What's your tarot story?


I have read every single post in here. So many amazing stories! I noted that often, the "I was different somehow as a kid" came up, and I fit in that pocket, too.
<smile> I think every single human being feels different as a child. It's whether we let society shape us into a conformist as we mature or whether we keep our sense of ourselves that seems to matter.

And that is why I love it - it is the lemniscate - there is no beginning to it, and no end...much like life. The perfect analogy for tarot.
<smile> I hadn't thought of it like that, but yes. I've got three decades of reading professionally and a bit more of playing with Tarot up my sleeve, and I feel as if there is so much to learn! And as I get older, I'd better hurry up - this body isn't going to last forever.