What suit best describes you?



Most definitely cups....Without a doubt.


2 weeks

It has been about 2 weeks since i have reposted this so i thought i would give all of the new members a try at this game! :) good luck everyone!


Definitely Swords. I'm a classic Gemini - flighty, moody, always spending too much time in my own head. And naturally, I wish I was more of a Pentacles person - I wish I was grounded, stable, committed. But no, I can't stand commitment and I jump from one project to the next and can't stick with one. My therapist loves analyzing this aspect of my personality, LOL.



I'm the same as Taylor too,I'm a typical sword. All thought,not much feeling,hate my personal/private space being invaded,I'm incredibly happy alone,and the family Dr cant work that out himself. Aint like I'm backwards in coming forwards is it. :)


Mostly Cups for me. I've always identified with the Cups cards, especially the Page of Cups and Queen of Cups. Then it'd be Wands after that, and then Swords after that. I know I have some Pentacles qualities in me, but I don't identify with that suit much.


Cups all the way here, as is also amply indicated by my natal horoscope.


Bringing back up the game

Just renewing the game for anybody who has not done the excersize yet :)


I am a dwarf-forged sword with runes writ down the blade. Much to ponder and think about. If only it wasn't so damp and rusty from all that bog water the cups keep pouring on it!


I think Wands suits me... brimming with energy and creativity, but also quite protective.