offering 2 , 4x3=12 card reading, indepth


ok here is my take on the classic 3x 3
it goes 4x3. but before I explain the spread,

I need a different request for each reading..
the first one will be just on your classic, career, love, health, or spirituality.
and the second will be what you need to know right now.
I suggest that for both,, you do have something going on,, example
if it is love , you have had some relationships. if it is career either you tried a brunch of careers or been in one for some time.
aka looking for a serious inquiry.

the old classic tell me about my relationship with x, won't work unless you are going to be married.

it goes like
spiritual path x x x
mental path x x x
emotional path x x x
physical x x x

then when taking the same spread,, the xxx on the right is the past,, the xxx on the middle is the present,,
and the x xx on the left is the future.

this will be done either Tuesday or wensday, depending on when I get the reading request and on my time .

also feedback is required, as this will deal mostly with the present :)

The Standing Stone

May I please sit for feedback ?



you will be taking the general in depth one ?

The Standing Stone

you will be taking the general in depth one ?

Yes please. I am a female and I have a boyfriend and a job at the moment. Let me know if you'd like to know anything else.


that is good enough

that shall suffice .

now looking for a person to ask a specific one, career, indepth love, etc.


Can I please do career or business? 2017 or what you get...

DND :)


ok ,

that will be a good test ,
aka the negative cards like mice, coffin, will be the cons eh,
might be even be done before Tuesday. depending on how I sleep today :)

The Standing Stone

that will be a good test ,
aka the negative cards like mice, coffin, will be the cons eh,
might be even be done before Tuesday. depending on how I sleep today :)

That's great, looking forward to it. Thank you very much


No rush and a good challenge for you.

Yes! Cards like Coffin, Scythe, Mice, Cross, Snake, Fox (depending how you view it), Whip can definitely cast a negative light, but also cards like "Ship" may mean on the "outside" or having to "extend abroad" etc etc etc.


Will check Tuesday night or Wednesday which is probably your Tuesday.

Best of luck!

DND :)

that will be a good test ,
aka the negative cards like mice, coffin, will be the cons eh,
might be even be done before Tuesday. depending on how I sleep today :)