Tower year - what to expect


I am currently in a Tower year -- and I can't help but regard the Tower with dread, even though I know it is all about clearing away any falsehoods in order to establish a truth.

Anyone have any experiences they would like to share?


Resurrecting this because I am hoping someone out there will respond. Interestingly enough - I have had the Tower appear several times in various readings this Tower year - which is actually something it never did before.


Do you mean that the tower is the sum of your age?

If not, how is this specifically a *Tower year*?

I'm interested, because I too have been neck-deep in Towers lately! lol ;) :D



The Tower does not have to be negative. To me it just means a sudden and drastic change in your life that changes everything forever. Knocks down existing structures to make room for new ones.

That could just as easily be positive experiences as negative ones. Both marriage and having a child would be Tower experiences. As could graduating University.

One minute you are single, the next married...just takes an instant. They pronounce you man and wife and your whole life is changed a wonderful beautiful way. Same with having a child. One minute you are childless, a second later you're a mother or father and your life has changed forever. Same with graduation. One minute you're a student, the next you're a professional. A move to a new city is also a Tower activity in that sense, as is am unexected promotion at work: one minute you're just an employee, the next a manager. And voila your life is forever changed.

My advice is not to dread your Tower year, there is no reason to think that anything negative at all has to happen. It just means a sudden change that will change your life. That is just as often in good positive beautiful ways as in negative ways. There is no reason to think it will be negative, you just don't know yet, so try not to worry too much.:heart:



A time of cleansing, simplification and unloading the rubbish.


Hello SwordsQueen,

I'm 53 and I still haven't had a Tower year! One due in about 20 years! I'll try to remember to post then! :joke:

I mentioned on the other thread regarding Personality and Soul cards about studying Mary Greer's "Tarot for Your Self" -( no I don't have shares in this book ! :D ) and there is a Lifetime Year- Card Graph on which you plot the dates and cards so you can see the various cycles. It's really interesting to look back at specific years to see which cards influenced certain events. Depending on when you were born you will be in different cycles. It really is fascinating. I'm probably not explaining it very well. It sounds complicated but she has included a chart so it's really easy to plot the graph.

As others have said, I certainly wouldn't dread a Tower year. Look on it as preparing for a fresh start, clearing out all the rubbish in your life etc.


More often than not i've found the Tower to represent disappointments.


Whenever I see the Tower, I think of the image from the Mystic Faerie Tarot, in which lightning is striking a stone castle on top of a tree. The castle is destroyed, the tree survives just fine. Since getting and working with that deck, I've come to see the Tower not as a bad card, but as a dramatic stripping away of that which is unnatural in life, and the opportunity to start fresh. Sure, it can be a violent and painful process, but you come back better than ever after.


sudden change

Willow Huntermoon

I also have Mary K. Greer book Tarot For Your Self, I think it's a fantastic book! (and, no I also don't own any shares) In refference to your year card. For the Year Card Lessons she describes the Tower being as "Cleansing-bodywork, diet, fasting, housecleaning; anger and pain, tearing down or burning out old structures no longer necessary."

I personally think the Tower can be viewed as a positive change for the better, sure it will hurt like crazy, blood, sweat and tears as the expression goes. In the end you will be better off. Again always taking in consideration the cards surrounding the Tower and the mood or tone of the whole spread.

I wish you, Queen of Swords, the brightest blessings and Strength during this time.