offer/attempting a medium reading with lenormand


hi guys

ever since I got the deck, I had a dream of trying out mediumship readings with it. so there is 2 versions of the reading offered.

1. general is there a spirit who wants to talk to me.

2. try to contact a relative.

so if someone takes the general , then the specific one will only be available.

also I am asking for someone who knows their family history, like you knew your grand parents, great grands.

just say
taking the general or trying to contact x , who is my blank. pm sent.

in the pm I need the following.
1. age
2. sex
3. country of origin (like if you live in au, but come from an old country).
4. parents and grands status
5. if lost any young ones (for what if the child card shows up ) , and if you have any kids.

for the question of trying to contact relative
1. age sex of yourself
2. age at passing, sex. and nationality perhaps.
3. and I guess name eheh

after page of swords, and Leila no more readings this week.
the specific type of reading is popular so no one wanted to take the general reading offer. that is ok, this is still good practice.



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Hi Holmes,

2. PM sent :)


Pm sent


Pm sent


for bonny

Hi there good old bonny
As per our agreement we shall read about m.
This spread that came to me is unique..
You lay out the cards like this
you start from the top left hand corner,, to the middle. Then you flip a new card down, and start from the top right hand corner, , flip a new card, down, and start from the bottom left hand corner,
and flip a new card down and start from the bottom right hand corner.
Each one is a question you want to ask the spirit person.
So the last one will be your personal question you asked.
1. What kind of person were you?
2. What kind of life did you have?
3. What have you done since. ??
4. What advice do you have for bonny

Question one
1. 4 house , 14 fox, 32 moon
She was very protective of her people and her family. She was very happy, outgoing, due to her foxy nature where it seemed she got the better of those who were more educated then her due to her practicality and how they underestimated her. The moon suggest she was priestress who knew the signs of the tides and how to best make use of the forthcoming harvests so they can get by during the hard times.
I do not know if she felled in love with non au but it would appear she had a great respect for a certain british man who was an artist of some report. Like his singing and his songs would entraputure her as she never heard those before.
The nine of clubs here indicate she wasn’t’ easily defeated being that she held some respect and could endure great amounts of emotional pain and pressure.
The 8 of hearts suggest her greatest gift was forsight so she knew to move her camp before the storms came, and before any attacks could be endured.

2. What kind of life did you have ?
9 bouquet, 35 anchor , 17 stork

In those times it was hard for a man to live past 40 , and so it was she was had some great lovers (not that she slept around but she understood that they would be be together in the great beyond so her passed on lover would want her to be cared for and loved til they were together) . she wants to make that clear it wasn’t sleeping around but the necessisity of life at the time.
The bouqet would show that even then there was language dying, and old ways being forgotten and she understood that and kept the old days.
The anchor shows she tried her best to keep her village apart from the other villages as they loved to war, and prove their warrior hoods. She knew that to survive they needed peace.
The stork fortells she was very lucky (and had a brood ?) the biggest thing about the stork was her reputation and how she earned it just by being herself.
To the time of her passing she was always able, looked younger then her years and dressed well for her times. She laughed at the new fashions for they weren’t pratical.
Oh she had some heartache though for the 9 of clubs showed she knew some old ways would die with the passing of the tides..
The queen of hearts in the stork shows her great love for her people and her family and while it may not be recorded she was a great singer of her people, knowing the songs to sing for ever ritual.. and wish to share these songs still with those who would listen medium or with their hearts.

3. What have you done since, this is a big one for she wants you to know she has done much in the spirit world.

31 sun, 6 clouds , 8 coffin

She went into the light and renwed her spirits with the powers of the light, she took the teachings of the angels. But moved into the teachings of the true ancestors, that which are the nature spirits who become people as she was taught . to her she knows the spirit of the person (their totems) is who they truly are and can not be changed. That is how she could see who was the snake who bite, and the snake who gave gifts.
With the coffin , she is working with the gifted to bring back old wisdom. She is a djinn to some but she knows she is just a spirit so she tried to get people to see the great spirits, those who guided her in her life and are still there.

4. What advice does she have for you.

36 cross, 11 whip, and 10 scythe

She knows your heart is carrying the cross for him, and you are willing to suffer much in the hope that it will grow into the hearts of eternity. , it is just that due to how he is,, (I guess he has his own lessons to be learned as he is the knight of wands/clubs ) the whip is for him to learn his ways in this world. And so anyone who loves him has the whip of passion to go with.

She would rather see you with a knight of pentacles/diamonds who can give you the love you need, the caring you need. And cut out that which no longer serves you.
Her energy is fading here for she knows it isn’t want you were hoping to hear. But she reminds you , you have own your life and you could make it work in the long run..
Nothing worth fight for is easy.

