The Four of Swords' symbols


This is starting to bug me.

I even had a dream about it last night.

The bull from the Wheel of Fortune was lying under a tree reading his book.
I walked tword him and he lifted his head. There was a bright circle of gold between his horns. He smiled at me and said "put your thinking cap on."

This morning I got up and got out my RSW and put the 4 of swords next to the wheel of fortune. There is a circle between the horns on the 4 of swords. Then I put my thinking cap on (had to blow some dust off of it first.)

I'm sitting there looking at this when a PBS special on Egypt comes to mind. They were excavating a tomb and unearthed a life size statue of a cow with a circle between it's horns.


But what does that have to do with the 4 of swords?
Punch in search engine Hathor.

She has many duties but was strongly asociated with giving shade and rest to the deceased on there journey through the underworld. A piece of her garment given to the dead assured them of a safe passage. look under myths, very interesting stuff.

So for me that little sguiggle on the wall will forever be the Goddess Hathor giver of shade and rest to the deceased.

Look at the High Priestess card then compare her head piece to some of the websight pictures.


firemaiden said:
I don't have it in front of me, but aren't there horns? Like the curved horns on a big-horn sheep?

If there are horns, it aint no lamb...

HeHeHe........depends on how you understand horns and sheep heads I guess. I had to look at figure through the magnifying glass and....well....I'm uncertain.

To be honest, it is many years since I've seen a sheep close up, and now simply have vague image in memory.

Blessings. :)


Well, Lark, I am sort of in agreement with your hubby the carpenter; I still think it is something to do with the window ~ that the "squiggle" is attached to the rod that goes up the side of the window. But I'm just not sure what it's for!


No, no, what's the point of interpreting symbols to have no interpretation...

I vote for the Goddess Hathor.


Its the bottom of the first.

Goddess Hathor-3
Mutant lamb with freakishly large horns-1


This is also one of the few cards in the deck that is an "indoor" scene; the majority of the cards feature "outdoor" scenes! I noticed this when I thought I would look to see how other architecture was dealt with by PCS, and I really couldn't find other illustrations to compare with the window.


I'm not sure what it is either, it does look different in the Universal Waite, the Original Rider Waite and the pocket Rider Waite - I've always thought it was a rams head decoration on the wall but I like the idea of the Goddess Hathor, so I too vote for her :D


A Goddess Hathor vote here, too!


This comment is not in keeping with the current discussion of the symbology of 4 of swords,so please excuse me,but I had the most fascinating experience with it on Friday. I drew it as my daily card in the morning,and thought"rest and recupperation",then thought "no way,my deck must be off today "as I had a busy day ahead.
Would you believe that by 8 pm that night I was undergoing an emergency appendectomy and spent the night,loaded on drugs,'resting and recupperating' in ahospital bed?
Isn't that wild?


Oh, Celeste, poor baby! What an awful way to end the day!!! Even though you were warned :) Anyway, I certainly hope you're feeling better now and are back to yourself ASAP