Tower as feelings



Never saw the tower in feelings...but one thing come in my as soon i saw it: feeling angry, bursting.

The person is p... off about the querent.
Maybe the surround cards can confirm that...

What you people think?

Thanks for the help!


Anything deemed "emotionally explosive" that shatters one's previous beliefs or foundations.


If you look at the tower as an ejaculating penis, it could represent a feeling of horniness of the hit-it-and-quit-it variety (where the Devil would be garden variety horniness).

It could also represent anger of the "blow my top" variety.

The Tower is a Fire card, so it could represent a flash of sudden desire or the AHA realization that the person actually has stronger feelings for the Querent than they thought.




The Tower throw you to the ground, to encourage you to emerge with your own answers.


If you look at the tower as an ejaculating penis, it could represent a feeling of horniness of the hit-it-and-quit-it variety (where the Devil would be garden variety horniness).

WOO! I never thought of THAT before!

Like you, Rodney I usually say the Tower is the "I am mad as Hell and I am not going to take it" card. I don't always see that as a bad thing, explosions can clear the jams and start things moving again. It depends on the context. were there other cards? what deck is it?



The Tower can be likened to a volcano. A volcano is one of the most violent forces on Earth. It creates and destroys landscapes, affect the weather and they can even change the composition of the air. Although the inhabitants of Santorini might feel them to be slight inconveniences, they are merely the products of the blind forces affecting them. More than anything else, they remind us that below us move titanic forces that do as they will without even noticing up at all.

And so is the Tower. It basically relates to forces that have hitherto been contained until the pressures build too much... and then there is no containing them. I think people see this card as bad is because of our natural propensity to seek out stability, and change doesn't always agree with us.

But it need'nt be bad, and in fact it can often be predicted. The Tower is secrets that are kept for too long and they pop, a roof that has seen too many winters and cracked, or in the dramatic confession of a lover. The feelings related to it are usually powerful and intense, but not always anger.

The Tower is also the most male card in the deck, being attributed to Mars, and it may signify very active energies, bursts of energy, a sense of purpose and industry.

And yes, the sexual act is a good metaphor in this case, pressures mounting until there is a violent explosion.


As feelings the Tower holds something that will change how you see this person. Their feelings are not what you expect. They know things will change when you find out, things may get explosive, either your hopes and dreams, or a nightmare. The Tower holds a lot of drama. Keep your eyes and ears open for signs, the tower cannot hold secrets for very long.


Anything deemed "emotionally explosive" that shatters one's previous beliefs or foundations.

Hi Enlightenment23!

Interesting, just like the tower...the person feel that the other person brings revolutions and big changes in their lives. TNT person. :laugh:

Thanks for the insight!


If you look at the tower as an ejaculating penis, it could represent a feeling of horniness of the hit-it-and-quit-it variety (where the Devil would be garden variety horniness).

It could also represent anger of the "blow my top" variety.

The Tower is a Fire card, so it could represent a flash of sudden desire or the AHA realization that the person actually has stronger feelings for the Querent than they thought.


Hi Rodney!

Whoah, great point about the tower as the horniness, it's looks like an penis.

Interesting, but it's an very STRONG aha, that shakes the other person.

Thanks for the great insight!


The Tower throw you to the ground, to encourage you to emerge with your own answers.

Hi wisemoonbird!

Hummmmm, what a great way of seeing the tower here.
Are you saying that the tower is "inviting" the person, through a big realization, to discovery his/her feelings toward the other person? What a great view about...

Thanks for the insight!