what cards are your LEAST favorite to see?


I hate all the cards that I find difficult to interpret.

The 3 of Wands is the main culprit of this.

I mean what the flying f*** does this card really mean? Its traditional meanings never seem to make sense in my readings. I think what bugs me the most about the 3 of Wands is that people think it's a lot more positive than it really is in readings -- especially in love readings.

In my experience, the 3 of Wands means that someone has other options and is looking out to sea for a better partner. In another reading, I've seen it to mean a man(or woman) has a "main" partner, but has side chicks (guys) in his or her back pocket...just for fun. And unbeknownst to the women.

The 3 of Pentacles is another SOB. I think the actual scene here is hard to grasp. How is this a card of "teamwork" if only one person is showing off their talent while others seem to be judging him. And finding this one in love readings? fuh-get-about it! I'm completely lost.

And maybe Justice. "Fairness." Yawn....


I hate all the cards that I find difficult to interpret.

The 3 of Wands is the main culprit of this.

I mean what the flying f*** does this card really mean? Its traditional meanings never seem to make sense in my readings. I think what bugs me the most about the 3 of Wands is that people think it's a lot more positive than it really is in readings -- especially in love readings.

In my experience, the 3 of Wands means that someone has other options and is looking out to sea for a better partner. In another reading, I've seen it to mean a man(or woman) has a "main" partner, but has side chicks (guys) in his or her back pocket...just for fun. And unbeknownst to the women.

The 3 of Pentacles is another SOB. I think the actual scene here is hard to grasp. How is this a card of "teamwork" if only one person is showing off their talent while others seem to be judging him. And finding this one in love readings? fuh-get-about it! I'm completely lost.

And maybe Justice. "Fairness." Yawn....

I don't have comments on the 3 of Wands, but for 3 of pents I see it like this - the 2 guys aren't judging his work. The three of them are discussing together the best way to execute the plan, and evaluating the work done so far. It's a collaborative effort. The craftsman is like hmmm guys what do you think if I do this? And the guys with the plan are like, well maybe if you moved it a little to the left, it would work better... Commence discussion. So to me 3 of pents is collaboration, cooperation, and planning.

In a love relationship, this would be two people who are bonding over something they're planning or working on together. Maybe two musicians in a band and the mutual collaboration attracting them to each other. Or a couple deciding how to decorate their new house. The two people are on the same page and open to each other's ideas. Also, being pentacles, the card can have physical, sensual undertones depending on the deck. Think of someone leaning in really close to you to "help" you with something, like helping you on the computer or showing you how to play pool, but it's really that they're flirting. ;) It's physical affection but through something that looks very innocent on the surface.


Any wands courts cards. My experience of the people they typically represent; drama laden flakes who will let you down every time and love to play games. I just can't see a wands court card as anything except bad news. Sorry. I know there's supposed to be good properties to them but in all honesty whenever I meet someone with a heavy wands side it kind of goes like this....

I'm such a dynamic, creative person that can't live a normal life, I guess I'm a special snowflake = I turn my life and the lives of everyone I touch into a soap opera. I'm also a horrible gossip and will tell everyone the most intimate details of your life.


I just had to revive this thread.

In a relationship context, knight of swords. Usually mean someone is being a complete jerk, rude, selfish, and doesn't care about the other person's feelings.

THIS. I'm starting to really not like this guy. He's shown up twice in the last month in my dailies representing a really awful message that would leave me in tears.

I have a few cards that are annoying to see, but it means they're always showing up and I don't really understand what they mean. Mostly courts.


I hate getting the Justice card in a love reading. I'm always left feeling less than good about the outcome of the relationship.

When I'm doing my daily draw, I hate seeing the Death card. It just creeps me out. I've gotten this card for literal death before too, and I'm at that age where my parents friends are all dying. So, when I see it, I think....the worst.


It depends. No one wants to see negative cards in a spread, but when it comes to interpretation I find the court card the most difficult to interpret (except when they fall in a 'person' position).

Wild Rose

The high priestess for me. She generally tells me to keep my nose out of it. ;)

I get her a lot. No information for you today :)


Wow, interesting question. Just started reading this VERY long thread but King of Swords for me reminds me of a former boss and I just see him as a manipulative, lying ASSHOLE.

3 and 10 of Swords are never welcome for obvious reasons. Moon has so many possibilities and such capacity for representing something being false that I find it hard to read.


Wow, interesting question. Just started reading this VERY long thread but King of Swords for me reminds me of a former boss and I just see him as a manipulative, lying ASSHOLE.

3 and 10 of Swords are never welcome for obvious reasons. Moon has so many possibilities and such capacity for representing something being false that I find it hard to read.

In my experience the Moon always meant something false...(confirmed)


Lately I dislike seeing 5 of cups in my daily spreads. But I don't hate it as its a warning to be prepared. My ex us am alcoholic and when this card shows he usually ends up showing up at my door (fall down drunk) banging on it and crying to come in, or phoning. Sometimes he doesn't remember the relationship is over and those days are the hardest.

I have trouble reading knight of cups in some cases. Depends on supporting cards.

I'm good with the wheel. Reminds be life is a circle. If things are down they will cycle back up. If things are up, then plan and prepare and remember things won't stay down for ever.

I used not to like 3 of swords till the day I got it in celestial tarot. In that deck it is Corona and a story of how true love was found after a heartbreak. Now in other decks I see this and consider; if a relationship breaks your heart, and 3 of cups shows up, its generally a relationship that you're better off without and good things can't come while you're in it.