What led you to tarot cards?


Bat Chicken said:
I purchased my own Haindl - the first deck I ever got in 2004. I have since become an avid collector and my main reading deck is my DruidCraft. It has become an excellent tool for healing and helped me come to terms with the changes I have had to face and how lucky I really am.

I am really so sorry to hear about the illnesses. :-( I hope everything's fine now.

It is cool though that your first was also the Haindl. And that it was also in 2004. I got mine May 15/04 (yep my 2 year anniversary as a Tarot reader was this week. :grin:) and of course that was the day of my first reading too. I've ignored my Haindl too for a while lately. Always ordering new decks and trying them out. Just this week though I felt moved to use my Haindl again. And I was so moved by the deck. I'd forgotten how much I love it. Fantastic reading too. The deck still feels like home, as it is the one I learnt on. And it was almost 6 months before I branched out. :grin:



Believe it or not, my psychiatrist introduced me to tarot. I was diagnosed with an illness that was making me forget parts of what my personality was and he told me that tarot would lead me on a path of self-discovery and more importantly re-discovery. Thank goodness I believed him. :)

Obviously, he is a man that will always be dear to me.


zhahmi said:
Believe it or not, my psychiatrist introduced me to tarot. I was diagnosed with an illness that was making me forget parts of what my personality was and he told me that tarot would lead me on a path of self-discovery and more importantly re-discovery. Thank goodness I believed him. :)

Obviously, he is a man that will always be dear to me.

Well how could you not love someone who introduced you to Tarot. :grin:


A Classic: Live and Let Die :)

I was 13 and had just seen Jane Seymour with her deck (by Fergus Hall designed for the film)...back then I had a thing going on with Jane (at least in my head..!) so I suppose I thought: "Well, if I can't get Jane at least I'll get my cards."
After these 15 years I can say: What a lucky thing I did. RWS it was, and still is :)


I was (and sad to say, still am) working for a Christian bookstore. After two or so months of working there, the people sent me running away screaming toward the other direction =). So, I picked up a pack of Crowley's Thoth, and just jumped into it. It's been very fulfilling and enlightening. It's also helped develop my interpersonal communication skills, since I've been reading for others.

I actually read for some of my coworkers (well, the ones that aren't hardcore Christians). Not trying to say that there are no Christian fundamentalists that accept Tarot, but there are very, very, very few.



The unabridged version would take me all day to tell, so here is the very very condensed version.

I have been noticing things "starting to happen" on a number of levels - dreams, premonitions, astrological portents, stories I've written coming true etc etc etc. - since I was about 17 or so though looking back I can see it's been happening most of my life. Tarot is just an expression that I have accepted and want to channel these "talents" - though I believe everyone has them to some degree - into purposeful divination techniques rather than just being thrilled at what happens in hindsight. E.g. Chernobyl occured just after Halley's Comet - a predictor of disaster - had passed its perihelion. I thought about that in retrospect and was intrigued that the dates fitted very neatly. But I was thrilled to read in a book published about ten years earlier (ie late 1970s) that "the return of Halley's Comet will put an end to Russia's plans for world domination". The Chernobyl disaster, by precipitating glasnost and perestroika, hastened the collapse of the Soviet Union. I too would like to be able to "see" the future like this and put two and two together - my sig is a take-off of a quote of Hegel's: "The owl of Minerva flaps her wings at dusk", suggesting it was only possible to be wise after the event. I would like the owl of Minerva to flap her wings at dawn for me!

As for Christianity, I am a practising, confirmed Anglican (episcopalian) and want the Church to accept and absorb these kind of practices rather than denouncing them (or us denouncing Christianity). I find in my rural English village that we seem to have more people here that openly admit to things like "God speaking to me through my dreams", though the local powers-that-be are two middle-aged, sceptical men who seem to be rationalists to the core, even where miracles are concerned (although we were in church once, and one of them was giving a sermon denouncing the idea of ghosts: suddenly someone's mobile phone went off at the back of the church and although it had been a gloomy, overcast day, the sun suddenly broke through the clouds - suggesting that God/dess was not particularly pleased with this upstart vicar!). I think God is at work to show us that He wants us to use our gifts, not just ignore them and hope they'll go away, or indeed confine them to the hands of those who would use them for ill purposes.

Bat Chicken

SunChariot said:
I am really so sorry to hear about the illnesses. :-( I hope everything's fine now.

It is cool though that your first was also the Haindl. And that it was also in 2004. I got mine May 15/04 (yep my 2 year anniversary as a Tarot reader was this week. :grin:) and of course that was the day of my first reading too. I've ignored my Haindl too for a while lately. Always ordering new decks and trying them out. Just this week though I felt moved to use my Haindl again. And I was so moved by the deck. I'd forgotten how much I love it. Fantastic reading too. The deck still feels like home, as it is the one I learnt on. And it was almost 6 months before I branched out. :grin:


Congratulations Sun Chariot!:) And thanks for sharing your story.

July 20/04 will be my 2 year anniversary! :D
I was a little less faithful - I started deck shopping in Septmember 04 and got the Thoth, but found myself struggling to connect. It was almost 11 months to the day that I went shopping again and found Druidcraft finally in Canada and a book called "A Magical Course in Tarot". My readings reached new levels. I have not picked up my Haindl lately, but, I think I just might now! :)

I am not yet fully recovered, and doctors have told me to be patient - but my outlook is positive and I don't think I would have crawled out of my black hole of unbalanced intellect and perfectionism without this experience and the path it led me down to teach me. And believe me - I still have so much to learn....

Thanks to everyone who is sharing apart of themselves on this thread!:)


Nothing exciting really ! I have always been incredibly drawn to divination, magic etc, & when I was about 14 my mom was going to a different town to do some shopping, & as she left I said if she found a deck of tarot cards to buy me one. I didn't know anything about them but had seen them in a TV program, can't remember what. She came back with the 1JJ & I played with it on & off for years, not studying it though. But boys / parties / jobhunting took over so it was forgotten about. Then last year I was talking to a co-worker about beliefs & I suddenly knew it was time to do it properly. I had never liked the 1JJ so I got a new deck & off I went ! I have a little boy who takes up lots of my time, & I work part-time aswell so I only do a small amount of studying each day, but this forum has helped me immensely.


What a nice thread. It's interesting to find out how everyone has gotten started :)

This thread made me sit back and think, "Wait a minute, how DID I get here?" It was just back in February of this year. My parents, husband, and I all went up to Atlantic City NJ to meet my Aunt K. We happened upon a Tarot reader on the boardwalk, and all of us took a turn with her. Unfortunately, her and I did not connect, but the other members of my family were amazed by her.

From then on my mom and I talked about getting our own decks. My aunt P gave my mom her old deck (she said it was too hard and never really got started with it). Mom eventually bought a few of her own, and gave that old deck to me. She also bought me a tiny beginner's deck. (Funny story to go along with that. Mom brought the new deck to my job and gave it to me there. That day I just happened to be working with a person who absolutely does not approve of the Tarot. I was like, "Geeze mom!!" But all was good, my co-worker either didn't see it or just turned the other cheek.)

And the rest is history. Mom and I talk and learn together every day.


For me Tarot is not a set of cards, it's a spiritual belief much like Taoism. The cards are merely somebody's opinion or understanding of what the many paths of Tarot represent in picture form. That's why I'm not attracted to decks with meanings on them or overt illustrations representing a particular meaning.

Mostly I use the cards for meditation and reflection. If I want true guidance I may use a deck in conjunction with my Runes.