What card do you know the best?


The card I know the best would have to be the 4 of wands.
It's something that occurs in my life regularly making the card easier to recognize
i see it as deeds done. like you have fulfilled something. you want to go to work everyday and you do that. because you know you should.
it makes you a little manic in a way. like happy. and wanting to do things extra well.
when it's reversed you're not cleaning your room. you're missing work and spending too much at the store.

anyway. what about you?


I'd probably say none of them cause they all surprise me with new insights, usually when I least expect it. :)


I wouldn't say I understand it inside and out, but I actually like it when the Death card pops up. This is because it's one of the few tarot cards (I think) that can deliver a straight answer. For example, if I ask about a relationship and the Death card shows up I can breathe a sigh of relief - I know exactly what this means and where the relationship is headed, etc.

As for my favorite card it has to be the Sun card :)


Magician :)


The Hanged Man - I have studied this card a lot, it has so many layers and meanings and there are so many stories attached to it.

The Magician - Another multi-layered card, fascinating.


Sometimes I feel like the Tower card is like a piece of toilet paper stuck to my shoe. Know the feeling? Like, it just hangs on there no matter what you do. The Tower in my personal life has almost always meant I'd be moving again. I really hate to move. It's not so bad now that I'm living in a motorhome but it's still not something I'd look forward to doing.

Successive Destinies

Here I Am

It's a toss up. The Sun card because it almost always pops up when what I think, say and do are all in harmony. I believe this is important because there is usually a difference between who we truly are and what we show the world. It's such a warm, happy card filled with clarity. Then there's the Hermit. He shows himself when I'm on the verge of spiritual enlightenment and some kind of truth.


Over the years, different cards come and go. Enjoy the ride!


I would have to say the Queen of Swords, since I've used it as my wife's significator in Celtic Cross spreads over the 35 years of our marriage.