Soul message
3 ship

She wants you to take a trip in the next 3 years. , this is a trip that you may have dreams about. The ship could be anything,, a crusie around the world, or a start of new life ..the main thing is not to limit yourself for the ship is power to travel around the world.
Oh she mentions you have the astral travel gift.. but use it not. And how the fear can hold you back sometimes..
She laughs and says embrace who you are..
And she is gone.


for pageofswords9110

For pageofswords9110
Going to assume we have contact and focus more on what he would say
1. How is it going for him
2. Your friendship
3. What he would say to you
4. What he wishes for you

you start from the top left hand corner,, to the middle. Then you flip a new card down, and start from the top right hand corner, , flip a new card, down, and start from the bottom left hand corner,
and flip a new card down and start from the bottom right hand corner.
Each one is a question you want to ask the spirit person.

Question one
How is it going for him

8 coffin , 4 home , 9 tower
Ok he is funny, he is like “what you expect,, he is dead “ but he says it funny, I think in life he was the type to laugh when people were trying to be serious. He says do not grieve, his passing was written in the stars, and while it sure was a heck of a surpise for him. He got used to it lol.
In the home card he talks about he lingered around homes for a while (his friends and his especially ) before going to the home in the sky and being happy there was many mansions in the sky and there was nothing for him to fear. Up there he can see everything and so he watches his loved ones , in the hopes that one day he can help them.

2. your friendship.
31. sun, 15 bear, 34 fish
Oh your friendship was the stuff of legends , the fish shows that while you were friends it was like you guys could do no wrong, (it may be that after his passing it seemed as if the fish left for a while but that was your sadness affecting your body aura,, your will get the fish back ). The bear shows that one of you was like a grouchy bear without the other. And I see you guys going up into the mountians.
So that means you guys had some cool camping plans or like going up into the towers of the city to look around.

3. what he would say to you
28 gentleman, 32 moon, 7 snake
He would say there is nice fine man coming you way,, your heart is ready for love,
However he sees you being uneasy for the moon is about timing and you don’t feel you ready..
The snake here isn’t that the beau is a snake, but he has obstacles you have to overcome together,, and you have your own obstacles. Like the moon getting in the way.
He says to explain that further so the moon is like waiting for the perfect time but if you wait for the perfect time all the time you miss the forest for the trees.

Question 4 what he wishes for you.
1. Rider, 9 bouquet, 2 clover

it can’t really get better then that eh ? he wish for you to go out there and see the world, and to be pursued by good lovers, (have fun ) and the bouqet can be about marriage if you want that for yourself. but the main thing is the good luck he wishes for you.
In fact he loves to hear you laugh, and sometimes come visits just to hear you laugh, and sing ?
The six of diamonds in the clover says he wants you to have the best career you can have.. and to remember the good times as you are now the bear ,, and must bring the power of the bear for yourself.
Never let no one hit you, and make ill use of you (that means let boss over work you )

0. Soul message
26 book
Every time you look at an old picture of him and remember him, he remembers you and smiles for he knows you think of him.
Now he wants by the time he sees you up there ,, to have such an awesome book of memoires ,,
He shows me the titianic when rose goes to meet him finally, she had children, was a pilot,, and have a book of many pictures.
Bless you .. love you he says..


For Leila selda
You asked if she had any messages for you,, the spread I use ask for four questions,
So I am asking about message for your health, your love, your career, and personal


you start from the top left hand corner,, to the middle. Then you flip a new card down, and start from the top right hand corner, , flip a new card, down, and start from the bottom left hand corner,
and flip a new card down and start from the bottom right hand corner.
Each one is a question you want to ask the spirit person.

your question about health
15 bear, 3 ship, 20 garden

If I may , to me these are very positive cards ,, if you grab them for yourself ,, allow me to explain.
She is saying it is time for you go on a trip, vacation, throw a party , and just relax and be a bear in the winter for you are working yourself , or being too stressed.
Oh it is like she had a normal deep voice but when she went to tease you, she would imiate a high pitch voice and act like an old woman. She had a gift for mimicry.

Your question about love
27 letter, 29 lady , 34 fish

Ohhh she wants you have many off spring like the fish in the sea,, she chuckled at one. The key thing here is that you do not forget who you are,, a lady first and formost that anyone who demeans you is not worth your love. That letter in the card she hopes will come soon but you have to open to it. If a person shows interest in you be proud and happy.

Your question about career
23 mice, 10 career, 26 book

You don’t have the best career , perhaps it is the mother in her that she says you can do better.
As the mice shows working on a job where you are just a mouse doesn’t’serve you but then she corrects me that she is proud you are working and not lousing about. The scythe says to fine yourself so you can really do what you are good at. And the book says unlock your secrets., guess she is saying that you are holding yourself back and she knows deep down you know you can do awesome in the field you want to go into.

