Help I'm new! I asked " Why won't Paul reply?" 8 cups, High Priestess and Temperance

Emi :)

Help I'm new! I asked " Why won't Paul reply?" 8 cups, High Priestess and Temperance



The II's are always saying that four-letter W-word to me: 'WAIT'. The High Priestess and Temperance are both patience cards. The High Priestess itself is very calm and rational, compared with the flamboyant and talkative magician.

Temperance too. If you look at the imagery it's an angel performing alchemy. You can't just go around mixing chemicals together. You have to be cautious and follow everything step. by. step.

VIII of pentacles is also about patience: but this time in regards to refinign a skill / craft and making money. You don't build Rome in a day and you don't become as wealthy as Warren Buffet overnight.

So all three are telling me the same thing: PATIENCE! TAKE YOUR TIME! STOP AND SMELL THE ROSES!

I'd also add: enjoy the moment! Don't worry about labels and what is and isn't, just enjoy the company and friendship and the adventure. Things will turn out he way they turn out, but for now try to focus on the here and now.

At least that's what I'm seeing my two cents.

Emi :)

Thanks so much

Thanks Pargatho


I like your clever understanding and more importantly thanks for answering me as I thought nobody would!

Can you please just expand a little ? I understand "WAIT" but can you tell from 8 of of cups, High Priestess and Temperance that this guys knows what's going on?

Emma J.

I dunno I just see a lot of subconscious cards - High Priestess is the trope for the Queen of the Subconscious. Temperance is always a very ethereal and dream-like card for me (angels don't really exist, we all know that [or at least we can't see them with our physical eyes]). And the 8 of cups is at night.

I think you're in your too head-space too much. I think the cards might subtlety be saying like a therapist: well what do YOU think that means? Maybe you're putting too much pressure on him to respond. Maybe yo're too much in your own head right now and freaking out.

In my mind's eye my best advice would be as follows: don't fret on this for 72 hours from when you read this and after that period of time you can consult the cards again or start freaking out / fretting.

Emi :)

I see



Do you mean I'm thinking about too much way too soon. Do you think he likes me, what could those 3 cards mean as his feelings?

You're too much in your own head. Stop obsessing. Just wait it out. This is a personal reading. These three cards are about YOU not HIM. Stop projecting. Time will tell.


I like your clever understanding and more importantly thanks for answering me as I thought nobody would!

Can you please just expand a little ? I understand "WAIT" but can you tell from 8 of of cups, High Priestess and Temperance that this guys knows what's going on?

Emma J.
You didn't ask that. You asked why he hadn't answered - and the answer is "it isn't time just now." As Pargatho said - these cards are screaming WAIT.

Do you mean I'm thinking about too much way too soon. Do you think he likes me, what could those 3 cards mean as his feelings?
Again - you didn't ask about his feelings - and asking simply about someone else's feelings tends to give muddy answers anyway. You asked why he didn't reply. And the answer is a clear "not now." You are almost obsessing. Don't.

But if you need REASONS as such - maybe he is already getting the feeling that you are - dare I say it - looking a bit desperate, a bit predatory. Be natural. Things may or may not develop, but 4 casual meetings at drama club and a facebook "friendship" (I hate that term in relation to FB - who the hell has 2,853 FRIENDS???) aren't a huge lot to go on here. MAYBE he was flirting, has a relationship he hadn't mentioned (drama clubs are a hot bed of such things....) and realises you are getting serious too fast, and doesn't know how to mention it. That would cover HP - secret information. Not knowing how to tell you something. But I don't think so - I'm with Pargatho here.

As Pargatho says - enjoy the moment, smell the roses and wait and see. I would strongly suggest not reading on this again for a good while - but if you must (as I suspect you will :D) - in a few days, try something like "what is the best way for me to develop a friendship with Paul ?" After all- if friendship won't work, nothing more significant is likely to... ;)

And the cards do tend to work best with questions related to whet you can do in any given situation. That gives the possibility for acting on them.


Moderator note:

Hello Emi,

Please review the section on giving feedback. This is meant to be a tarot learning forum and just asking more questions is not feedback.

I am locking your other two threads until you finish this one.

See here:

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co-Moderator, Your Readings


1st card was 8 of cups: I have read that this could suggest walking away and leaving something behind, the cups are balancing together still which could overall mean leaving something to chance?

2nd card was High Priestess: I though of something obvious like sitting and waiting, she looks bored or annoyed?

3rd card was Temperance: I'm not sure if this was the right card but The image from Rider Waite was of a man pouring something into two cups which could mean decision making or balance and finding the right time?

The very best I got folks.

Hi emi
Maybe he is in a relationship still but is considering leaving her first, or recently left one, in which case he might just want some fun. He could feel that you are a bit intense as you are already chasing him by always being the one to initiate conversation, and this might make him feel you are looking for a serious relationship and it would not be balanced in some way. Don't you want him to chase you? He could want the challenge of chasing you, instead. Give him space to figure it out for himself and to figure out where he is emotionally. A recent friend is always texting me, up to 3 times a day and not I ignore most as I want my space and her to back off and don't want her friendship any more for that reason. I hope this helps


Brown sparrow

Hate to jump on the band wagon of disappointment here but just to read the cards and context I'd say it's possible he's thinking of leaving the drama club or that he's re considering his friendly approach. High priestess in this context would be that he's simply dettached or otherwise focused. Temperence means he does not want to move too fast on any relationship with you. This doesn't mean there's no hope, it just means hard as it is, the best thing for you to do is be patient and don't come on too strong. If you want to know if he likes you, is attracted to you or what the best approach to him is, then do another spread with concise questions :) oh, and only draw extra cards if you need clarification (I understand the urge and impulse to keep drawing but it only makes the message fuzzier) good luck :)