Just got Daughters of the Moon Tarot - WOW!


I went to Controversial Books in San Diego, and treated myself to the Daughters of the Moon Tarot Deck and Book. It is a deck which is designed to re-establish reverence for women as strong role models. I think the deck's creators were successful.

The artwork in this deck is breathtaking. Its in an american folk art style. The theme of the deck is powerful goddess and cultural figures. Its almost a history lesson as well as a tarot deck.

The arcana is switched around quite a bit, but after you get used to it pretty quickly. Lots of naked boobies, but because of the folk art style, its probably suitable for most adult querents. However, because of the feminine emphasis, it would probably be more well received by women.

Pricey at $26.95 for the deck and $9.95 for the book (US dollars), but well worth the bucks.

