zhadee and empress's dress vera sibilla oracle discussion

empress's dress

so quickly here i bring in the new year with a reading for you! xo my dearest z!

hey, it's tough work. unavoidable. better to go in their smiling with a plan.

old woman - nemesis - distraught by jealously - conversations - prison


you are wise and you can smell a rat. you can sniff out when someone is
trying to undermine you. treasure this gift. but can you see this in
yourself? do you know when you are undermining yourself? that is, do you
know when you are being your own worst enemy? being entrapped by your
own worst habits? does stubbornness ever stop you? you have doubts that
you can change these things but of course you can! take this very quiet
time of the year. this most fecund, fertile and creative time of year to
look under the theatrical mask you have put on the nemesis in you. talk
to your inner nemesis. let her out of her prison. the old woman has the
wonderful privilege of experience. but has experience always lead you to
the best conclusions? review your conclusions. review your experiences
and why they drew you to those conclusions. you can have one break
through after another if you allow yourself to see under the mask of
your inner enemy. talk to her. cajole her out of the prison! she won't
harm you. integrate her. expand yourself! do not put her on parole. talk
to her and give her clemency.

edit: i think this is the year of shadow work.


so quickly here i bring in the new year with a reading for you! xo my dearest z!

hey, it's tough work. unavoidable. better to go in their smiling with a plan.

old woman - nemesis - distraught by jealously - conversations - prison

happy new year to you, dear e =)
these are strong cards, and for sure lessons :p

you are wise and you can smell a rat. you can sniff out when someone is
trying to undermine you. treasure this gift. but can you see this in
yourself? do you know when you are undermining yourself? that is, do you know when you are being your own worst enemy? being entrapped by your own worst habits? does stubbornness ever stop you? you have doubts that you can change these things but of course you can!
I'm getting better at recognising my worst habits. The old woman is certainly not the laid back character wo simply kicks in and has a good time. That's me sitting and thinking very carefully. But doing so also entraps me.
take this very quiet time of the year. this most fecund, fertile and creative time of year to look under the theatrical mask you have put on the nemesis in you. talk to your inner nemesis. let her out of her prison. the old woman has the wonderful privilege of experience. but has experience always lead you to the best conclusions? review your conclusions. review your experiences and why they drew you to those conclusions. you can have one break through after another if you allow yourself to see under the mask of your inner enemy.
I'd say my worst inner enemy is fear which hides behind several theatrical masks. I understand that experience may outdate, and conclusion can be nothing but clutter.
talk to her. cajole her out of the prison! she won't
harm you. integrate her. expand yourself! do not put her on parole. talk
to her and give her clemency.

edit: i think this is the year of shadow work.
aye, that is true. I need to claim responsibility for my dark and secret thoughts. Having dark thoughts does not make me a bad person. But it's unwise and unhealthy to walk down that lane for too long. A short trip to learn how it feels, and then I have to return. There's no use lingering too long somewhere on Memory Lane. Old woman knows the answer! =)


breaking in the new year with these fabulous cards =)
young maiden - love - pleasure seeker/madmen (i deliranti) - faithfulness - great consolation
Q 4 9 9 7

the young maiden could be you, following the impulses of the heart. Whenever your heart is touched, be sure to watch a second time. No need to judge with your head, always consult your heart. There is all the wisdom you need.
The madmen in the middle make me think of some well-known inhabitants of twin peaks: situations and people beyond your control. Infuriating as they are with all their folly, they are no match for a loyal and trustworthy friend whose helping hand will always be there for you.

The lesson here... detecting foolish behaviour around you by listening to your heart. At times, it is necessary to be silly and careless because of the relaxing effect. Chaos may have a stimulating effect. You canot be in control all of the time. But those who try to take advantage of you must be kept at bay, so you don't spend money, effort and time of hopeless cases.
But your heart will always give you a fair warning.
You may trust your gut feeling, and so you'll prevail damage before it is done.

empress's dress

breaking in the new year with these fabulous cards =)
young maiden - love - pleasure seeker/madmen (i deliranti) - faithfulness - great consolation
Q 4 9 9 7

the young maiden could be you, following the impulses of the heart. Whenever your heart is touched, be sure to watch a second time. No need to judge with your head, always consult your heart. There is all the wisdom you need.

