A job decision spread


Hi everyone :)
I am a teacher working half time, the last two years I was working with a colleague and we were working together really well. Unfortunately, she is leaving now, so I have no partner for the moment for the next year to work with (we shared one class, she was teaching 50% of the subjects, I was teaching the other 50%)
I now have two opportunities for next year, none is really satisfying.

1) I could take the same grade I had now, so all my preparations are done. However, I have no idea who I'd be working with, if we 'd get along well etc. I'd probably find out during summer holidays who my co-worker would be.

2) I could co-work with another teacher in another grade, though differently. It happens that this teacher has a couple of extrem "problem children" and she can't manage the class alone anymore, I'd be working with her in the same class during the same lessons (half time) so we would be two teachers in the same classroom at the same time (for 50% of the time for me).
It would also mean to switch buildings and leave my colleagues I have now, which I get along with very well. The colleagues in this building I'd switch to are nice, but it's more on a professional level that we meat, whereas the colleagues in the building I work with now are more on a friends basis.

I use the Robin Wood deck to see, what the cards would tell me.
While I was shuffling, I asked "please help me make the right decision" and the knight of swords fell out, the card which actually assures you to find a solution to a problem.

This was my spread:
2 -3
1 - ---------6

1: My situation: two of swords
I am balancing out the two possibilities, neither one feels great, I try to find the one which is the lesser of two evils, as Robin Wood points it out.

2: What if I work in the class with the difficult children, how would I feel?
3 of wands
It looks like I'd really enjoy this, the outcome will satisfy me and I'd be looking forward to working in this class.

3: What will be the outcome on a longer view, the next years to come, how will I continue to teach afterwards
The Hierophant
The Hierophant is often also seen as a teacher, I think I'd find a good opportunity to teach afterwards.

4: What if I stay in my grade but don't know with whom I'll be teaching with?
8 of wands
This looks really good to, good news, a good getting ahead.

5: What will be the outcome on a longer view, the next years to come, how will I continue to teach afterwards?
5 of cups
Ouch, ok. So on long term view, this is not a good choice, it seems.

6: What advice do the cards give me
The Star
This card stands for hope, the good outcome after some time.
I'm not quiet sure though how to interpret it as in "what should I do".
Maybe I'll be ok with either choice and I'll just have to follow the way I think is best, I'll find the star at the end of my way?

I'd be happy to hear your advice on this :)


2S is simply reflecting the crossroads you're at. The star is the most significant card in my eyes indicating a wished for outcome in all this but more importantly a special gift with special children. There's growth and expansion if you go with that option in 3W and hierophant indicating you will grow as a teacher and also a teacher around you likely a co-worker. There may be a pleasant surprise here for you.

If you took the other option regret is indicated in 5C and it may not take a yr to get to that position judging by the speed of 8W, best of luck with it.


Thank you headincloud for your help :D
That new view on the star helped me a lot, I hadn't seen it as working with special children, but I can totally see how this card means this exactly.
I'm pretty much set to take on the job with these children; also the 5 of cups is a big "yikes" for the other job ;)