What's the Postman Bringing You? 2010 Part 2

Dusk Till Dawn

Today I received the shadowscapes and the Magna Veritas! Very Happy!


Yesterday: Illuminated with microfine glitter. 78 unique pieces of art. Breathtaking!
Today: 1001 Nights. Adorable miniatyres asking for relief from their extra white borders. Clip-clip.
Tomorrow: Shadowscapes. I´ll see...


What the post man did NOT bring today was my much awaited Silver Era. Mr. UPS person just flew past my place without even slowing down!:confused: ...Wait, come back!!...


Divination dice arrived - well, two out of three pairs, anyway. Time for a new order!


zan_chan said:
Just bought the Fournier Museum's Payen repro, so that'll be coming sometime next week :)

Would you post a pic of the box when it arrives? I'd be interested in seeing if it's the same edition I got. Mine has no markings to indicate where it came from, so I'd be interested to find out if it was from the Fournier Museum.


Tarot of the Master finally arrived today. Now, where the heck did I put my scissors...


thinbuddha said:
Would you post a pic of the box when it arrives? I'd be interested in seeing if it's the same edition I got. Mine has no markings to indicate where it came from, so I'd be interested to find out if it was from the Fournier Museum.

Will do!


I'm waiting for Kalevala and Oz... "and that's all I need!" (for awhile!)


Today the postman delivered a gorgeous package containing a giant Rider Waite and a couple of books: "Goddess Tarot workbook" by Kriss Waldherr and "Wicca Craft" by Gerina Dunwich. The seller from Craigslist also included a pristine copy of the Elemental Tarot free of charge :D Now I'm looking for the book on that one, it's so complex and interesting.

I was truly happy that the package made it to my home safe and sound... I was starting to feel cursed! A couple of packages sent to me since last December got lost in the mail :(

Now I'm off to play with my new babies :love:


Yesteday, I got "The Process" in trade from WendyWu, and also Dussere Dodal TdM and Neoclassico from roppo's giveaway. I'm still waiting on a couple other decks that seem to have been lost to the fires of Eyjafjallajokull.