The Kalevala (Finnish Epic) and Epic of Gilgamesh


I was franticly trying to find some stuff for my research paper and I came across two very interesting old writings.

One was the Kalevala, a finnish epic made up of ancient Finnish poetry that is filled with spells, incantations, and cosmological lore. It looks all so interesting. I don't know it I could find a hard copy of it anywere like at a bookstore or whatever but I'd sure like to see one. Has anyone every heard of this????

There is also the Epic of Gilgamesh. I think I actually have heard of this before and (being the great student I am) I found a summary of it on ^_^ Again, I ask, has anyone ever read this? It is very interesting mythology and what I've read so far is very surprising. It never ceases to amaze me how so many religions are similar. It reminds me of Roman/Greek myth.

Love and Light,


Gilgamesh is one of my favourites...I have an extract pinned on my wall!...
The essential humanity of the tale shocked me at first....priorites, worries...they're all the same now as they were 5000 years ago!...
What I would like to know, though, Is how much of that is made by the translation, and how much is directly from the original meaning...