wolfpack tarot


I looked at the website before but i decided not to get the deck then because it was not a tarot deck and the shipping costs to Europe are probably quite high (and the deck is not for sale somewhere else I believe). However, now that I hear such positive things about it... apparently not a deck just for the collection, but for use (be it reading or meditation) as well.

As you probably guessed, I do like wolves. I've been to a wolf park in Scotland where you can see them in "semi-natural" conditions (they can't set them free there because the shepherds would see all their livelihood eaten away) and just the way the caretakers talk about the animals just make you fall in love with the place...

But, o yes, we were talking decks here. Might as well get it now, I know I'll want it sooner or later anyway })
(this sentence always works when I feel guilty about buying too many decks)
Thanks for bringing this deck back to my attention again nexyjo, although I know your biased because the deck predicted your boyfriend ;)


Offering Wolfpack deck readings

I hope the moderator for this forum doesn't get pissed at me, I know this isn't the reading exchange but I figured since you guys looking at/talking in this particular thread are all interested in the Wolfpack deck and/or wolf lovers I could offer Wolfpack deck readings.

If you are interested please give me some background info (age, name, location, situation, etc.) I prefer questions that are not entirely general, focusing on a specific area or question helps my readings to be more clear and helpful.

I would get to them ASAP with those that respond first having first priority, if you want me to post them I'd probably have to do it in the Reading Exchage or I can email you the reading if you give me your email.

Hope to hear from some of you,




we don't get pissed at anyone! just a gentle reminder whenever one is needed (((hugs)))

but you were right, this should be posted in the reading exchange so perhaps you can repost it there with a link on this thread so people can get their requests to you quickly?

in light,
jade :D


i am very very interested in these cards. i was just reading your beautifully shared reading and pics on the cards and i think my hubby would love having his cards read with this deck.......he is wolf crazy!

thanks for the great info.


i just went to this site and had a free three card reading. this is what came up............32-children / 49-be alert / 57-good advice

lightlike, since you own this deck would you take this to mean that something regarding my children will happen and we need to be cautious and perhaps get the advice of someone else?

i dislike computer generated readings, i never really know whether or not to trust them :(



i figured out this reading.

i've given some thought to this and i think i understand this reading. it was cautioning me. i would do something, innocently (childlike card) and it would be taken in a manner that i didn't expect. (caution/alert card) i would feel attacked and i needed to be cautious - getting the help or assistance of someone else (good advice card). that's what the site said and i see now how it relates!

it makes sense.

in light,



That's great that you figured it out Jade!

Well, I'm still planning on doing those readings we talked about... I hope to have them to your email addy by tonight.

Take care,



oh goodie! *jade jumping up and down with excitement!*




these cards are gorgeous.
they will make a great gift for all my wolf and wolfdog loving friends. definately gonna get myself a set to see how they are for starters :)
thanks for mentioning this deck :)



Well I broke down and bought them today!! We had a wholistic expo in town this weekend and one of the booths had this deck (among many others I might add). But I was good and only bought this one. I have to say I love it so far.
I did a "get to know you" spread
1 - our relationship
2 - what is brings
3 - what I bring
And I got:
1 - Crossroads
2 - Completion
3 - Intent
As I saw the cards laid out it was soooo easy for me to understand. It told me this was going to be a great deck for helping me when I had more than one way to follow and that if I put the good intent in there everything would work out wonderfully!!