Choosing a deck for mixed company


Is there a "safe" deck that you can use with general audiences; people with whom you are not familiar?

I'm looking for something expressive enough to evoke a response, but not so "out there" that people will run screaming from the table.

In a previous thread, I mentioned how I was looking for a deck that would not be offensive to female querents. As a guy, I personally feel uncomfortable reading to female clients with a deck containing too much nudity. Two female responses commented that this shouldn't be much of a concern.

Perhaps I should rephrase the question to refer to "reserved people" instead of unfairly limiting the terms to females, because it begs the question of using any deck which might contain images that'll offend the querent.

Some decks, particularly theme decks or those with a strong sexual content (Cosmic Tribe), bother me. I like to think that I've seen it all, and that if a deck bothers me, it'll definitely bother others who are more reserved.

What are your thoughts on this?



Hi Gary! You mentioned that you have the Cosmic Tarot in another post , and I Really like that deck personally. I can understand your feeling and concern. SO many decks have nudity that it's difficult for me to remember or come up with decks that have no nudity , But aren't very "cutesy" , feminine and/or childlike. I would have to actually look at each card of a deck to determine that the deck has no naked people! Some decks have mostly clothed people, BUT then there's the star card! The World card, maybe the empress! Here are some decks that I think have no nudity but can't be sure without actually going through each card:
Buckland Romani (not super cute either) but it is definitely a theme deck)
Enchanted (great deck ! Give it a chance even if don't like art on first impression!)
Legeng:Arthur (oops, it's a theme deck!)
Vision Quest
Moongarden(Truly cute!)
Chinese Tarot..............


My best suggestion would be the Hanson-Roberts deck. I just flipped through it to make sure, but there are no stray private body parts anywhere to offend. :) Even the star card (which is still naked) has long hair that covers everything. And the world card is clothed.
It's kind of a cutsey deck but it's not too much. I love my deck and have found that it appeals to men and women alike (it'd be very good for children too)


I thought about another deck. If you have the Rohrig and like that type of collage deck, try the Voyager. I flipped through mine and the ONLY naked person on any of the cards is a pregnant woman on the woman of worlds who has all the pertinent body parts covered.
Just another suggestion.


i agree whole heartedly with faunabay - i'd suggest the hanson-roberts deck too. while it may be a bit whimsical, it is "G" rated. in fact, i chose this deck myself for that very reason - it's perfect for all audiences.
luv and light,


What's kinda kooky about this situation is that I have studied art in the past, and tokk a life drawing (nude) course in college. I'm personally not a prude, however, you just don't know about the people you read for.

Maybe I should bring a variety of decks to readings, and allow the querent to select the one that appeals to them. That might be the solution to the dilemma.

Also, as to the Voyager, its been on my want list for a while now.

See ya,



I know some readers who do just that divinerguy. They take a couple of decks and let the querent choose.
As for the Voyager deck....didn't you trade taz for that deck? If you didn't I do have an extra copy. I know we couldn't fix a trade before, but maybe we can come up wiht something. I mean it's just sitting here on my bookshelf. ??? Let me know.



Yes, I am trading my Robin Wood and a couple of books for her Voyager. We're waiting till this week, Christmas at the Post Office can be a mess.

If it falls through, I'll be in touch. I'm starting to accumulate a lot of stuff.

Hope the holidays went well for you.

Warmest regards,



I am partial to the Smith-Waite deck so I often use it; however, I agree with the choice of Hanson-Roberts as being suitable for all audiences; also the Robin Wood. I have used the Hanson-Roberts & The Chinese Tarot for the younger clients.
I generally reserve the use of The Chinese Tarot, The Ancient Egyptian & The Cosmic Tribe for those clients I know will appreciate their artwork. I choose the deck according to impressions of the client, & it's not failed me yet.
Letting the client choose a deck is a good idea; however, with the exception of one client, none has wanted to.


Hi Gary!

Mind if I put my ha'pennyworth in? I know you've already had lots of pointers on this one, but I'd like to plug my favourite decks: Osho Zen and Spiral. The former is my all-time favourite (and I can't think of a single naked body - or part - offhand). However, I sometimes feel it doesn't have enough "layers" and I've taken to using the Spiral for extended readings. Despite naked Lovers (discreetly disappearing into the foliage), a bare Star, a nude World and a couple of genies with bare breasts in the Minor Arcana, it is artistically done and I have used it with both male and female clients of varying ages, some of whom I didn't know at all.

I, too, have the Cosmic Tribe and would only feel happy using it for myself or people I know very well. I have shown it to a couple of female friends who have found it more amusing than anything - so it's uplifting. However, another - older woman - took an instant dislike to it - she did later have another look and a bit of a giggle. I don't feel the context is exactly sexual, although I can understand how as a man reading for women you could be uncomfortable.

Good luck in finding the right deck for this!