wolfpack tarot


i recently bought the wolfpack tarot - http://www.wolfpacktarot.com/ , and i simply love this deck. it's really not a tarot deck at all, instead, just 78 cards, 76 of them in "landscape" - that is sideways, as opposed to the normal "portrait" orientation, like every other single tarot deck i've ever seen. perhaps that's just part of its charm. there's two cards in portrait - what i'd consider to be "significators" - one male, and one female. for animal lovers, especially those who have an affinity with wolves, this is a "must own" deck. for anyone else, especially beginners who may have a fear of the "regular" tarot, this deck is also a "must own". at least it is for me.

when i heard about the deck, i went to their web site, which also has a sample three card spread, which of course, i took advantage of. the cards predicted that i'd encounter an opportunity to meet my soulmate, along with the realization of personal goals and dreams. quite a positive reading. i went back a couple of weeks later (against the recomendation of the site - they say don't get a reading more than once a month), and the main card was "love" - "you may now find your soulmate and marry within 12 - 18 months or better your present relationship..." i chuckled at the confidence of the combined readings.

a week later to the day, i met my current boyfriend - he emailed me out of the blue, and we connected almost instantly. we met the following weekend, and have been dating ever since - almost three months now. he calls almost every day, and i see him every weekend. i am hopelessly in love. i remember thinking after we first met, about the readings.

each card is numbered (though i can't see any pattern in the numbering with regard to the meanings), named, and has a few sentances of interpretation written right at the top of each card. usually, i am not the type to like this - i like to interpret my own cards thank-you. but they are so well done, and the meanings are so clear, that in this deck, it really works.

the art is perfect. i like a certain style of artwork in my decks - realism, but not photographic. "comic book", but not 1940's batman. surrealistic, but not salvidore dali or roger dean. simplistic, but not overly so. real - both figuratively and literally, as if a person drew from their soul, and this deck is a perfect example. i like every single card. i'm not what i'd consider a lover of wolves - i don't dislike them either, but i just haven't had any major attraction to them. yet still, this deck speaks - no, make that sings - to me.

there's no little white book. you really don't need one as the meanings are written right on the cards themselves. there's two extra cards that have spread information and recommendations on how to best use the cards. and that's it.

while i might hesitate to use these cards for readings for other people because of the meanings being written right on the face of the cards themselves, as a meditation deck, a self-discovery deck, or a self reading deck, i love it. this is really the first totally non-tarot divination deck i've ever used. the only similarity to the tarot is that it has 78 cards. other than that, there are no suits, no majors, no minors, just 78 cards with 78 meanings.

yeah, i know, i'm raving about it. i guess it really works for me. now if they made a butterfly deck, i think i'd be in heaven...

luv and light,


Thanks for rambling nexyjo!! LOL I've been wondering about this deck for a while. It hasn't even offically been on my wishlist yet. But I think it will be now! :) And I love wolves!!!
I think I may just have to do a 3 card spread for me too. LOL


On my wishlist


This deck is still on my wishlist. I contacted them last year but when I learned how much it is, I still put it off.


Nexy's wolf deck

Hi Nexy,
Thanks for the wonderful link to the wolf deck! I was impressed that a portion of the proceeds go to wolf recovery programs. Very nice.


yes, the deck was a bit pricy at $24.95. but it was one of those things - i had my credit card, i saw it at the store, it was in my hand, i walked to the register, and i just couldn't help myself. and i liked how some of that money does go to help the wolves. i'd like to say that was my primary reason for buying it, but my motives were selfish, i must admit. the deck is just so well done, and the artwork so good, i couldn't resist.
luv and light,


i really love this deck, for a while already, it was love at first sight, but i didn't see the web site before. when i did a three spread reading it was so weird, so correct, almost scary.
i guess i like this one so much because it's almost like i know them, i guess i'm a bit like them, lol. i hope i have this one one day, in the meantime i have to do it with the website, lol.

have a lot of fun with it and a lot of good advise, wisdom!


Wolfpack deck on the way

I just ordered the deck off of the website on Friday and I really, really, really hope its at home today when I get there.

I agree with Rostie that the deck seems eeriely correct (at least the three card readings I've had on the website).

I have always loved wolves but the deck also speaks to me which made it doubly hard for me to resist shelling out 28.95 (24.95 plus 4.00 shipping/handling).


~grumbles something about bad influences here at Aeclectic~ ... I had seen this deck before and it is lovely. Then again I love wolves. Lets see how long I can hold out!


i want it so badly but i don't have the money, sigh...i thought about this one lately but it will be for another time, i already ordered the i am one (arrived a few days ago), the rohrig and the phantasmagoric...so, sigh :( , lol

if it's arrived tell us all about it, i want to know!!!!!


New Deck Spread for the Wolfpack Tarot

Hey I got the deck.

I did the new deck spread that tarotlady_nl posted, except I did my 2 and 3 left to right not right to left like she does...


Card 1: What will you teach me?
Card 2: What should/can I do?
Card 3: What will our relationship be like?

Card 1: 50 - Outcome
This card shows a wolf leaping over a stream. I take this as meaning crossing over. I think the deck is telling me that it will teach me to over come obstacles and reach the otherside...reach my goals.

Card 2: 22 - New Beginnings
This card shows a wolf's head with a rainbow in the background. The card mentions letting go of the past but I also feel it can be taken as always looking for a new rainbow or dream to chase...taking risks and not clinging to what seems familiar or safe.

Card 3: 11 - Hidden Forces
The picture on this card shows a wolf in the foreground with a Native American dream catcher/shield in the back with a wolf head drawn on it. This card talks of hidden forces being at work in the querent's life for the next 11 months but I see it as meaning a strong but subtle relationship with divine guidance and hidden messages.