What religion do you belong to?


What religion do u belong to? and how does it effect u and Tarot.

I am Orthodox Christian but i am Libreal with Religion. I feel that atrot is not agianst God, but a tool to gain God wisdom to help urself and others.


I'm Discordian...
It doesn't really change anything about how I read or deal with tarot.

But please write out the whole word! It's "you," not "u."


Like you, I'm also from a rather orthodox, evangelical background. I have no problems with experiencing Tarot.

Great question you posed.


enchanted spirit

I was raised slightly Episcopalian, my family moved around a lot and didn't go to church much, so I am reluctant to claim it as my religion. Actually, I am currently disenchanted with organized religion, and am sort of marching to the beat of my own drummer.

Oops, I forgot to add how it affects me and Tarot. Sorry bout that . . . I think that it has made me a very open minded person not to really be involved in any religion. I went on a kick a while back that I did a lot of research on different religions and realized that most religions have both good points and bad points. As with anything else, I think religion is what you make of it.

Regarding Tarot, I think that because I lack any real religious beliefs my involvement with the cards may actually help to bridge that gap. Not that I worship the cards or anything like that, but I find that when I am troubled sitting down with my deck and doing a reading seems to soothe me. So, I'd find that ritual possibly similar to a religious service, for me. I'm not sure if I'm explaining it right, but when reading I seem to go into an almost meditative state. So I think perhaps it is similar to what others feel when in prayer. Not that I don't ever pray, but not as a ritual. If that makes sense . . .


I've been a Christian since I was little, I go to church on Sundays and am very involved in my youth group. I never really agreed with my teachers and pastors when they said divination and such was "of the Devil" and whatever, so I decided to find out for myself. I haven't had any conflict yet


I am Catholic. No problem with tarot.

Nocturnal Lure


I am a gnostic-semi-christian-neo-pagan-proto-satanic-budhist with bits of hindu, some chunks of judism sprinkled with death cult. I'm sort of a theophile too. ;)

Seriously, to make it simple I am a witch but I feel that every religion holds one piece of the big puzzle, none of 'em are right, but none of them are completely wrong either, except maybe for the Raeliens...

woodwind bard

I'm a christian, no problems here. Actually my christian family encourages me to stick at the tarot. I don't know why a religion would restrict you from tarot?


I'm Celtic Wicca and I don't have a problem with tarot :)


I'm a wiccan/pagan witch, but I blend a little here and there, mix and match various traditions from various cultures, so I guess i'm very eclectic.