Week forecast


cb's week dec 26 - jan 1

rider - clover
i literally see you shopping or window shopping. it's going to be a fun day.

I'm driving down to the beach to hang with a family member. So maybe I'll do a little shopping.. I want to buy some stuff. Like some new shirts and jeans. Even maybe some boots...I love boots.


scythe - mice

you will get closure about something. perhaps information about how your semester at school at went. or perhaps finish some loose ends related to school. any which way there will be closure. perhaps something will come to a head with your family. but it will be good. you will know the truth. and feel much relief.

As far as I know I will still be down by the beach ont his day. It might be a good day to cut through some stress/anxiety I been feeling.


heart - road

are you going on a date or going to party and hoping to meet someone? it could happen on wednesday. be romatic and frivolous. enjoy.

Hm, no clue what this is yet. So I will update you....I will be leaving the beach on wednesday morning.


ring - lady

a day for errands. a day for taking care of the things around you. also a nice day to go out with some of your closest friends or family and spill your guts. havea heart to heart.


clouds - coffin

i think it might rain and you will stay inside and do lots of stuff on the computer.
There is no forecast for rain on friday, but there is forecast for rain on Thursday. So might end up raining into friday or just bad rain puddles and I decide it is best to avoid outside world.

Alternatively maybe some doubts or uncertainty I have comes to an end. We shall see. I'll update you.

new year's eve:

fox - star

you are going to get dressed up and have a great night partying! if you aren't you should. it will be fantastic.

That be fun... I might be dragged out.

new year's day:

anchor - bouquet

whatever you do this day, it will make you feel secure and content. a homey day with friends for tea or a day alone and enjoying your own company. you will feel really happy. hope for the new year!
Be nice to have a great new year day....Might have dinner..I actually will be so happy once 2016 is over. I'm so ready for 2017.

i would love to see how your week plays out!

Hey hey.. I'm going to give some feedback I can give right now and also give some end of the week. Thanks for your kind offer...I'll see how this method works. I'll give you a reading like this next sunday for your week outlook January 1st - end of January 7th .


thank you cb!
so interesting.
1. i have to finish a work project i am behind on. it will take a few weeks. unless someone suddenly offers me a job lol there is no new job like this on the table at all. but you never know.
2. no visitors this week. in fact i just returned "home" after a year away. and i plan on spending as much time as possible by myself. but some of my favorite people are very immature and they behave like school children around me and i become like one too. i will keep you posted on this.
3. not taking any classes at the moment. but like i said i have a project i am behind on. but i have huge amount of work to undertake and it will take more than a week.

thank you so much for this reading!

it is interesting but it looks like something else. and i will tell you at the end of the week. i may be in for a lovely surprise this week. these cards look like someone i know very well who i may see or may not see. very interesting. these cards are him to a tee.

Let me know. I am definitely interested..I haven't tried this in a while. Thanx for the feedback

empress's dress

Originally Posted by empress's dress View Post
cb's week dec 26 - jan 1

rider - clover
i literally see you shopping or window shopping. it's going to be a fun day.

I'm driving down to the beach to hang with a family member. So maybe I'll do a little shopping.. I want to buy some stuff. Like some new shirts and jeans. Even maybe some boots...I love boots.


scythe - mice

you will get closure about something. perhaps information about how your semester at school at went. or perhaps finish some loose ends related to school. any which way there will be closure. perhaps something will come to a head with your family. but it will be good. you will know the truth. and feel much relief.

As far as I know I will still be down by the beach ont his day. It might be a good day to cut through some stress/anxiety I been feeling.


heart - road

are you going on a date or going to party and hoping to meet someone? it could happen on wednesday. be romatic and frivolous. enjoy.

Hm, no clue what this is yet. So I will update you....I will be leaving the beach on wednesday morning.


ring - lady

a day for errands. a day for taking care of the things around you. also a nice day to go out with some of your closest friends or family and spill your guts. havea heart to heart.


clouds - coffin

i think it might rain and you will stay inside and do lots of stuff on the computer.
There is no forecast for rain on friday, but there is forecast for rain on Thursday. So might end up raining into friday or just bad rain puddles and I decide it is best to avoid outside world.

Alternatively maybe some doubts or uncertainty I have comes to an end. We shall see. I'll update you.

new year's eve:

fox - star

you are going to get dressed up and have a great night partying! if you aren't you should. it will be fantastic.

That be fun... I might be dragged out.

new year's day:

anchor - bouquet

whatever you do this day, it will make you feel secure and content. a homey day with friends for tea or a day alone and enjoying your own company. you will feel really happy. hope for the new year!
Be nice to have a great new year day....Might have dinner..I actually will be so happy once 2016 is over. I'm so ready for 2017.

i would love to see how your week plays out!