i have excellent intuition it's true. i feel like cassandra. i am right about people 95% of the time. i think they call it clairsentient. my body tells me the answer. it is not just fear. it is a million and one things it tells me. and then i still give the people i don't have a good feeling about a chance just in case they fall into my 5% area. i have been dismissed often. i get to the conclusion without any proof from the beginning in just about everything and people get infuriated (and they should)...all of my friends have told me that they thought omg she is so wrong, or this is crazy or they knew i was right and they felt heart broken when i expressed what i felt because it was true about people and they got angry. i am an excellent reader of people. but in the end every friend has come to me and said how did you know. this talent doesn't work as well in twin peaks because i am in a desperate unfamiliar situation but it works very well else where. and when i haven't listened on some occasions i have paid very dearly. very very dearly. it comes from an unstable upbringing and having to pay attention to everything to stay safe. and it also comes from a love of the arts and an immersion in them since a young child.

like the twin peaks thing. i saw it coming 9 years ago. i tried to get help. to prevent it. no one would help. everyone thought was i exaggerating. sad, but true. now everyone can't believe how strong i am in the face of it.

The madmen in the middle make me think of some well-known inhabitants of twin peaks: situations and people beyond your control. Infuriating as they are with all their folly, they are no match for a loyal and trustworthy friend whose helping hand will always be there for you.

i have amazing friends. who do fall into delirium too. :D. not insanity. just serious revelry. hyperdrive. i think the card's image and the meaning it has been given are not in line. it is one of those strange bum rap cards. it seems like the devil card and 3 of cups and bacchanals... but i will start that discussion in the next rectangle below. and of course it is about the asylum without walls at twin peaks and some others and my forced interactions about which i have basically no choice. these are not an undertakings for the faint of heart...and yet i can handle them. and come out with a scar or 2 and just move on resiliently...

who is so faithful to me though? i was really on my own last year in the worst moments. there were a cast of characters who helped. really helped. they kepy my pockets ofull of money and my family at peace. but at the end of the day it was me planning and enacting in the darkest moments that were totally outside my control that came from nowhere. i shared my strategies but in the end it was my decisions, my money, my time, my nerves...this past year was me being HOUSEKEEPER. i am so into this word -- housekeeper in every sense -- literally and figuratively and metonymically and paradoxically and sardonically.

i guess this year will surprise me with loyalty.

The lesson here... detecting foolish behaviour around you by listening to your heart. At times, it is necessary to be silly and careless because of the relaxing effect. Chaos may have a stimulating effect. You canot be in control all of the time. But those who try to take advantage of you must be kept at bay, so you don't spend money, effort and time of hopeless cases.
But your heart will always give you a fair warning.
You may trust your gut feeling, and so you'll prevail damage before it is done.

excellent advice. have fun. get mucky. go far. pull back just before disaster. yep. sounds fun and i can manage it. i wish i was just a yes person. but nope not me... i can meet disaster in teh in the eye. flinch for up to several weeks perhaps but from the moment there is disaster i go into problem solving mode. that is faithful to me. how to improve the situation.perhaps that is the consolation prize. i don't expect to thrive. merely improve the situation. it's like i still don't believe i deserve luck. i am going to look at that this year...i mean we make our luck in so ways. we do... and in other ways we really dont...

but terrible cards i don't get fortune only great consolation. ok i get a consolation prize. you want the jackpot, you know. the end of a chapter...but twin peaks will be put in the background...byt ht end of the year still there...and maybe b and me. i will be the other for him...

thank you!

empress's dress

happy new year to you, dear e =)
these are strong cards, and for sure lessons :p

it's your year!

I'm getting better at recognising my worst habits. The old woman is certainly not the laid back character wo simply kicks in and has a good time. That's me sitting and thinking very carefully. But doing so also entraps me.
the cards are just saying review how you got to those conclusions so you can think differently :)

I'd say my worst inner enemy is fear which hides behind several theatrical masks. I understand that experience may outdate, and conclusion can be nothing but clutter.
it's not even clutter. it is just that it worked at one time and it may not be working now. time to review. you can call it decluttering. it's more like checking to see if the legs on your chairs are still stable enough to hold you up when you sit. more like time for repairs. so when you sit down you don't fall on your on your butt...

