Friend acting strange - 2 of Swords


A friend of mine is acting strange these days. I've shuffled before each reading.

I asked why: 2 of Swords, King of Cups
First I thought that he might be going through a rough time, decision-making process (2 of Seords) and my presence bothers him because he is happy on his own (King). However, the 2 of Swords because of the blindfolded person could link literally to seeing or not seeing each other. Maybe him being happy (King) that he doesn't see me?

What's it got to do with me? 2 of Swords, Hogs Priestess, Empress
Both Hogh Priestess and Empress are dominant women - basically again, I just bother him and he doesn't want to see me?

Would he prefer to see me or not? Chariot, King of Cups, 2 of Cups
I thonk he would actually. The Chariot could mean he's expecting me to suggest a meeting. The King of Cups appears here again...and the 2 of Cups is literally having a coffee maybe? He definitely doesn't have romantic feelings for me, so that isn't the meaning. Or maybe he's afraid I want something romantic and he chooses to withdraw?

Shpuld I suggest a meeting soon? King of Cups (again!), 2 of Pent, Moon
I think this couldbe a yes, but Ixwouldn't rush it...I'd let things to balance a little first (2 oc Pent) and be honest woth my intentions (Moon)? Or maybe that means that I should wait for him to make that step he's deciding on? (2 of Pent)


For a little feedback, I've learnt that he's really busy.

Could the 2 of Swords mean that he doesn't see anything but work now?