Hey hey.. I'm going to give some feedback I can give right now and also give some end of the week. Thanks for your kind offer...I'll see how this method works. I'll give you a reading like this next sunday for your week outlook January 1st - end of January 7th .

lenormand is so literal. duh! and i missed it!

clearly the beach is going to be great. rider- clover. lol i seriously was going to write the streets will be paved with gold because of the 6 of diamonds on the clover card. but that seemed too silly. but in the end it wasn't. grains of sand under the sun glitter like gold. but of course!

perhaps tuesday is the day you speak with your family member about important things and get a feeling of closure.

wednesday is clearly the day back to town. carrying the beautiful memories of the several days at the beach. this is going to be a great trip. :D

you skipped thursday so i will too for now.

friday. i still think you will have a day at the computer. but it could also be the clearing away away of some anxiety:).

saturday shows you going out. i think you will dragged out and dressed to the nines.

and let's hope sunday is a great start to the new year!

and i would love a reading next week using the 2 card method!

empress's dress

Let me know. I am definitely interested..I haven't tried this in a while. Thanx for the feedback

i will let you know on jan 2!
thank you again cb!

empress's dress

cb, can you post an example of a weekly reading for yourself? thank you!


cb, can you post an example of a weekly reading for yourself? thank you!

Like post the 5 cards I pulled for my weekly?
I can post that later tonight. Was away with family.


rider - clover
i literally see you shopping or window shopping. it's going to be a fun day.
we were traveling almost all day because I had to stop at a department store and liquor store to buy some stuff for the trip.

We vacationed at a resort that also has a small casino.clover is the card for casinos, lottery, and all chance games in lenormand.


scythe - mice

you will get closure about something. perhaps information about how your semester at school at went. or perhaps finish some loose ends related to school. any which way there will be closure. perhaps something will come to a head with your family. but it will be good. you will know the truth. and feel much relief

well, nothing much really happened today. Woke up late, did small shopping to pick up some skin care cream, went to the beach and found shells, put feet cold water, and then saw a fun/funny burlesque show. Also told a family member about my car purchasing thought. Other than that normal...but relaxed. So I think I was cutting through some stress/anxiety. Was away from my apartment so something very needed.



heart - road

are you going on a date or going to party and hoping to meet someone? it could happen on wednesday. be romatic and frivolous. enjoy.

Someone I went on a few dates with like 4 years ago...after 4 years reaches out to me. Kinda odd they still have my phone number.

But no date or party

Road might have meant crossing paths... the image is usually a fork in the road.


These were the 5 cards I pulled for myself between December 25 through the end of January 1st.

House-Home. apartment, comfort, security, family
Rider- trip, car, train, News, visitor, an actual horse
Sun- Sunny, successful, revelation
Fox- Trickery, work, doing what you can to put food on the table, nontraditional, cunning, Workaholic, taking care of family, cheating
Stork- plane, improvement, moving on, moving,

1. Going home by train is successful with trickery bring positive change.
2. Comfort/security with some news about success with work bring positive change.
3. Family trip is successful with a trick until leaving.
4. Family Trip is successful. Moving on from cunning ways.

Hm....Maybe each card is a stand alone?

empress's dress

thanks so much for your day to day. this is totally awesome!

we should brainstorm a bit more about scythe and mice!

i have to say scythe for me is the trickiest card in the deck because of biases i have developed from online and books.

when i pulled cards for extremely long airplane rides the other day. i pulled coffin - scythe...all these books would tell you something terrible is going to happen. i honestly didn't buy it. my gut told me the the flights would be safe and fine. they were. they were totally peaceful airplane rides. no turbulence. nothing. both arrived early. more like summer rather than winter flights.

an expert at lenormand i know explained to me the box was the plane and the scythe was the plane going through the air. and i guess now scythe also pointed to the fact the flights were speedy and easy. but no books would say this.

so yeah scythe is definitely not a negative card. it is neutral like every card. and all these books and websites drive me crazy. lenormand i don't think offers a tried and true system. or least my experience of it hasn't shown it to be the case at all. also like tarot.

so how else to read scythe mice.perhaps moving away from stress. perhaps doing something out of your norm like going to a burlesque with your community/family. mice are extremely social loyal and loving. hmm...
what do you think?

and path are about crossing paths, new unexpected experiences. so no date but a brush with an ex -- very interesting.

reminder: i am going to update you when the week is done.