What is happening to my chocolate lab?? Any ideas or suggestions??


I'm trying to understand what is happening to Harley, our 18 month old chocolate lab. He has slowly over the last few months become more withdrawn and spending more and more time sleeping alone in the bedroom. His appetite has been decreasing for about a month now also. It's come down to coaxing him to eat from my hand in order for him to eat.

A little back story...I started seeing my current SO in September 2012 and he had a female rottweiler named Roxy. She was about 8 years old. In March of 2013 I was told that she was not wanting to eat and spent much of her time downstairs sleeping and seemed depressed. I started going over to his house and spending time with her every day and not only coaxing her to eat but also exercising her and just giving her some extra TLC and I moved in with him in June. We eventually moved to our current home in January 2014 and within 45 days Roxy stopped coming upstairs and her appetite declined until one day she literally couldn't stand up and remained in the bedroom until that afternoon when we took her to the vet. They checked her over and their assumption was that she likely had cancer and because of her age (10 years old) it was decided it was time to let her go rather than watch her suffer. Losing her was devastating to both of us. Soon after we felt so lost without a dog we brought home Harley, our adorable chocolate lab. He was 10 weeks old at the time. Everything appeared normal with him for awhile, but as of November of last year I noticed some changes appearing in him. Along with personality and appetite changes, I noticed something quite odd in a picture I took of him. I attached it to this post. I would appreciate if anyone can give me their thoughts, or intuitive insight on this. I need to also mention that he is always looking over my shoulder and starring and there are two parts of the house he will, for no obvious reason, get in a "protective mode" at randomly growl and the hair stands up on his back.
I'm getting very worried for him!! The vet is at a loss too and I just want him to feel better!

I will add that my personality has also gone through major changes in the last year or two also. I seem to be "someone I don't know" as I say to my SO often. I was always the cheerleader type of person and seen the bright side in any situation and now I can get moody and physically and emotionally drained very easily and have many physical pains that the doctor can't seem to find a cause for. I know I'm very empathic and sometimes have trouble not absorbing and/or releasing others negativity or stress but this seems like much more than that!

If anyone has any suggestions or light they could shed on any of this I would be forever grateful.


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Oh poor Harley and poor you and s.o. too!

You make it sound like it is possibly the home you are living in--with bad energy. Do you think this? If you do, it may be worth a try to cleanse it. There are many cleansing ideas discussed here in A.T., you can do a search for it.

I would probably stay away from burning sage, only becuase it is such a strong smell, and it may bother you, your s.o. and Harley too. But, perhaps blessing the home in holy water, getting some crystals to put around the house, ect. this sort of thing.

I would also consider having the water tested. It may be that the water has high percentages of iron or something else in it. Water tests do not cost very much--probably around $10.00 or $20.00 at the most? We had our water tested when we had the well put in years ago, and it had very high iron levels. So, we had to invest in a purifier for it, and now the water is delicious! But, bad water can be having this effect on you and on poor Harley.

Good luck to you on this.


Just my opinion and I'm not trying to offend you but it sounds like your SO as attracted some type of negative energy. He is the common denominator in all of this. So you may need to do some cleansing on him. I don't know if you read cards but maybe a reading as to why your dogs keep getting sick may help.

Starri Knytes

I can't tell you how deeply I am affected by this image. I will consult with the elders and my guides and see if we can come up with something that might help.

In the meantime, as CN suggested place some crystal around the places puppy sleeps. Try to wipes the affected area with a lavender water, shampoo, or soap, whatever you can find that's nontoxic and contains lavender.
And if possible and if puppy will eat it cook some chicken or turkey with garlic to supplement feeding.
Give him the juices too from the cooked meat. I would mix it with his regular dog food if he will eat it.

I'll come back later. Until then Strength and Blessings to you all.


There is a lot of odd stuff going on in this picture. There is an obvious entity (demonic in my opinion) attached to your dog/home...you can literally see a face screaming attached to your dogs back...then the strange smokey misty stuff seems like the body of the creature. I recommend serious house cleansings. I bless my dog with holy water.

I'm really concerned for your dog's (and your) well-being. I am not trying to scare you but I would take this seriously. Actively work on shielding yourself and extending that to your dog. Cleanse, cleanse, cleanse.

