You know you've been overbuying when...

Golden Moon

nortytiger said:
the kids are getting excited as they see parcels arriving every day and they think it is surprises for them for xmas...ermmm....
lol... that's very sad, Could you imagine the look on their little faces when they realize it's not for them? (rolls on the floor laughing)


Golden Moon said:
Your cred/debit card is crying for mercy.
I'm not sure if you're posting to me, but MY card is a "Princess" card....

As long as SHE is the center of attention, SHE is VERY happy....:D

Golden Moon

Stormdancer said:
I'm not sure if you're posting to me, but MY card is a "Princess" card....

As long as SHE is the center of attention, SHE is VERY happy....:D

well, my card is a dirty little tramp, she likes being used and abused lol. :p


I know I've been overbuying when my boyfriend quirks his eyebrow at me over all the parcels I have received! :p


You know you're over buying when you will insist your huband read this thread and swear up and down you haven't begun to approach this stage.Yeah right!Please remove my previous reply before He reads this.


You know you've been overbuying when you buy books on Amazon and impulsively add a tarot deck to your order that is not on your wishlist just to get free super saver shipping. :p


You know you've been overbuying when...

You have multiple stacks of books and decks on the table in front of the bookcases waiting to be put away. But you know that's going to entail a major overhaul of the bookcases (including shifting an entire shelf of books to another bookcase... and there really isn't one available), so you pretend the whole mess isn't there waiting for you.... :D


You put some bookcases in a wardrobe and then end up filling all those too...

But at least they are hidden :D

Le Fanu

You know you've been overbuying when there is simply nothing left to buy.

You rack your brains and - nope - nothing. :D