The Tower in love readings?


I've never seen this card as meaning falling in love. The illustration on the card just doesn't fit. Usually there's an image showing a fiery lightning strike out of the blue that throws you out of your nice clean, secure Tower and sends you head first down onto the rocks below, losing your crown on the way down. Thinking the card on through, how would it mean anything good? It reminds me of that old song by Tina Turner---"what's love got to do with it?" If you think of it as falling in love, I think it would describe falling in love with the wrong person, having tragic results. This is just my own take on it, though. Others will have just as legitimate an experience with the Tower so I'm not saying they're wrong. Just that I don't have that take on it.

For me, it's always meant I was going to have to move to another house or apartment and that there would be some element causing the feeling of having come down in life. Something distasteful or demeaning about it. A royal couple thrown out of their castle down into the mud would be pretty demeaning.

The Tower is a card that, in general, I feel is something really shocking and sudden. It turns your world upside down but you didn't see it coming. And it's something that "takes you down a peg" in self-esteem.


The Tower is a card that, in general, I feel is something really shocking and sudden. It turns your world upside down but you didn't see it coming. And it's something that "takes you down a peg" in self-esteem.

This is my experience of it as well, and I've got a lot of experience of it. It's never something welcome. I think the easiest way for tarot to show falling in love would be Two Of Cups, that's what that card is for. In love readings the Tower usually means things going wildly against hopes and expectations and usually with a crash landing. Finding out your love interest is married already, or has a longterm partner would fit the Tower for me. As would being led on and then finding out it's not going to happen.

My last tower experience in romance was a partner I was desperately in love with who cheated on me then sabotaged the relationship with some additional pretty immature behaviour so that I would be forced to dump him because he didn't want to do that himself. If you are single with no prospects on the horizon it could be something as simple as having your hopes dashed about meeting someone.