Your personal advice
6 clouds, 14 fox, and 5 tree.

It is hard sometimes to know who are you, when you are lost in the world. She says she knows you are not where you wanted to be at this stage in your life but embrace that that for now you can move forward.. the fox is you,, you are the fox that others are hunting, for they are jealous of you (she is proud of your looks, your gifts, you for being you ) so get back out there.
The traditions of the family sometimes are lost, but long as you endure, the family tree will not die but move on to the next generations. There is a teaching about the indonisa nut that when moved to a new country is still indonisa.

0. Soul message
17 stork

The best thing to be proud of is a good reputation , for it means that you do good work. And more importantly she will watch you as you grow to become a queen of hearts, she is her deepest wish for you.. not to be like the great grandma , her mom but to be your own person,, and if you take a bit of the old with you so much the better.

Oh she loves you so much , that is the key here .


Hi holmes,

Thank you for your time and reading.

About my health: yes i did have a lot of stress lately with work. And feeling tired all the time im trying to find some balance with my stress level.

About my love life:she always told me that she would like to have me see many kids so thats true haha
yes i tend to lose myself in someone when im in love i tend to forget myself and my own needs in a stay true to myself is really a lesson that i had to learn the hard way.And yes i have to learn to be open agian when someone likes me still having trouble with that. Cuz im having trouble letting people in

About my work: Yes im not very happy with my work at the moment. I dont have a feeling that i can really grow there so im looking for another job and challenge. Cuz i can and wanna do more than i do now. And i hate the people that i work with

About the advise: yes she was always proud of me. She always told me that i was beautyfull and smart. Im not where i want to be at the stage of my life that is also true. I have a lot of ambitions and yeah im still finding myself. I diddent know people where jealous
Of me. Thats for me hard to believe :p

I really miss her. I do sometimes have trouble to talk about her cuz its still hard for me you know.

Thank you so much for your reading. It really helped me a lot :) and youre reading was spot on!
For Leila_selda
You asked if she had any messages for you,, the spread I use ask for four questions,
So I am asking about message for your health, your love, your career, and personal


you start from the top left hand corner,, to the middle. Then you flip a new card down, and start from the top right hand corner, , flip a new card, down, and start from the bottom left hand corner,
and flip a new card down and start from the bottom right hand corner.
Each one is a question you want to ask the spirit person.

your question about health
15 bear, 3 ship, 20 garden

If I may , to me these are very positive cards ,, if you grab them for yourself ,, allow me to explain.
She is saying it is time for you go on a trip, vacation, throw a party , and just relax and be a bear in the winter for you are working yourself , or being too stressed.
Oh it is like she had a normal deep voice but when she went to tease you, she would imiate a high pitch voice and act like an old woman. She had a gift for mimicry.

Your question about love
27 letter, 29 lady , 34 fish

Ohhh she wants you have many off spring like the fish in the sea,, she chuckled at one. The key thing here is that you do not forget who you are,, a lady first and formost that anyone who demeans you is not worth your love. That letter in the card she hopes will come soon but you have to open to it. If a person shows interest in you be proud and happy.

Your question about career
23 mice, 10 career, 26 book

You don’t have the best career , perhaps it is the mother in her that she says you can do better.
As the mice shows working on a job where you are just a mouse doesn’t’serve you but then she corrects me that she is proud you are working and not lousing about. The scythe says to fine yourself so you can really do what you are good at. And the book says unlock your secrets., guess she is saying that you are holding yourself back and she knows deep down you know you can do awesome in the field you want to go into.

Your personal advice
6 clouds, 14 fox, and 5 tree.

It is hard sometimes to know who are you, when you are lost in the world. She says she knows you are not where you wanted to be at this stage in your life but embrace that that for now you can move forward.. the fox is you,, you are the fox that others are hunting, for they are jealous of you (she is proud of your looks, your gifts, you for being you ) so get back out there.
The traditions of the family sometimes are lost, but long as you endure, the family tree will not die but move on to the next generations. There is a teaching about the indonisa nut that when moved to a new country is still indonisa.

0. Soul message
17 stork

The best thing to be proud of is a good reputation , for it means that you do good work. And more importantly she will watch you as you grow to become a queen of hearts, she is her deepest wish for you.. not to be like the great grandma , her mom but to be your own person,, and if you take a bit of the old with you so much the better.

Oh she loves you so much , that is the key here .


