What's the Postman Bringing You? 2010 Part 2


Yesterday's packages:

Grail Tarot - lovely deck. lovely book. Can't put it down.
2 Awesome bags from Sinduction - Nostradamus has a lovely yellow orange home! and the Sibilla Oracle has a nice little green house with front lawn(reading cloth)
Red leather purse - why must I stuff them so!
Golden Botticelli - I need more hours in the day, so I can spend time with this along with the Grail. They go well together.
Oh, and some books from mom, but they are not tarot related. :p


I just got today the Thayer Tarot from Chile. Beautiful images. Round cards about 4 inches. Cardstock a little thin, but nice. It comes with the book in Spanish. I also got a Witches Tarot all in Italian that I got through e-bay. No book, but the naming is traditional, so need to have a guide to interpret the cards. The images are very cute, although they are all of witches. Peace, Zelmira


I was browsing around Barnes and Noble and I picked up Tarot Plain and Simple by Anthony Louis to accompany my new Robin Wood deck, and then I turned around and saw they had The Fenestra Tarot deck. Being that it's on my list I took it as an impulse buy and came out with more than what I was intending to get. I'm more than happy with my purchases, what a great day!


Delays due to volcano?

I have a number of packages coming my way from Europe. Most were dispatched weeks ago. Is anyone else in North America experiencing long delays for packages from Europe?


thinbuddha said:
I have a number of packages coming my way from Europe. Most were dispatched weeks ago. Is anyone else in North America experiencing long delays for packages from Europe?

Yes! I'm patiently waiting for my BBCats 1st ed. from the UK. I think it was mailed the day before the volcano? So I'd imagine it's buried in a mailroom somewhere, waiting to be dug up.

Also, I'm expecting the Gendron tarot, Tarot of the Mermaids, and Old English tarot any day now! From the states, thank goodness! ;)



The Witches Tarot I mentioned above took more than 2 weeks to make to the states from Italy. I normally receive things sooner from Europe, because I live in Miami, and there is an international airport, so the orders come straight to the city. Good luck,


Now waiting for Silver Era and Shadowfox Tarots! Looking forward to both of these unique decks. :)


Just got the Waking the Wild Spirit deck by Poppy Palin. It is soooo lovely. I haven't been able to put it down since I got it. It reads so well for me. All the readings I have done so far have been spot on. It does feel like it has a mischevious air to it as well though. It's feels like it has a sense of humour and is quite up for a bit of a wind up. A bit like the mate than you are always having a bit of banter with whenever you get togehter. (Yes I know they are just pieces of card! but you know what I mean?)


thinbuddha said:
I have a number of packages coming my way from Europe. Most were dispatched weeks ago. Is anyone else in North America experiencing long delays for packages from Europe?

Hmm, actually no. My last package from Europe came really quickly. (Mind out of the gutter please.) But then I suppose that they'd be going in the other direction for me, so no volcano.


I sent a package from Norway to the US during the worst fuss around the volcano and it arrived within five days, so I suppose it depends where you ship it from.

As of now I'm expecting the Silver Era and Star Tarot to show up any day. I'm also waiting impatiently for two gorgeous decks by Chronata: the limited edition All Hallows and Midnight Masquerade :D