The Tarot of Ravens

Lady Iron Side

Raven done in Border



Okay, now that I have the kink out of me next from looking at it sideways LOL, I think it looks really good. The Raven appears like it is looking at the scene of the card in an inquisitive way.

What are you going to put on the back of the cards?

~ C

Lady Iron Side

added my idea of the Raven mouth

Caedryn said:
Okay, now that I have the kink out of me next from looking at it sideways LOL, I think it looks really good. The Raven appears like it is looking at the scene of the card in an inquisitive way.

What are you going to put on the back of the cards?

~ C

Lol sorry for the kink in your neck. i did flip/rotate the border, but then they didn't look right, the border for some reason looked better sideways. I Also depicted the Raven with it's mouth slightly open as if it is going to tell you something about the card.

well I am planning on have two half dead tress one on each side depicting the four seasons, on the left would be winter and fall ( bottom of tress with fall leaves then the top of the tree no leaves winter. Then on the right I would have spring on the top of the tree with new buds, as you go down the tree it would be filled with nice green leaves for summer then the bottom of the card the trees would show their roots enter-twining. I was thinking of having the moon behind the ravens head casting it light down onto the raven..

But now after reading this thread I'm wandering if I should scape the idea of this border all together. here take a read. for my border will be a bit wide, then what most people like.


Yes, I read that is my take "I have take a size 10 glove, so I guess a medium-large hand. I have no problem shuffling large cards like Druidcraft. In fact, at times, I find smaller cards more difficult to shuffle.

My perfect size would be between that of Druidcraft and the RW deck.

I say 'each to their own'...some like em big, some medium and some small".

Personally, I love borders on tarot cards, and yours sound Divine!

It is nice to have the choice. For those who do not like borders or find the card too big, they have the option to trim. But, if you go without a border, there is no option for those who like a border.

I think a border adds a lot to the visual appeal of a deck, and it is like looking through a window onto a scene. When used in meditation, the window can be used to 'enter' the scene.

~ C


I just discoverd this and its AMAZING!..

I really think you should keep the borders. :D

Lady Iron Side

some bummer news

Well It looks like I won't be drawing for a bit, I have an injured eye, to me this sucks, this has put a big damper on creating my deck, I just thought I would let you know that it's on hold till I get clearance from the dr's, and my vision in my injured eye returns, I apologize. Well all I can do is stay positve.



I saw your other post LIS. That sounds very serious, I hope things get better soon!

tarot heart


I have just found this thread on your tarot deck and it looks amazing. I really have a fondness for Ravens and Crows. Your artwork is very attractive. If there is a list may my name also be placed on it?

I don't know what you did to your eye but I sincerely hope it heals soon. All the best to you.

tarot heart


What a wonderful idea for a deck! I am a big fan of Ravens and have a close friend, that also loves them very much!
some of your drawings remind me of the Raven Card oracle by Gabi Bücker:

When you get your deck printed, I will buy it!
Good luck!


I would also be interested in purchasing a deck when it is published. It looks to be very promising and interesting. I am hoping that the injury to your eye is improving daily.