What is your power / totem animal?


mine is a Deer! I don't really know enough about Native American culture to say it's a totem or a message from a Shaman, but it came up for me in an oracle reading by someone else for me ages ago as a spirit animal. I looked up Deer and it fitted me SO perfectly! So a lot of things came together for me to find this out. I often have dreams of Deer now and so I think it's my guidance :thumbsup:

:) Daniel, I can see where the Deer is a power animal for you too. You seem to share so many of the same qualities--a sweet and graceful person. Someone with a sensitive and gentle nature. :) At least, this is how I see deer and how I can see you being too.


Oh yes, I should add - in case anyone thinks they should spend a chunk of money to channel some animal - don't. All my spirit animal guides were "retrieved" for me. I'm very much using lingo for a largely western international audience here.

So I know what it feels like to be "possessed" by an animal, to dance it, etc... So when people say they want to really FEEL their spirit guide when they connect with it, I kinda giggle. Like, ooh, be careful what you ask for! Especially when you're talking about the phoenix!
:laugh: yeah, in case we combust!!! :eek:


The Power/Totem Animal

A)How did you discover / connect with it?

B) And how do you connect with /channel it in your divinatory practice?

** Haven't read through everyones posts.

A) - How discovered: :)
I have 5 "spirit guides" in total (different ones hang about for different things in my life), none of them were deliberately searched for - they all just "came up" whilst I was doing one kind of spiritual/occult practice or other...(one of them, a Shamanic lady drew for me once... no idea where that picture has gone now...)
- and 2 of them are animals:-

1) An Arctic Fox/Arctic Wolf (yes he fluctuates between both states depending on the theme - but mostly a fox.)
2) African Black Panther (a black leopard)

The Arctic Fox - I "saw" whilst having my Reiki 2 initiation years ago. I was lying on the couch with my eyes closed listening to my Reiki teacher walk around the couch, doing whatever is done for an initiation - and I had a "vision" if you like... of me sitting at a
a bar/lying on the couch, with a large white dog sitting beside me to my right (later realised it was a Fox, and sometimes appears as a Wolf - when I did some research).

The Panther - One summer whilst doing some general meditation I just began having a "feeling" of a new energy hanging around my consciousness... I'd wake up with it, go about my daily tasks and suddenly become "aware" of it, I'd go to sleep and have an image of it.
Like there was something lurking in the peripheral field of my vision.
With some focus (and this one was elusive for quite a few months), I could eventually "see" a Panther.
She's sometimes a human warrioress ;).

[Now - My father's tradition has tribal totems (An East African Tribe, The MLuhya) - so theoretically my "family Totem" (speaking Patriarchally :D ) would be an African Fish Eagle.
I don't feel much connection to this bird however.
And when I think about totems myself and muse about what animal would best "suit" me - I come up with the Madagascan Fossa (Madagascar is an Island off the east coast of Africa).
A large mongoose that has cat-like adaptations and size, so it's like a cross between a cat and a mongoose. :)
I saw a live one once in a zoo - fascinating animal! It made a huge visceral impact on me and I just couldn't stop looking at it.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fossa_(animal) ]

And lastly - once long ago - I did a 7 directions Animal Totem card draw with my Medicine Cards deck: http://www.aeclectic.net/tarot/cards/medicine-cards/
(That's north, south, east, west, above, below and within).
The ones that most stick with me are the Below Card (the "grounded" card, how to walk upon the earth...) - a fox again, but this time a red/brown fox...
And the Within Card - a lizard. Perfect for me dreaming away my manifestation whilst I collect myself (and my energy) in the sun (metaphorical these days - since I can't actually lie in the sun anymore).

So - these are my Totem animals: Arctic fox/wolf, African panther, European red fox, Lizard, and Madagascan Fossa. (Hmm - a cat and dog theme - which may match my dual - and sometimes opposing, racial backgrounds of East African and Swiss...?)

B) - Divinitory Practice:
Well - I just think of them and "tune in". During meditation... or sometimes If I'm ritually drawing Tarot cards for a "message from the guides". (My present deck for this is Golden Tarot:http://www.aeclectic.net/tarot/cards/golden/ ).
But mostly - they sort of come-to-mind depending on my situation and emotional state, and then I'll wonder about thinking "Well hello... what have you to tell me then?..."

If I'm feeling unsafe/vulnerable I may invoke my 5 spirit guides in a protection ritual (so that's 2 animals, 2 people and a floaty Angel-like thing).

Laura Borealis

My understanding is that the terms totem animal and spirit animal are considered appropriative if used by non-natives. But there are plenty of other ways to talk about it. I've heard spirit ally suggested. Guardian animal, animal teacher... or patronus if you're into the Potter books...

Anyway. Me, I've always identified with rabbits. When I was little, I believed I was part rabbit. We had a print of Durer's painting of a hare, and my mom jokingly told me that was my Great-Grandmother Bunny, then kept the joke up because I honestly believed it for awhile. :) My Chinese zodiac animal is the rabbit, too. And I have a particular affinity for jackalopes. In Charles de Lint's books he writes about beings who are animal shapeshifters - they take a human form to walk among humans, and sometimes they have children with humans too. So some of us are descended from these animal people, and have animal blood, however dilute. Mine is rabbit or jackalope :)

The animals that show up for me in meaningful dreams are snakes. I've had several with boas or pythons where they are benevolent figures there to help me. They always show up in pairs. I think they are aspects of Damballah and Ayida Wedo. I've always loved snakes - which sounds contradictory coming from a rabbit person! But they are just such awesome creatures and there's so much great snake symbolism.


My handpainted Pegasus


that is wonderful NamasteIndia :heart: :thumbsup:


I love your painting, NamasteIndia!

Very beautiful! :)


I've never personally met a "power animal" or "spirit animal guide" so my take is just about guides in general.

The don't talk about it thing....I'm VERY bad about this and have been told by my guides that is the reason I haven't progressed to where I am meant to be. There is a certain amount of knowledge that we receive that is meant ONLY for us. It is OUR truth, not anyone else's. So I believe that is one of the reasons for the "silence" thing.

I'm sure animal guides would be much the same. Good luck! I think guides, of any variety, are accessible to everyone. I met mine in meditation. They come around all the time now. One very vocally. lol