1 Card Oracle Reading Exchange using my Earth Magic deck


I have this deck, I can exchange with you if you like :)

Q: what course of action is best for me to take now with regards to my relationship with T?


Hi B,

I hope I have written back feedback for you ... ;)

Q. What do I have coming to me now in response to my text messages to C about work and us


Thank you :heart: Yes this card makes sense, as I did do a lot of reflection and inner work due to me needing to work through some pain from something he did, also it brought up a re-occurring theme that had been going on in my life, and this time I reacted differently than I have before. I also really like the saying at the end about not looking back - that is something that is so true and I will remember that :) I do agree that he taught me a spiritual lesson, even though it was painful and I found it hard, I did feel I handled everything correctly.

Do you have a question for me to look at?

I'm glad that it resonated with you. :heart: Sorry for the disappearing.. I had to run out to classes. I had lost track of time and just had to hurry. lol

My question....

Why is X upset with me..exactly ...and how can I fix it?




I have this deck, I can exchange with you if you like :)

Q: what course of action is best for me to take now with regards to my relationship with T?

Sounds great! :thumbsup:

Your Card/Reading-


This card is about going out into nature to mediate and commune with it to become one.

I think this is saying that you should take some time out from any action with T right now to mediate and ground yourself. It helps you to move forward in your actions and decisions when you have a clear mind. Raise your higher vibrations and you naturally bring others with you. Make the focus on you now and heal and ground what needs to be inside of you. Then you will have a clear mind/body/spirit. Something seems clear, but you may not be able to see it yet because you are unbalanced in your emotions/chakras/life. It may not be very big, but take the time to refocus on you and your needs at this time.

No worries... it doesn't seem like it says take a long time...maybe something as simple as a walk outside not thinking about anything but clearing your mind and feeling the air around you. The ground..the smells...the trees, etc.

I hope this resonates with you and helps you :heart:

My question...

What kind of a person is X?



Reading for Bonny

Hi B,

I hope I have written back feedback for you ... ;)

Q. What do I have coming to me now in response to my text messages to C about work and us

Yes you have! :thumbsup: I thank you for it also and for not having to chase you down for it.
I will gladly read for you. :)

Your card/reading-


It is weird that I got this card here, but it is saying that you have been feeling scattered and you need to get grounded. This card is speaking more of you than of what you asked about. Maybe you need to be grounded to deal with what is coming to you after the text messages? Like don't be emotional, be calm, etc.

As I was doing your reading, I was having a hard time getting a card for you. I think there is another question that you really wanted to ask instead. The cards sometimes won't shuffle or come out when that happens with me. lol So, is there something else that you really want to know instead?

If not, then you need to bring your aura closer to you and get grounded with your emotions. You may think you have them under control, but I just can't help feeling pulled that they aren't.

To get grounded simply go outside and put your bare feet to the ground. Breathe in the outside air and breathe out. Feel "roots" going out of the bottom of your feet to the center of the earth. Feel the sunshine, rain or whatever is going on. Just be there without thinking or worrying about anything else except that moment and the things happening right then.

I hope this resonates with you. Please let me know.

Brightest Blessings!

My question....

What is my intuition telling me to do about P and why should I do it?



Yes you have! :thumbsup: I thank you for it also and for not having to chase you down for it.
I will gladly read for you. :)

Your card/reading-


It is weird that I got this card here, but it is saying that you have been feeling scattered and you need to get grounded. This card is speaking more of you than of what you asked about. Maybe you need to be grounded to deal with what is coming to you after the text messages? Like don't be emotional, be calm, etc.

As I was doing your reading, I was having a hard time getting a card for you. I think there is another question that you really wanted to ask instead. The cards sometimes won't shuffle or come out when that happens with me. lol So, is there something else that you really want to know instead?

If not, then you need to bring your aura closer to you and get grounded with your emotions. You may think you have them under control, but I just can't help feeling pulled that they aren't.

To get grounded simply go outside and put your bare feet to the ground. Breathe in the outside air and breathe out. Feel "roots" going out of the bottom of your feet to the center of the earth. Feel the sunshine, rain or whatever is going on. Just be there without thinking or worrying about anything else except that moment and the things happening right then.

I hope this resonates with you. Please let me know.

Brightest Blessings!

My question....

What is my intuition telling me to do about P and why should I do it?

Thank you so much!

Yes you were correct clever you! I did have something else I wanted to ask!

I will write more about this reading after a short pause ...
fir your reading, would you prefer Journey cards, native spirit cards, Lenormand or Doreen's Angel cards?

Thank you!




Thank you so much!

Yes you were correct clever you! I did have something else I wanted to ask!

I will write more about this reading after a short pause ...
fir your reading, would you prefer Journey cards, native spirit cards, Lenormand or Doreen's Angel cards?

Thank you!


I will let you choose which deck you are drawn to use.

I just kept getting that you wanted to ask something else then the cards were being stubborn, so I thought..she must want to ask another question instead lol



Yes you have! :thumbsup: I thank you for it also and for not having to chase you down for it.
I will gladly read for you. :)

Your card/reading-


It is weird that I got this card here, but it is saying that you have been feeling scattered and you need to get grounded. This card is speaking more of you than of what you asked about. Maybe you need to be grounded to deal with what is coming to you after the text messages? Like don't be emotional, be calm, etc.

As I was doing your reading, I was having a hard time getting a card for you. I think there is another question that you really wanted to ask instead. The cards sometimes won't shuffle or come out when that happens with me. lol So, is there something else that you really want to know instead?

If not, then you need to bring your aura closer to you and get grounded with your emotions. You may think you have them under control, but I just can't help feeling pulled that they aren't.

To get grounded simply go outside and put your bare feet to the ground. Breathe in the outside air and breathe out. Feel "roots" going out of the bottom of your feet to the center of the earth. Feel the sunshine, rain or whatever is going on. Just be there without thinking or worrying about anything else except that moment and the things happening right then.

I hope this resonates with you. Please let me know.

Brightest Blessings!

My question....

What is my intuition telling me to do about P and why should I do it?


Hey B!

Well I thought I was going to draw from the journey cards but when I got to the cupboard I saw 'life purpose' deck for second question and 'Saints & Angels' fir first (both by Doreen Virtue)

Triumphant (guardian angel)
Yoga ( your life is enriched by yoga, stretching and exercising

The message here is that you need not be so put off by the challenges and obstacles, but be confiedtnt that by stretching and focusing on the union between you, you will be triumphant!


Thank you! Yes, I wanted to ask has c read my text messages but cancelled that because I felt guilty fir asking the same question elsewhere!
So thank you , yes, grounding is good - I have been up and away !

It's sacred me time time!


Hey B!

Well I thought I was going to draw from the journey cards but when I got to the cupboard I saw 'life purpose' deck for second question and 'Saints & Angels' fir first (both by Doreen Virtue)

Triumphant (guardian angel)
Yoga ( your life is enriched by yoga, stretching and exercising

The message here is that you need not be so put off by the challenges and obstacles, but be confident that by stretching and focusing on the union between you, you will be triumphant!

That sounds good. I was put off by what I thought were challenges and obstacles. lol

Thank you! Yes, I wanted to ask has c read my text messages but cancelled that because I felt guilty fir asking the same question elsewhere!
So thank you , yes, grounding is good - I have been up and away !

It's sacred me time time!

Could you reword your question as I'm not sure these cards will give yes/no answers.




I have to go. I will do your reading later today. This afternoon.

Have a great day!