Lenormand/Titania Draw 04-10-26


Hello !

The spread up for discussion this time is :

13 Child - 5 Tree - 28 Gentleman




Looks like I'm first this time, I would say that some thing good is growing for a child or for a man with a child/children if he has no children then it will be some thing that evokes a child like wonder in him, it could be a business in it's infancy say, or a new relationship, it will be good as the tree is a omen of good things growing, it could also suggest that he or the child take some time out to think, the child about his father,brother,uncle or some male figure, and the man about a child/children, under the shade of a tree!


I think this man has had an illness which he has just learnt he has overcome. He is on the mend and the fact that his family and friends are all overjoyed at this, means to me that it was a potentially serious illness.

The future looks good for him.

This is how I see the cards:

Child = happiness, friendship, a wish come true

Tree = Health... if close to the Man or Lady could mean illness unless it appears with other trees. Then it means good health

Man = the questioner

I presume this is the same with all Lenormand decks but mine shows the tree on the Man card right next to the Tree card so I think this is good news.


I forgot to say that I use Titania's Version of these cards!


Well, I must say that I'm a bit disapointed in the amount of participation in the Lenormand draws in general. Only 3 people replyed to this one and I posted it more than a week ago. Is it because there is a lack of interest in this deck ? Or in these kind of exercises ? Please tell me. If the participation stays at this level, then I seriously doubt if I will be posting more exercises in the future.



tarotlova said:

Looks like I'm first this time, I would say that some thing good is growing for a child or for a man with a child/children if he has no children then it will be some thing that evokes a child like wonder in him, it could be a business in it's infancy say, or a new relationship, it will be good as the tree is a omen of good things growing, it could also suggest that he or the child take some time out to think, the child about his father,brother,uncle or some male figure, and the man about a child/children, under the shade of a tree!

Yes, I agree that the child can indicate something new.

I like your interp of the tree as something that is growing. But the general meaning of the card is health, strength, vitality or maturity.

Why do you think that the man or the child may be thinking about something ? What card represents the thinking to you ? Just wondering.

Thanks for you input !



Hi Hilde

I've just got Titania's Fortune Deck and would love to join in.

the only thing is..

you mention a number with a card, which I don't have on my deck. Does it make a difference?


Moonbow* said:
I think this man has had an illness which he has just learnt he has overcome. He is on the mend and the fact that his family and friends are all overjoyed at this, means to me that it was a potentially serious illness.

The future looks good for him.

This is how I see the cards:

Child = happiness, friendship, a wish come true

Tree = Health... if close to the Man or Lady could mean illness unless it appears with other trees. Then it means good health

Man = the questioner

I presume this is the same with all Lenormand decks but mine shows the tree on the Man card right next to the Tree card so I think this is good news.


I agree that the tree has to do with health issues. It mostly does. But when I look at your interp, you say that he has overcome the illness. Why do you think that ? What cards indicates that to you ? I would rather say that this man better has a check-up. Could be an illness can be detected while it's still in its infancy. It seems like an innocent cold, for instance, but it could get worse if it's not taken care for.

Don't get me wrong, I like your interp and the meanings of the cards are correct. However, this is only a 3-card spread. To see what this man's future looks like healthwise, we would definitely needs additional cards.

Thanks for you input. You are on the right track !



Sometimes the tree can also be a time indicator. Meaning : a very long time.

So, another possible interp could be that the querent might be waiting to hear from a child and he has been waiting for a long time already.

Or maybe a father will hear something about his child being sick.

Or maybe it tells us that the querent may seem like a mature man, but in his heart he's still much like a child.

I think we all agree that a few additional cards could explain more to us, but that's not the issue of the exercises I post. The main purpose is to become familiar with different interps of different combinations.

Anyone else ?



question.. from a curious person

if its about the man, wouldn't it be the man first and not the child?