what has been your most spiritual experience?


I have a question for everyone. I know there are alot of different religions represented here on the forums and my question to you is What has been the single most spiritual event in your life? The one event that perhaps led you to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that a God/Goddess (insert deity) etc etc exists. Or on the other hand, for those of a different mindset, what event led you to believe that perhaps (insert deity) DOESN'T exist?

Mystick Dragon

Well, I was initiated on Samhain, and I was blessing the elements, dragon style, when I said "From Sairyss, ruler of the eastern dragons fair, comes now the power of Air." The wind blew gently then died. On "From Fafnir, ruler of the dragons of the south, comes cleansing fire from dragon mouth." the candles flared. On "From Naelyon, ruler of the dragons of the west, comes the power of water three times blest." I heard running water. On "From Grael, ruler of the dragons of the north, the power of earth does now come forth." I felt power there. It was REALLY cool. Also I had a dream in which Isis and Osiris (Goddess and God) came to me. Also there was the four dragon corners. That was really cool too. And as my sig says, I have two guardian dragons. Wow, I wrote alot!



i have had so many that it's hard to mention just one.

the one that comes to mind is my youngest daughter. she began showing herself to me, during meditations 18 months before she was conceived and then again through out my pregnancy........and she would stand before me with her blond hair, curls at the end, loose and wild.....her big blue eyes shining with light and her 'tall' body that made her seem so much older than she was..........

and then the day came, when she was 2 1/2 and she turned around and looked at me and i realized that - there she was! my vision was standing in front of me, smiling.

in light,


without a doubt, the shamanic journey where i met my spirit guides. i have never felt such unconditional love in my life. it left me w/ no doubt there is a meaning,reason and purpose behind life and any suffering we endure. i learned about seeing the forest and not getting bogged down by the trees. now when i get bogged down w/ niggling details i remember how profound it was to feel so liberated and briefly know and remember the big picture of why i am here. i don't remember everything they told me now but i trust the authenticity of my feelings about it. i cried for a while after the experience b/c returning to my body and life was a terrible disappointment to the exhiliaration i experienced. i cried whenever i remembered for a long time and entered a kind of spiritual depression that has made me stronger spiritually and emotionally.


I've enjoyed reading your responses. That was an amazing experience Jade. I love it when something like that happens. When the realization hits me, it always gives me a chill. In my opinion if we believe that life doesn't end with death, then we must believe it doesn't begin with birth. I think your experiences with seeing your daughter before she was born proove that.
Wow Truthsayer, sounds like you're experience was very spiritual. It sounds like some of the descriptions I have heard of people who have had shamanic journeys or Near Death Experiences that describe "learning how the universe works", learning the great mystery. Awesome.
Dragon, I can really relate to your post. I remember my dedication to the Wiccan religion as one of the most spiritual moments in my life. My experience was very similiar. I remember standing in the east calling for the blessings of the air and this breeze just picked up out of nowhere it seemed and rushed all around me then died down. When you described that same experience, I had to smile. That dedication truly changed my life. It was really like a rebirth. I left that circle a different person.

Another experience I found very spiritual was witnessing the birth of my niece. I don't have any children and will never have any for that matter, but seeing a birth is so miraculous. I am sure those of you who have children totally understand this. I can't really describe it but seeing that tiny soul enter the world really made me weep.


its hard to pick just one, isnt it?

I'll give a couple, heh

i guess the first time i grounded and centered was amazing, the first i realised i actually did have power.

i always find deja vu wonderful...for me, its generally ive dreamt something and then it happens and i remember it, i love that feeling...

remembering a past life is..amazing. can be very difficult and emotionally painful (its a shame you cant be selective about what you remember..heh)

i think one of the most...striking moments was remembering dying in one of my lives, i was just lying in bed normally focusing on breathing and such and i just kinda blanked for about 10 minutes and went back to when i died - lying on a bed alone, with these figures moving around me...

i find so much spiritual, lol, im one of those annoying people that stands staring at the sky or the ground and feeling amazing and then proceeding to point out to everyone all the little things :D it drives everyone insane


Hey folks...

I could say that you all from the forums are my most spiritual experience...when I?m reading your posts I feel connected to you ...I feel well, I feel peace...and, in my opinion, that?s a spiritual experience...I just can?t explain...

I love you all !!!!!!!...Thanks for existing...I really mean it...


Ah Geez Ramses. You make my world a better place with your posts. You are a kind soul.
Thanks for your reply.


I feel a bit sad... I am having trouble thinking of a really spiritual experience which really made me think - "Yeah! There is a higher power..." How do I go about achieving this?

I know I felt amazing when I climbed to the top of Bluff Knoll (one of South-west Australia's only mountains) but I don't know if that was spiritual or just incredably self gratifying...

How do you know when you're having a spiritual experience?


Quote:Originally posted by kayne

How do you know when you're having a spiritual experience?

Don't be sad Kayne! I reckon that the biggest spiritual experience is life itself, but we're so used to having it around that we take it for granted. So I imagine that reaching the top of Bluff Knoll (how high is it?) is one of those "not taking it for granted" moments and made you aware of the sheer beauty of living.

I think my most spiritual experiences are those moments of pure and joyous laughter that I can have with friends or family. You know those moments when the laughter just bubbles out and you feel like the world is laughing with you.