I'll keep thinking on this and see what I can come up with.


I would definitely cleanse the home and yard spiritually. I would also for sure look into the water you all are drinking as well as look into any kind of hidden mold issues. I buy a hoodoo oil called Fiery Wall of Protection that I use often with very good results. I get mine from Lucky Mojo.


I want to thank you all for the incredibly helpful feedback on this.

CN: I do feel a sense of this home having a negative presence of some type. The way that I have such a general feeling of dis-ease here. I instinctively know the water here is not meant for consumption and I use a filtration system for all water drank for myself as well as Harley. But we do bathe with it and wash dishes and clothes with it and I feel that too may not be healthy. Thank you for mentioning the water! Checking the water is a good idea!

I have many crystals placed around my home and Harley does love to pick them up and carry them in his mouth at times. He is really drawn to tiger's eye for some reason? As soon as we moved here I felt I needed to place amethyst in all the corners of our bedroom and now they stay on my SO's bedside table. Many of them have found this their home and more seem to want to be there over the last few months. Do you have any specific crystals you would suggest to be helpful? Or any placement ideas?

LK: No offense taken!! I appreciate any and all help offered! And you are clearly sensing something of importance. When I met him in 2012, it was the beginning of my first real relationship since a divorce I went through in 2010. That relationship was a real life horror story and I felt fortunate to come out of it alive to be honest. My SO was so soothing to be around and I was drawn to him in a magnetic way. But within weeks of moving in with him in June of 2013 (different home from our current one) I started noticing character changes in him in a very negative way and it was then that I started to feel myself changing too. I did my best to shield myself from what I sensed was a negative presence of some type surrounding him at that point and I managed to keep a distance from whatever was affecting him at that point. It was only til moving to our current home in January of last year that I and Roxy at that time seemed to be on a downward spiral in health and personality changes. My SO began then also to have the most obvious negative outlook on life in general. It was like he became someone I didn't even know! He is still this way....
A cleansing with him may be a little complicated.

Starri Knytes: Thank you for taking time in asking for guidance in this!! I use lavender in a oil burner but I didn't consider directly cleansing Harley's area with it so thank you for that! As for chicken or turkey...unfortunately Harley is a bird dog and is also allergic to any type of fowl. I find that ironic! So I can't give him anything containing either. Is it possible to add the garlic to anything else in his food?

Empress Arwen: I didn't know how to express what I seen in that pic but you explained it exactly! I strongly sensed something trying to attack and/or take over my beloved Harley. It is a terrifying image to me to say the least. Your suggestion of shielding is one thing I need to find better ways to address. I feel like a sponge and have had difficulties with shielding for awhile now. Nothing seems effective. I will look in to more ways to work with that...

prudence: Mold is an issue in our current home and it's interesting you brought it back to my attention! That is a big reason for us moving the end of September! And thank you for the suggested hoodoo protection oil!

I want to thank everyone for taking time to help me with this! We are going through such a hard time and it just isn't improving. My relationship with my SO is strained to say the least and I get an overall feeling of Harley slowly but consistently being drained of his life force. As far as that goes, I have to admit I'm feeling more drained every day lately and I really want whatever has attached itself to us to leave!
I'm going to focus on Seriously Cleansing our home thoroughly and also Harley and myself and use forms of protection suggested! As for my SO, any suggestions on how to help him with what may very possibly be an attachment when he is pessimistic about cleansing and is generally not proactive in anything would be a blessing!!

Blessings to you all!


I used to live in a house with very bad energy, particularly in my oldest daughters room, I can't remember where I got this ritual from but it worked. I put a white candle in the middle of the house and surrounded it with white crystal sea salt lit it and let the candle burn down checking on it periodically. Do this in the most badly affected areas of the house if needed. Then I swept it all up and buried it in the garden, I also hung bundles of fresh herbs throughout the house of dill, parsley, rosemary, lavender, sage and other herbs of protection in the corners of the room. You might want to tie it to your dogs collar. I also made a salt water solution and dipped my finger in it and painted a banishing pentagram or cross if you are religious on all windows and openings to the house you can add protection oil to this too and chant or pray while you do this or demand all bad energy leave your dog and house. I really wish you all the best in this, stay strong we are all thinking of you!