aye, that is true. I need to claim responsibility for my dark and secret thoughts. Having dark thoughts does not make me a bad person. But it's unwise and unhealthy to walk down that lane for too long. A short trip to learn how it feels, and then I have to return. There's no use lingering too long somewhere on Memory Lane. Old woman knows the answer! =)

the point is maybe these things will help you repair the chairs so to speak. the chairs are getting old. they need to be cared for. and there are many ways to care for a lovely chair. but as the chair ages the way you approach it has to change. the materials necessary for the repairs will change. but the chair is still the chair :)


empress's dress

doctor ( i would prefer to call it restitution/repairs/convalescing) - despair/anxiety - prison/chains - delirium ( i think this is a better name for the card -- lol look at me) - love

so this was my question: will b and i get together once and for all (this addiction to asking will peter out, i promise -- i am almost there at the end... (delirium/devil thought right here and i am making it public).

i can't help but think it is a big maybe. is it good for me? lol. it doesn't look like it is. but will he let me fall (no he is one of the faithful that you discuss -- paradoxes abound). will i get lots of hits from him (not physical...we mean this metaphorically)? yes. is it worth it? yes. love is the pay off...he is in a prison? yes. i am in his prison? yes. he is in despair. he is very ill. and he is insane. but i love him. i know all this. i have my illnesses, despair, prison, delirium and i love him. so this is l'amour fou. the french word has a whiff of danger in it that doesn't exist when you say head over heels in love in english. what would a german say?

update: i forgot to add he totally loves me...

i am free with b. i speak my mind. i take risks. i can go as far as i like as i am and he will take it or leave it. the love is there no matter what...perhaps the prison is a sandbox for delirium. there are walls unlike in twin peaks. safety. it will be a private thing (except of course i am writing about it here)

omg i am thinking of that song: un soir, un chien. terrible. lol terrible...eyes wide shut, anyone?...just terrible. something was unleashed. lots of things to be faced in this. the outcome is perhaps less important than the experience. there will be hurt feelings. there will be despair. there will be immorality that makes everyone uncomfortable. and then there are these feelings that we have harbored for the majority of our lives. what can you do about it? it will be frowned upon by some. oddly his friends and family are totally in support of me. but then again they have known me forever and they like me more than her. what can you do? why shake loose. we enjoy each others' company. as if i needed another experience like this to add to my list. but there you go. i guess i do. i still haven't learned the lesson. it's perhaps why i only get the consolation prize.

empress's dress

5 carder 2017 zhadee

visconti deck

5 of wands - page of pents - the high priestess - death - the knight of swords

it looks like you are getting a bouquet of flowers like you have reached a milestone in your life and they are so lively bright and beautiful. they even come with a note of encouragement and love. the bouquet makes you think of your childhood. it triggers a memory... in your childhood did you ever take something apart you couldn't back together together again just to learn about it? it is like you have taken a ball and cut it in half to see what inside. sometimes you realized it was just magical how things worked and would require deep learning...you reverse engineered it to see the contents simply to learn. and you somehow extrapolated that you had magic in you...the ball suddenly had a new use value that the maker didnt think about and it gave you an insight into the unknown and the visions you would have over your life...and now you are reverse engineering your life to see why you did that when you were a child. i am not sure our makers (parents, society etc) intended us to get so good at reverse engineering our lives. we still understand so little about minds, but so much more than previous generations. well that reverse engineering of these younger times of reverse engineering things like balls gave you the gift of mystical bent. that's why you have those flowers for all the help and insight you offered others due to the wisdom you have gained yourself. you are about to go through another transformation. and you will be on a crusade afterwards for a while. it will be good for you. passion burning in you. ready to get things done. no more sitting around. not this year. but you realize you might sit around if you don't decide to move. so move. obama got the nobel peace prize for an intention. you didn't get that bouquet for an intention perse. but if you don't move this year it might look that way to you in 2018!


visconti deck

5 of wands - page of pents - the high priestess - death - the knight of swords

it looks like you are getting a bouquet of flowers like you have reached a milestone in your life and they are so lively bright and beautiful. they even come with a note of encouragement and love. the bouquet makes you think of your childhood. it triggers a memory... in your childhood did you ever take something apart you couldn't back together together again just to learn about it?
hi empress, I'm sorry it took me so long to reply. I cannot recall something specifically but I'm sure I did.

