Is He Coming Back?


I've got a friend who used to be with a guy who she believed was her one and was a really crazy sort of situation, and she was separating from her husband and getting divorced. This guy came in and rocked her world: he told her things she never thought she'd hear from anybody, was kind, smart, funny, the whole works. He seemed perfect for her, as he saw her and knew her for both her strengths and weaknesses. He did things she never told anybody she ever wanted in a man, and yet he did them. He told her he wanted to marry her once the divorce was final. She was skeptical at first, and she didn't believe in his feelings for her, but he kept on with it and finally she believed him. She kept getting all these weird coincidental "signs" that seemed to be telling her he was the right guy, even though it seemed like a long shot. They were together for a few months, but then, because of family reasons (this guy is actually a member of her ex's family), they had to cut off the relationship. Now, she's wondering if this guy will ever realize he wants her and come back to her, once he finds that he can decide on his own a part from what his family thinks.
I do not read in spreads, yet, as I do not have enough knowledge of them, yet; I am still researching, so I do 3-card readings to one question. I have read on this question for her, before, and have received seemingly consistent results, telling her that right now at this moment, the family situation is what is keeping them apart, but as far as the future is concerned, the answer seems to be yes. I will lay out the two most recent I have done and you can tell me what you think:

Will He Come Back?
1. Devil
2. Temperance
3. 9 of Cups

This one I interpreted to mean that after all the unhealthy stuff is worked out, she will be satisfied with what she gets, and so to answer the question, it is a yes, although it will be quite some time before it happens, since Temperance means intimate relationship over time, and also means healing, balance and moderation. Devil usually means obsessions, voluntary bondages, addictions, unhealthy attachments, lusts, and/or not recognizing and/or controlling your own power and desires. 9 of Cups of course, means satisfaction and attainment. It is usually described as the "got what you wanted" card.

Will He come Back?
1. Strength
2. Tower
3. Moon

For this one, I'm not really sure, but I know Strength has no negative meanings at all, unless reversed, and it negates and corrects other cards. This is as if to say that personal inner strength will win out over all other uncontrollable upsets (family break ups and divorces) and that the intuition or imagination will be involved, somehow. Like personal goals and dreams. The Tower and Moon together can mean something supernatural, or transformative, psychic or intuitive, yet coming from a source not within ourselves. In response to the question, it also seems to be saying yes, he will be coming back, after some much needed internal work. This relates back to the previous reading with the Devil and Temperance cards. When something outside of ourselves rocks our world, it tends to create inner changes we cannot avoid. I told her that both readings seem to be yielding a "Yes" answer. What do you think?