H.R. Giger tarot


i was in brighton (to non english people, its just a big city type place) yesterday and i was in the book shop waterstones. hidden away in a dark corner on the top floor is the tarot section., so im sitting by myself on the floor flicking through these books and things when i get an urge to see whats behind the books on the shelf. i try to quietly move them past when i see a box for a deck lying behind all the books - its the H.R. Giger tarot.

i opened up the box to see the booklet, poster thing, and the deck all opened.

when i sat looking through the crads i felt so weird...i felt like i needed the deck, that i wanted to have, but m first instinct was to not tell anyone about it - that it would be my own secret deck.

as i sat looking through them and the book i wanted them, but the spreads were all about finding about peoples true feelings, what they think, about their soul, and all the cards are so dark but intriguing.

i was kinda...i wanted to use them, but i felt like i was afraid of what i could do with them, and what they could do to me.

it sounds stupid but i dunno....i was there for quite a while, i snapped back into reality when my brother shouted at me.

scary...what do people think?

(sorry if there are lotsa typos im in a rush coz i hafta go out in a sec *grins*)


i've always been 'intrigued' by his style, ever since he did the album cover for Emerson, Lake and Palmer's 'Brain Salad Surgery'. and with his work on 'Alien' i think he created one of the scariest monsters ever!
but i don't really think of this as a tarot deck. it seems to me just a collection of 22 Giger prints.
i borrowed this deck from a friend once to show my wife, and then forgot about it until we were in bed that night. so i told her "i've got something to show you" (that always scares her, haha) and jumped out of bed to get them. she browsed through them for awhile, then we turned off the light and went to sleep. the next day she told me that she had had the weirdest dreams, and that she would never look at such stuff before bed again!
so beware.



Spooky, I got my Giger tarot from the Brighton Waterstones! Well not that spooky as live nearby! I personally like the Giger tarot, but then I like his artwork anyway.

I agree it's just a collection of pre-existing pictures, so not created especially, but it still works. The pictures still convey the meanings, but throw a different slant on them. I can't say they're a deck I read with all the time, but for personal exploration they are brilliant. I tend to find the dark erotic imagery is offputting to some, especially the militant feminist brigade! But even so, I like them.

But as for strange dreams etc, I can't say I've had that experience with them...but then my dreams are weird anyway!



I still could not make up my mind to add this deck to my collection. It is not to my taste, sorry. There are several packages of this deck looming in the shelfs of my fav book shop.

Maybe I should buy a deck and glue the pics to my front door to keep unwelcome visitors off? :D