Themes You don't see yourself buying


I feel like I should own at least one TdM deck, but I just can't bring myself to buy one. I want to like them, but I just don't find them attractive. I imagine I'll own one someday, but that day might be a long time from now.


I feel like I should own at least one TdM deck, but I just can't bring myself to buy one. I want to like them, but I just don't find them attractive. I imagine I'll own one someday, but that day might be a long time from now.

I learnt on the TdeM and I did get one quite by accident at the thrift store...but I found I still did not love it, so I gave it to a friend :) You are not alone, Juliana! lol!

practical magic

I am not a fan of RWS decks, although I do own a RWS deck for learning purposes.

I used to own a Doreen Virtue angel deck. I didn't like it. I didn't connect with it. However, I would never say I wouldn't buy another angel or fairy deck. If it appealed to me aesthetically, I probably would buy it. I think Virtue is fluff (no offence to anyone!) and it would probably have to be a different author entirely for me to buy. I probably wouldn't read with angel/fairy decks just because they don't speak to me, and decks I am just "collecting" rank far down on my priority list.

That said, if someone made an Angel deck inspired by the angel fountain in Central Park that was fairly true to life (maybe along the lines of the gorgeous Gaian Tarot I have on order?), and maybe with an Angels in America vibe, I'd be the first in line to buy and offering reading hours later. :)

And all that being said, my tarot journey has surprised me-although my first oracle deck was nature-based, I stubbornly refused to buy a nature-based tarot deck insisting they didn't appeal to me. Now I own one, and have one on order. So... basically, I'd never say never to anything, if it appeals aesthetically, I'll buy it, whether it's RWS, angels, fairies, vampires (ok, maybe not... unless Alexander Skarsgaard features prominently!), witches, etc.


My aversion has always been gimmicky decks and anything cartoonish. Not do I like card images with excessive distortion and loud dramatics in colour or design. I stopped using the RWS because of its outdated imagery for Death and The Devil, but I avoid decks that go the other extreme and make the Devil seem cuddly. (A trap for the unwary!)

Other than that, I'm open to any deck that is well-drawn and speaks to me, regardless of the theme.

Chimera Dust

I'm weirdly picky about mine, so my full list would be huge. Here are some of mine:

- Neo-Pagan and Wiccan decks. It's just not something that calls to me on a spiritual level.

- New-Agey decks in general, like Yoga and things. Again, it's not something that spiritually appeals to me. I also don't like the aesthetics of most decks of this type, think aliens holding lotus flowers and shooting energy with a grid-like background. Most of the ones I've seen so far also seem drawn on a computer by someone who isn't that artistically skilled. I'm not talking about any decks in particular, by the way, I've seen several that are like this.

- "Dark fantasy" decks, think vampires, corsets, etc.

- Cheesecake-y decks. Which is ironic, because I used the Black Tarot for a long time and it's exactly like that. In my defence, I didn't want to buy it at first and only used it because it worked so well when I read with it, and I didn't like the artwork.

- Most Fantasy decks. I may get one in the future if the theme and the artwork really appeal to me, but most of them aren't really my type of thing.

I'm also very picky about artwork but that's not exactly a theme, strictly speaking. By the way, I'm not against these decks existing or people buying them, it's just not what I enjoy reading.


I'm with several of you above about angels of the saccharine, cherubic sort. Never liked them in any context. Despite having been a teenager and then 20-something goth girl who loved vampires back in the day, I just can't get down with them in my decks. They seem corny and forced in tarot. I adore cats in real life, but cat decks don't do it for me either. I don't like comic-style art in tarot for some reason, so several otherwise nice looking LS decks are out.

It's not a theme, but I can't stomach posed, photo-realistic people in my decks. Especially in medieval ren-faire garb. I can't help but think of the cheesy photo session! (Found vintage photos after the fact are different, such as the photos used in some Lenormand decks like the Antiquarian or Postmark. Those are great.)

Actually, I find the Gummi Bear deck peaceful to contemplate. The art is clean, the details are minimal, and I kind of like the little "o" their mouths make, as they fall from the Tower. :)

I like the Gummi Bears deck, too. I think of it almost as a relation of the International Icon -- sort of bold and simplified. And love your comment about their expressions on the Tower card! :laugh:


It's not a theme, but I can't stomach posed, photo-realistic people in my decks. Especially in medieval ren-faire garb. I can't help but think of the cheesy photo session! (Found vintage photos after the fact are different, such as the photos used in some Lenormand decks like the Antiquarian or Postmark. Those are great.)

I also don't like to see pics of real people dressed up and posed, especially if they have been used more than once. The only real exception to this is a really cheesy, cheap RWS that had been done so badly (but the people featured look like they really enjoyed themselves and managed to capture the spirit of the cards), that it has a certain charm and I find myself smiling when I have used it. But other photo decks leave me cold.

But I have to agree with Kalliope, I like all of the Lenormands and the Bohemian Gothic that used real pics.

I'm also not keen on hand drawn tarot cards, especially if I think they haven't been drawn that well. I know over the years there have been a few of these decks published and I have to wonder how and why.


I, typically, am into almost any deck style. Not really a theme, but I don't like Marionettes. Deviant Moon is more frightening than anything. I also don't do Angel decks. They're pretty, yeah, but Angels are something I really don't want to think about when I'm divining. xD