Lenormand - straight to the point


Yesterday I pulled 3 cards for my day ahead

Man - Letter - Moon

I received news from an old friend (male) which was really sad news and he was very emotional

The day before that I pulled 3 cards for my day ahead

Rider - Child - Woman

My friend asked me to go hers and pick her daughter up to look after whilst she was busy getting things done

Does anyone else experience this kind of stuff with these cards without looking too deep into them like tarot


Yesterday I pulled 3 cards for my day ahead

Man - Letter - Moon

I received news from an old friend (male) which was really sad news and he was very emotional

The day before that I pulled 3 cards for my day ahead

Rider - Child - Woman

My friend asked me to go hers and pick her daughter up to look after whilst she was busy getting things done

Does anyone else experience this kind of stuff with these cards without looking too deep into them like tarot

its interesting that you read moon as sad news, because in a lot of readings it is interpretetd as good news, but in my experience (reading for myself) - moon has reflected moodiness and going by whatever my intuition has been and is saying

ha, i loved the second sequence. but yes, lennys can be quite precise and accurate. do you keep a journal? this way you can go back and look at the interpretations. i keep on starting one, but am not very consistent


I certainly get a lot of very literal meanings with my cards when it comes to doing daily draws. The more traditional meanings, less literal, tend to crop up for the larger, future-forecast types of readings. So I am not surprised that your cards were so to the point and literal!


its interesting that you read moon as sad news, because in a lot of readings it is interpretetd as good news, but in my experience (reading for myself) - moon has reflected moodiness and going by whatever my intuition has been and is saying

ha, i loved the second sequence. but yes, lennys can be quite precise and accurate. do you keep a journal? this way you can go back and look at the interpretations. i keep on starting one, but am not very consistent

Yes, the Moon is usually good news/a positive answer, but the Moon does connect to the emotions and so I guess can "indirectly connect" to bad news by coming up as emotionality. Then again, I also think that with daily draws when the cards usually manifest so literally I might try to see the cards for their holistic, overall meaning, aside from being positive or negative because you might get the Scythe and think ohh I'm gonna get cut or there will be an accident but it could simply manifest as a pair of scissors or a kitchen knife, no harm done. So it's interesting to see how the cards can twist and change depending on the context and situation.

Village Witch

Yesterday's draw was Book + Whip + Child.

My daughter stopped to visit later in the day saying that she and her ex were arguing about what school district their daughter will attend next year.

Village Witch

Today's draw left me holding my breath. Anchor + Letter + Woman.

The tracking on my order said my Burning Serpent Oracle hadn't arrived yet.

Guess what the hubby brought back from the post office today!!!