Goddess oracle or tarot?


Hey guys! I am looking for a Goddess themed deck right now. I've seen these on this site and I think I like the pictures in the Oracle better... http://www.aeclectic.net/tarot/goddessoracle/index.html ...
even though it's not tarot. I'm not sure I like the artwork in the Goddess Tarot... and quite a few people here have said they have trouble working with it.

I do like the artwork for Tarot of the Goddess but it is unpublished :( What ever will I do?

So, after all that.... ;) Does anyone have the Goddess Oracle? And what are your opinions of it? Or can anyone recommend another deck with this theme? Thanks!

Rhiannon :)


I've got the Goddess Knowledge Cards. They're beautiful! I used them to draw a card a day, but haven't now for quite a while. I've offered them for trade, but am not sure now whether I want to or not. :)
Check them out on wicce


Hi, Rhiannon!

I've got the Goddess Oracle and I can say that these are large cards which are even more vibrant than they appear on screen! I love mine, but I guess it depends what you would want to use it for. As you say, it's not a Tarot deck. It comes with a book which has suggestions for how to use it and there is a detailed meditation for each card to put you in touch with that particular "goddess" aspect of yourself.

I lent mine to a friend's mother before Christmas cos I felt she had more need of them than I did. I must have been right as she loved them so much that we then had to try to find a set for her for her pressie but the first set only reappeared last week - so I'm hoping to see mine again soon!


Hiya Rhiannon,

I think you need to decide for yourself what you want the decks for. With my (limited) experience, some non-tarot decks don't really give you the same scope and variety of responces that may be achived from a tarot deck.

(Or maybe you should just get both...)


Ok, I looked these up on the artists site and now I MUST HAVE THEM!!! Jeesh, $30! I'll be saving for a little while, but they will be mine... oh yes they will be mine. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ok sorry about the maniacal laughter. *blushes* but these cards are GORGEOUS. If anyone else wants to preview all the cards before purchase here's the website I went to: http://www.hranajanto.com/goddessgallery/GGF-all.html

You can also order large or small prints of the cards or even originals if you love one so much you have to hang it up. I love the Morgan LeFay card!

Rhiannon :) Now panting with desire for these cards. ;)


Quote:kayne (13 Jan, 2002 14:25):
Hiya Rhiannon,

I think you need to decide for yourself what you want the decks for. With my (limited) experience, some non-tarot decks don't really give you the same scope and variety of responces that may be achived from a tarot deck.

(Or maybe you should just get both...)

The cards for which you posted the site ARE gorgeous! I just wanted to add a little to the Goddess Tarot comment you made about some people finding the it a bit hard to work with. I own this deck, but more for collection than anything else really. I personally like decks that are more gender balanced, but this deck is very lovely. I would definitly recommend that if you ever get it to make sure and buy the book for the deck and you might even want to consider looking through the workbook for this deck as well. I know that if I ever decide to work with it I will first go through the workbook.

Good luck, and enjoy what ever deck(s) you choose to purchase.

Love & Light,


i had an interesting experience with the goddess tarot. about a year ago, i saw some of the cards, and i really liked them. but i didn't know if i wanted to spend my money on another deck/book set. so i bought the book, which was $8. cheap enough i thought. when i looked through it, the artwork, while in black and white in the book, didn't impress me as much as i thought it would. so i decided to not buy the deck.

over time, intermittently, this deck would appear to me in the strangest of places. like i'd be in a book store, and the deck would be in the shelf right where i was looking, far away from the tarot section. or someone would mention it, and it would catch my ear. just marginal stuff like that.

a few weeks ago, i went to barnes and noble to buy a book on women's mysteries. they really had no selection at that particular store. yet, right next to that shelf, was the tarot section, and there was a single goddess tarot deck shining in my eyes. i left the store without buying anything.

the next stop was borders. they also didn't have the book i was looking for. but they did have the goddess tarot. they also had one of those flip-thru thingies, with a few goddess tarot cards.

finally, i went to the barnes and noble up the highway a bit. they had the book i was looking for, plus a few others. i saw the goddess tarot decks there, but again passed them by - i already was spending more than i planned. as i waited on line, and glanced over the tables by the register with "bargain" books on them, there, totally out of place, in the middle of a stack of cook books, was a brand new goddess tarot deck. it wasn't a bargain book, someone had probibly picked it up, and decided at the last minute not to buy it. or not.

anyway, i picked it up and bought it.

i love it. the art is much better in color than in black and white. and while it is biased feminine, i don't mind at all. i really like the energy of the deck. one of these days i need to spend some quality time with it, as i haven't really had a chance to do that. i love the diversity of goddesses in the majors, and the little descriptions they have of each.

luv and light,


Nexy what a cool story and experience! Unlike you I am very weak when it comes to resisting temptation of purchasing a Tarot deck ~giggles~ so I suppose I will never have that sort experience.

Love & Light,


The Daughters of the Moon Tarot is a feminist themed deck, with a strong Goddess emphasis. The usual court cards are replaced with the maiden-mother-crone pantheon.

Earthy art work, but very appealing. I have it and use it for relationship issues. Its a round deck, and is able to supply information about the relative strength of the card's attributes.




divinerguy, I use the Daughters of the moon also. I had used it in the past , then left it alone for awhile. Then recently used it for a couple of readings again. Where before, I loved this deck, Suddenly I am finding myself confused! Maybe it's because I had used rider-waite type decks like Robin Wood for awhile...................... I noticed how very different DOM was from rider-waite decks. For instance, in Daughter's of the Moon, 7 of swords is "meditation", 2 of cups is "depression" , 10 of swords is "the rattle" (meaning something like "positive listening and truthful communication") Totally different meanings from typical decks. I don't know if you have the DOM book , that's where I got the meanings from. Lately they have been throwing me! I find it difficult to forget the traditional meanings , thus finding myself confused over the readings! Not sure whether I will continue with this deck or how to solve this dilemna.