fantastical tarot


i find the fantastical tarot beautifull but i don't know much about it.
is it good for readings? is the symbolism good to read? i've read somewhere it is difficult for beginners because there's a lack of symbolism.

thanks a lot



I have this deck. I find the artwork very beautiful in the Majors but the Minors are definitely lacking in symbolism. I especially have a hard time with the Wands suit. All the cards in that suit look pretty much the same to me. I bought this deck about 8 months ago and haven't used it in at least 6 months. But it IS really gorgeous.


I'm with you Rhiannon. I love my fantastical deck. Wouldn't trade it for anything. The minors are a bit lacking though, except the court cards. They're pretty cool. I love that knight of swords!! But the wands are a problem for me too. Wands are supposed to be action and the people shown are just standing there with wands around them. (shrug)
But I just LOVE the majors! I'm thinking about using it as a majors only reading deck. The artwork is just wonderful. I flip through the deck every once in a while just to look at it.


Yep, I'm with everyone else on this: The Majors are really neat, but the minors leave a lot to be desired.
In fact, Faunabay brought it to a class I was teaching and I loved the Majors so I went out and got it. But after months of trying to "bond" with it, read with it, etc., it still hasn't "clicked." I think it is for two reasons:
1. There isn't really very good symbolism in the Majors.
2. The Minors look so, well, boring.
In fact, I've decided to try and trade it for the Gendron (I've posted on both Worldwide and US/Canada).
For both these reasons, I wouldn't recommend it for a beginner. Go with a Rider Waite clone, like the Robin Wood, Hanson-Roberts, or Connelly.
Good luck,