I've been thinking more on this yesterday and came today to see many posts--all with great advice, given. I'm so glad others chipped in here for you. I also would feed the dog cooked meats in addition to his dog food--just be sure NOT to use onions while cooking htem, as I hear from vetenarian friends that this is very toxic for dogs. My mother always cooks chicken breasts - very plainly, for her dog and cuts it up and mixes it with white rice. Gravy is also great on the dog food, and I'm sure Harley will lap it up quick! And a raw or cooked egg now and again-will also make him feel good as well as make his coat shiny and his skin nice.

Back to the cleansing part--I was thinking of the herbs and the white candle thingy too--already mentioned, and honestly everything mentioned here I think is GREAT advice! Do inside and out too, yes. If you live in an apartment building--you may want still try and spray salt water around the whole complex--which I know may not be an easy thing to do. But most definitely do at LEAST outside your doorstep and inside your home, too. Blessing every door and window (and any fan going outside the home-like an exhaust fan). Its a "Catholic thing" to hang a St. Benedict's medal above every door and window/opening into your home for protection too--and if you can get ahold of some, it may be worth your while to do so. If you want this method and do not have them, PM me, I can send you a few sites. I just buy the cheap nickel plated ones and may even have some to send to you. This worries me about Harley and you and your S.O. too, so please do take some action!

I would definitely cleanse the home and yard spiritually. I would also for sure look into the water you all are drinking as well as look into any kind of hidden mold issues. I buy a hoodoo oil called Fiery Wall of Protection that I use often with very good results. I get mine from Lucky Mojo.
Yes, I was thinking of hte mold thing too!

I want to thank you all for the incredibly helpful feedback on this.

CN: I do feel a sense of this home having a negative presence of some type. The way that I have such a general feeling of dis-ease here. I instinctively know the water here is not meant for consumption and I use a filtration system for all water drank for myself as well as Harley. But we do bathe with it and wash dishes and clothes with it and I feel that too may not be healthy. Thank you for mentioning the water! Checking the water is a good idea!
yes, see, even bathing in it, washing clothes/dishes--not good! You may need to invest in a good filtering system, or have the landlords do so.
I have many crystals placed around my home and Harley does love to pick them up and carry them in his mouth at times. He is really drawn to tiger's eye for some reason? As soon as we moved here I felt I needed to place amethyst in all the corners of our bedroom and now they stay on my SO's bedside table. Many of them have found this their home and more seem to want to be there over the last few months. Do you have any specific crystals you would suggest to be helpful? Or any placement ideas?
The 4 corners of EVERY room. (eta: also a bowl of salt--in the corners of all rooms - or at least where Harley won't eat it). It may not hurt to even put bowls of them for decor in each room. Black crystals are generally very protective--so jet, black onyx, black tourmaline, etc. here is a site regarding black crystals and it also gives some black crystal names for you : http://www.crystalvaults.com/black-explained

Perhaps making 3 small bags with protective stones in them for each of you. It can be very small stones to go inside the bags--and make it small enough to tie onto Harley's collar, perhaps?

here is a site re: protective crystals: http://meanings.crystalsandjewelry.com/protection-stones/

I also like the idea of making lots of herbal things to tie around the inside of the house--and perhaps you can also add the fragrance to some water to rinse your clothes in - (and wash them as was also mentioned). Lavender is often used in laundry soaps and rinses, and you may find some lavender oil to put around as well. It has a soft, clean smell to it too. Rosemary is also a delightful fragrance, and you can easily put that anywhere in the home too. Garlic can be strong, but perhaps cooking with it daily - even a small amount for you to consume will help too. A Garlic strand in the kitchen looks good too--and they are easy to grow in a pot too--so an idea there. We use to grow our own garlic and I still have some from last year, still sitting in a bowl in our kitchens.

Please, keep us posted, and perhaps put a request in on the prayer list that this is taken care of and that Harley will recover and be fine - and all of you too! I will add you now to my prayers, too.


Did the vet do an x-ray of his intestinal area?
When I saw the picture I instantly got intestinal blockage.
Also yes, you seem to have an entity attached to him/your environment ...I use sage spray...candles and salt.