrating the same idea? The point and triangle are "at the center" of both, at least in the RWS deck. The "middle" and "center" ideas seem to be importants there!



hey thanks for eveyones imput, I'll post my painting when I'm done, hopefully it will turn out ok


I was even thinking about the middle way and noting that according with that Temperance is between The Death and The Devil may be also a way of save us of that that in the Gospels tell that Jesus said about if your arm or eye makes you fall in sin is better you cut it down. Well, may be we don´t need to do this after all :D!!!!!!!!!!!


I read in some book that The Temperance is an angel that is pouring water and fire. SHe must pour the exact amount of each or the water will evaporate or the fire will be put out. It is the combination of 2 things to get a third but in the precise amounts.


So she's an alchemist of sorts it would seem.


Finding and maintaing your equilibrium. So centered you can 'walk on water' weightlessly; keeping in mind all that water and 'flow' symbolizes. These are the immediate images and ideals the card evokes for me.


In Mystical Origins of the Tarot, Paul Huson says that Temperance is diluting the wine with water. I don't recall hearing that before, but it makes sense. I'm not particularly thrilled about the idea, mind. But watering the wine does seem like the sort of thing Temperance would do.