All paths leading away from tarot...


I'm putting this in spirituality because I feel that is kind of what this post will lean towards but if the mods think it should be somewhere else (talking tarot maybe??), I understand. I went back and forth on the appropriate subforum for a while.

So I'm feeling very disenchanted with...well, everything lately. I'm overworked, overstressed and very tired. But the few moments of solace that I do get, I am no longer drawn to my cards (I said tarot in my title but I really use oracles MUCH more often). Not only that but I'm feeling pulled away from any and all divination...and anything to do with it, even if things are just peripherally involved with the occult studies that used to fascinate me, I feel this sense of being repelled by it.

It is so odd to me, this sudden shift. I don't know what to make of it. I have a prayer of protection that I say before I go to sleep (it's long so I won't bore you with the details) and part of it addresses my guides. I can no longer say that part. Just suddenly one day, I can't say it??

I guess my question to you, is have you ever had this sudden shift in interest/beliefs? Do you think that I'm being led to a new path that just hasn't been revealed? Is there a reason I'm being pulled away from these interests? Do you think I'm just maxed out and my brain is shutting down?? lol Definitely the latter is true but I do feel that something else is happening here.

Any thoughts?


Hi, EmpressArwen. :) The feeling you are having happens to me in cycles. Sometimes, I am immersed in tarot, crystals, meditation, etc., and at other times, I just can't be bothered with any of it. In fact, there have been times that I am completely disillusioned with it. Sometimes, it is because of life events, general busyness, and stress. Other times, it feels more like burnout. When it happens, I try to just let it go and immerse myself in other things I enjoy, like reading, journaling, and creative writing. The tarot "spark" inevitably returns on its own.

Sorry to hear this has happened to you. I know it is difficult, as tarot and oracles normally feel like an integral part of life. Hope you get that "spark" back soon. :)


Hi Empress, it happens.

I've studied tarot for 5 years and before that, I was a hardcore science believer, i.e. I had no spiritual or religious inclinations at all. I shunned them as "non-scientific", superstitious and wishful thinking.

After becoming more and more fascinated by tarot, I've opened up to the idea that there could be a spiritual realm/element in this universe too. However, from time to time I feel indifferent and even annoyed by tarot - what could the cards possibly know, tell or help?

I think this cyclical thinking is normal in any matter. Surely you have other interests and hobbies as well, or perhaps people around, who interest you (and make sense to you) more at times and not that much at other times?

One factor that pushes me away from tarot is when life feels draining or things don't improve for a long period of time. That's when it's easy to feel: What's the point in asking for guidance, if nothing changes anyway?

If that's what's going on for you, it might be that you're becoming jaded and perhaps even border depression? It's not dangerous in itself to lose interest in matters that have been important to you before, but it might be harmful to let yourself become apathetic, cynical or passive in general.

If you miss the connection and feeling engaged with tarot/oracles, maybe try a new deck, or a new divination/self-exploration method. Runes? I Ching? Something that gives you new aspects and angles to learn.


It's just not doing it for you anymore, and that's okay. I think it can be exhausting to always be looking for answers. It's valuable to take a break from that kind of seeking and just let yourself experience life for a while without consulting an oracle or the tarot. Just be with what is. I didn't bother with tarot for at least ten years (though I was never the type to pull cards or do readings every day, and for every little question or issue I had, like some people seem to do) and I got back into it. You'll probably pick it up again someday if something attracts you to it again, and you'll likely have gained a new and illuminating perspective from being away from tarot and oracles for however long it will be. I wouldn't worry about it.


It happens!
I went through some months in the past not wanting to know anything about spirituality as a whole. I remember getting quite annoying or even rolling my eyes when hearing about it.
I also used to make huge physical advancement in everything else from day to day running and managing my life to work and hobbies and socialising during that time.
I guess there's a time for everything or even a turn.
I remember reading that Mother Theresa herself lost her spirituality/ belief in God for *many* years. And then one day it came back.
I don't read my cards for every little thing, everyday. I use them mostly to shed light on myself and my choices more than anything else.
If you need a break from it all take it for however long you need to x


I also went away from my esoteric studies and practice for "many" years while building a career and raising a family. When I came back, I found that there wasn't much value in reading for myself any more, but dramatically increased value in reading for others and participating in tarot community events. That's where all my attention has been going.


Interests wax and wane. Hang in there, and they might circle around again. :)


I'm putting this in spirituality because I feel that is kind of what this post will lean towards but if the mods think it should be somewhere else (talking tarot maybe??), I understand. I went back and forth on the appropriate subforum for a while.