Hi there good old bonny
As per our agreement we shall read about m.
This spread that came to me is unique..
You lay out the cards like this
you start from the top left hand corner,, to the middle. Then you flip a new card down, and start from the top right hand corner, , flip a new card, down, and start from the bottom left hand corner,
and flip a new card down and start from the bottom right hand corner.
Each one is a question you want to ask the spirit person.
So the last one will be your personal question you asked.
1. What kind of person were you?
2. What kind of life did you have?
3. What have you done since. ??
4. What advice do you have for bonny

Question one
1. 4 house , 14 fox, 32 moon
She was very protective of her people and her family. She was very happy, outgoing, due to her foxy nature where it seemed she got the better of those who were more educated then her due to her practicality and how they underestimated her. The moon suggest she was priestress who knew the signs of the tides and how to best make use of the forthcoming harvests so they can get by during the hard times.
I do not know if she felled in love with non au but it would appear she had a great respect for a certain british man who was an artist of some report. Like his singing and his songs would entraputure her as she never heard those before.
The nine of clubs here indicate she wasn’t’ easily defeated being that she held some respect and could endure great amounts of emotional pain and pressure.
The 8 of hearts suggest her greatest gift was forsight so she knew to move her camp before the storms came, and before any attacks could be endured.


Yes, HOLMES, the 'foxy' nature is something that my anéantir and her mob were able to get past the invaders of their land through and work with the elements of nature which are tough in this land. Family / kin is strong, solid. So the house card represents this well as the first in your spread. Well picked up! Great to hear of her strength emotionally and of getting up and moving when needed.


2. What kind of life did you have ?
9 bouquet, 35 anchor , 17 stork

In those times it was hard for a man to live past 40 , and so it was she was had some great lovers (not that she slept around but she understood that they would be be together in the great beyond so her passed on lover would want her to be cared for and loved til they were together) . she wants to make that clear it wasn’t sleeping around but the necessisity of life at the time.


Beautiful! I expected this because she had a radiant energy and I am sure she attracted great attention !! I understand what the bouquet here is pointing to and her wish to ensure I understand - I do.


The bouqet would show that even then there was language dying, and old ways being forgotten and she understood that and kept the old days.
The anchor shows she tried her best to keep her village apart from the other villages as they loved to war, and prove their warrior hoods. She knew that to survive they needed peace.


Yes, her people knew that peace between neighbours was the only way and they had methods of sustaining this!! The (her) language is something I am studying!


The stork fortells she was very lucky (and had a brood ?) the biggest thing about the stork was her reputation and how she earned it just by being herself.
To the time of her passing she was always able, looked younger then her years and dressed well for her times. She laughed at the new fashions for they weren’t pratical.
Oh she had some heartache though for the 9 of clubs showed she knew some old ways would die with the passing of the tides..
The queen of hearts in the stork shows her great love for her people and her family and while it may not be recorded she was a great singer of her people, knowing the songs to sing for ever ritual.. and wish to share these songs still with those who would listen medium or with their hearts.

3. What have you done since, this is a big one for she wants you to know she has done much in the spirit world.

31 sun, 6 clouds , 8 coffin

She went into the light and renwed her spirits with the powers of the light, she took the teachings of the angels. But moved into the teachings of the true ancestors, that which are the nature spirits who become people as she was taught . to her she knows the spirit of the person (their totems) is who they truly are and can not be changed. That is how she could see who was the snake who bite, and the snake who gave gifts.
With the coffin , she is working with the gifted to bring back old wisdom. She is a djinn to some but she knows she is just a spirit so she tried to get people to see the great spirits, those who guided her in her life and are still there.

4. What advice does she have for you.

36 cross, 11 whip, and 10 scythe

She knows your heart is carrying the cross for him, and you are willing to suffer much in the hope that it will grow into the hearts of eternity. , it is just that due to how he is,, (I guess he has his own lessons to be learned as he is the knight of wands/clubs ) the whip is for him to learn his ways in this world. And so anyone who loves him has the whip of passion to go with.

She would rather see you with a knight of pentacles/diamonds who can give you the love you need, the caring you need. And cut out that which no longer serves you.
Her energy is fading here for she knows it isn’t want you were hoping to hear. But she reminds you , you have own your life and you could make it work in the long run..
Nothing worth fight for is easy.

Soul message
3 ship

She wants you to take a trip in the next 3 years. , this is a trip that you may have dreams about. The ship could be anything,, a crusie around the world, or a start of new life ..the main thing is not to limit yourself for the ship is power to travel around the world.
Oh she mentions you have the astral travel gift.. but use it not. And how the fear can hold you back sometimes..
She laughs and says embrace who you are..
And she is gone.

Hi HOLMES, have begun feedback.
This is immense and I need a few more hours to digest and will come back. It is a beautiful meditation you have offered me. Do great to imagine into her life, our connection!!!