it is like you have taken a ball and cut it in half to see what inside. sometimes you realized it was just magical how things worked and would require deep learning...you reverse engineered it to see the contents simply to learn. and you somehow extrapolated that you had magic in you...the ball suddenly had a new use value that the maker didnt think about and it gave you an insight into the unknown and the visions you would have over your life...and now you are reverse engineering your life to see why you did that when you were a child. i am not sure our makers (parents, society etc) intended us to get so good at reverse engineering our lives. we still understand so little about minds, but so much more than previous generations. well that reverse engineering of these younger times of reverse engineering things like balls gave you the gift of mystical bent. that's why you have those flowers for all the help and insight you offered others due to the wisdom you have gained yourself.
I still do not recall something specifically, but you're spot on with reverse engineering & how good I've become with it.
I don't remember my parents being patient or encouraging in the way children are encouraged today. Children are urged to do something - putting the grocery shopping items in the basket and so on. I remember when doing shopping, I always got in the way, and my mother pushed me around. Today, I understand that I neither had the perception nor the motoric skills to handle this situation. There was no need for her to push me around. She did it because she liked it. Venting off her frustration.
Reverse engineering ... I am very patient with my clients. Their motoric skills are failing, so does the perception and I have to slow down myself. I have to watch closely, i have to listen carefully, and I need to talk really slow. And you know what? I like it. One of the best parts about my job is this slow care with slow movements. One limb at a time. One hand, then the next. Breathe. Look at me. Good. Now turn your head to the left. Look at your hands. Now move your leg.
I know me doing so drives my workmates insane. They want to be quick and out of the room. Later, they complain about back hurt, tension, and a person slapping them. I don't get slapped. Occasionally, a person looks at me and grunts, so I know we've been too fast. Doing so has a healing effect on me.

you are about to go through another transformation. and you will be on a crusade afterwards for a while. it will be good for you. passion burning in you. ready to get things done. no more sitting around. not this year. but you realize you might sit around if you don't decide to move. so move. obama got the nobel peace prize for an intention. you didn't get that bouquet for an intention perse. but if you don't move this year it might look that way to you in 2018!
transformation seems to knock at my doors. Very likely it's the menopause, but there is no fear in it. I think I'm prepared for it. Getting prepared for menopause seems to be crucial.
I've spend a good deal of sitting around, waiting for something to happen: my mother coming to peace with me, people I consider friends reaching out for me, situations at work resolving. Last year, I took this long walk. I stopped waiting. I went up and walked away. Great adventure. I came back and my life had dissolved. My passion was gone, I felt like a ghost, eating dust. Reading cards like maps in order to find my direction. Got terribly lost doing so. Reading maps is not the same like being there, though at times it feels real. Like looking at pictures, to recall a special moment. But the moment is gone, and the memory does not make it come alive again.
That was last year's lesson I had to understand. Now I will see what 2017 presents me with. =) Thank you!


doctor ( i would prefer to call it restitution/repairs/convalescing) - despair/anxiety - prison/chains - delirium ( i think this is a better name for the card -- lol look at me) - love

so this was my question: will b and i get together once and for all (this addiction to asking will peter out, i promise -- i am almost there at the end... (delirium/devil thought right here and i am making it public)
I intend to read your cards unbiased so at the end you may say what their answer is.
Doctor comes to check the pulse and feel the temperature. Is the doctor a healer? If he says the right word, he might hand out sugarcoated chocolate pills and the patient is fully restored. The doctor comes in, asking what's wrong with you. So you tell him what you think.
Despair - is that the guy with the gun? If so, he is about to put a hole inside his head, so the truth may come out. Because words do fail him, it needs to be blood. He does not spill the other person's blood. He cannot bear the pain, the pangs of jealousy and despair. Is it still true that only he who knows the end may be in despair? This is what the doctor gets to hear.
Prison puts you in a state of immobilisation. This is inside the despaired person's mind. They cannot escape the prison. so they need to make a hole in the wall to escape from it. Not a relaxed state of well-being and silent musings. It's the broken record of misdeeds and dishonour, and being unable to do anything about it. Like the Count of Monte Christo, you feel the need to get out of your present state, but you can't move. Time's not up. The chain's not broken.

I have a different set of vera sibilla, which gives english translations. Il delirante (the three drunken guys) is translated as 'pleasure seeker'. Delirium is a state induced by narcotics, substances or illness that makes a person talk without thinking. The words just spread from their mouth, like they talk in tongues. A message from your guide or your god. You're not responsible for the things that come out of you. That'd be total truth. The other person needs to say whether your words are right or just incoherent jabber.

Love. Spread the word. You cannot help but feeling this way. A love like this needs to be expressed.
so this is l'amour fou. the french word has a whiff of danger in it that doesn't exist when you say head over heels in love in english. what would a german say?
we say: bis über beide Ohren verliebt. Like this feeling is filling you up, like it replaces any other content. Love is also blind.