Lord of The Rings Tarot


I just watched the film today which is marvellous.
I'm tempted to buy the Lord Of The Rings Tarot now but I noticed that
there are two versions. So I'm really confused now.
OR is it the same deck in different packages?



There's only one version that I know of -- it's by Terry Donaldson. You might do a google search for it, and look at pictures on various sites. :)


Hiya Silvereye

I don't have the deck but have been put off by all the negative comments about it... I am a huge Tolkien fan and have read all his books - usually a few times. I was surprised that the movie was as good as it turned out.

About the deck I have heard (probably from Aeclectic somewhere...) that the pictures are very small, images not true to the story (hobbits with shoes!!!) and is just not very inspiring...

But don't just take my word for it! Is there someone out there that really loves this deck?

:cool: K


I had the tarot deck but traded it! The pictures are beautiful but the artwork only covers about 2/3 of the card, the rest is words. And yes the hobbits have shoes (horrors) LOL
But there also is a Lord of the Rings Oracle out there now. I've read good reveiws on it, but haven't seen it myself. I'd give you the link to the review but can't remember where I read it. Sorry


I also have this deck, and unfortunately the pics are small and the hobbits have shoes ~shakes head~ what were they thinking *LOL*. This deck falls into my "decoupage" category of decks. The art is pretty but as far as Tarot or the actual story not very good. I have not read the book that comes with it yet, but I understand it includes a card game, and the cards are really well suited for that game. I do not recommend this deck as a Tarot deck. Some day I may decoupage something with the images, as I said the colors and images are pretty just not very meaningful. That is my two pearls worth on the subject.

Love & Light,


yes, there are two versions: there is the tarot and there is the oracle system. i personally don't like the artwork of the tarot, the oracle seems nicer. there are so much grey, metal colors in the tarot one. and like somebody else here said the pictures fill the card for just 2/3, i don't like the borders.
you can see both on the site of wicce: www.wicce.com. for the oracle you have to choose non-tarot reviews and there you can see the cards. there is also a ring by the set and it is in a beautifull box. so i hope i helped you.

with love,



thanks for the replies. In fact, I've been reading those reviews before posting this question. I posted because I really read a lot of negative reviews and I was wondering if anyone would be able to read with this decK? Or any positive comments??
Oh, has anyone tried to play the game with the deck?


I have the deck but dont find it easy to read with. I havent read the book or seen the film (shame) so may find it easier if I identified with the characters but I find the writing on the card distracts from finding meanings on them anyway.

I hold this pack as a collectors pack but dont use it for reading. The pictures are very nice but small.

AND I believe the Oracle is exactly the same as the tarot cards is exactly the same as the game. NO Difference.


Quote:wigwag (14 Feb, 2002 05:17):
AND I believe the Oracle is exactly the same as the tarot cards is exactly the same as the game. NO Difference.

I have not played the game but it IS different and is NOT Tarot. It is a battle of good and evil based on the shields on the cards. I did read the game section of the book, I have just not played it.


AND I believe the Oracle is exactly the same as the tarot cards is exactly the same as the game. NO Difference.[/quote]


no, the oracle is totally different. if you want to see the difference just visit www.wicce.com and choose for non-tarot reviews there you can see the oracle.