So I'm feeling very disenchanted with...well, everything lately. I'm overworked, overstressed and very tired. But the few moments of solace that I do get, I am no longer drawn to my cards (I said tarot in my title but I really use oracles MUCH more often). Not only that but I'm feeling pulled away from any and all divination...and anything to do with it, even if things are just peripherally involved with the occult studies that used to fascinate me, I feel this sense of being repelled by it.

It is so odd to me, this sudden shift. I don't know what to make of it. I have a prayer of protection that I say before I go to sleep (it's long so I won't bore you with the details) and part of it addresses my guides. I can no longer say that part. Just suddenly one day, I can't say it??

I guess my question to you, is have you ever had this sudden shift in interest/beliefs? Do you think that I'm being led to a new path that just hasn't been revealed? Is there a reason I'm being pulled away from these interests? Do you think I'm just maxed out and my brain is shutting down?? lol Definitely the latter is true but I do feel that something else is happening here.

Any thoughts?
Only a few thoughts from my own experience. I had been studying Tarot and psychic development for around nine years when suddenly I lost interest. I just stopped doing anything in this realm whatsoever, without any feel for whether it was a temporary or permanent break.

After a little over a year had passed, one day out of the blue, I thought, "I think I'd like to go look at Tarot decks." I went to my local Half Price Books and fell in love with the Halloween Tarot. I found that during my year off, something had changed in the way I read--I was reading much more intuitively and relying less on books. My enjoyment was back, but it also felt like there was a renewal and a freshness that I hadn't had before. That was about 15 years ago, and I haven't had that happen again, although there have been times when I haven't felt as drawn to the cards as at other times.

I think of this now as the part of baking a loaf of bread where you have done the work of measuring, mixing, and kneading, and at some point the dough just needs to be left alone to rest and rise. Clearing the decks is another way I have looked at it--time for something to go so that something new can take its place.

My suggestion is as far as you can, just put away what doesn't call to you, and do whatever does call to you, even if whatever it is seems silly or shallow or even too deep. I can't recall now what I did during that year off, although I have a dim recollection that it involved a great deal of TV, long walks, and paint by number sets.


I guess my question to you, is have you ever had this sudden shift in interest/beliefs? Do you think that I'm being led to a new path that just hasn't been revealed? Is there a reason I'm being pulled away from these interests? Do you think I'm just maxed out and my brain is shutting down?? lol Definitely the latter is true but I do feel that something else is happening here.

Any thoughts?

Oh Gosh, yes, EA! A few times myself. And, like you, I was very busy and concerned with "more" pressing things going on in our lives. But, I always come back to it.

Its also happened to me with my genealogy, and with other hobbies as well, calligraphy, drawing and painting and even cooking. Thank God the hubby enjoys cooking and so when I'm dead tired of it--he can take over.

Right now my spiritual activities are once again being put on the back burner to genealogy and my newest interest--TAI CHI. I can't get enough of Tai Chi and though I am still doing the spiritual things (reading cards, etc)-the spiritual stuff is most definitely on the back burner- only on 'warm' right now.

I took my cards, (both tarot & lenny) with me on vacation. Sis is always wanting a reading, and she did indeed ask me for one while we were on vacation. But you know, I never even took the cards out once! Thats a first, esp. when on vacation with her. But at the time that she mentioned wanting a reading--we were out at dinner, and I had left them in the hotel. by the time we got back to the hotel, we were tired. *shrugs*.

Tai chi though- - I showed her a few Tai Chi moves and we were both doing a few of them as we walked on the riverwalk. :laugh:

So, I wouldn't worry too much about it. You said yourself, you are overworked, over stressed, and over tired. I can certainly understand that right now your spirituality needs to take a sleep for awhile! When things settle down and you actually have time--you'll pick it right up again. Don't rush it. Like anything else, pay attention to what your body tells you. When you feel like it--play w/your cards, your crystals, etc. But while you're over-done in every other area of life--just concentrate on getting through all that first.



Absolutely - whenever I get extremely tired, overworked or stressed I start to think "what's the point?!" with things that I normally do every day. It makes sense, being burnt out and exhausted requires a bit of relaxation and a break from the norm to heal.

I used to do readings every day for others, and then I stopped for quite some time due to other issues going on in life...I think with the time taken to step away and focus on other creative or pleasurable pursuits, one will always return to their true path with renewed vigor and joy.