Ornaorkal: Oct-Dec 2016.


Insight/advice for you to consider in relation to your quest or approach in understanding the meaning of life or why life exists on the planet Earth? (Existential crisis).

No promises or guarantees.

Cards for the NOW: Lenormand/Kipper/Psycards.

Lenormand: Blue Owl 8 cards/ Kipper: Extra Insight. Psycards: Advice.
FOCUS CARDS: "Woman/Tree"

What is blocking you or side tracking you on your quest in understanding why life exists etc?

Let's see - giving it a GO! (I like challenges).



Keep it mind it could be "and/or"....

1) Either you have the inability to be more of a free thinker/spirit or this has been suppressed in you in some way whether through your upbringing, religious learning, life lessons, and/or own feelings of dissatisfaction.

It could even be that you are too much of the opposite or vice a versa as in you "over think" or "do no think enough".

Another thing to consider is that you may find knowing things challenging to take in or accept. In addition, I am leaning towards you wanting things to be given to you on a platter, rather than to find the answers yourself only as it may not be quick enough or instantaneous. That is one of the underlying issues I feel: The answers you seek have to be quick and fast. You like to know things, but if it is time consuming that is another thing all together.

The thing is, secrets or things being kept in the dark is not quite you I reckon, but you want the answers hard and fast.

2) "TREE"

Not sure how to put this....

As I see it you, that is I am wondering if you view LIFE as one big lie or deception and that it ultimately just looks bleak with no real future.

And I am not referring to you personally, but life as it exists through your eyes.

"Extra Insight: "His Thoughts: 16".

Over thinking or under thinking.

I think you may tend to think too much on some things and less on others.

It is everything you think about whether it is about secrets, conscious thoughts or sub conscious, something that you cannot get out of your head. Even ideas!.

But then what happens when we tend to think think think and think some more? We do not let things be at times or allow things to evolve or unfold as they should. Why? Because our minds are too consumed in thinking. What else happens - some lose sleep, side track from work, going through with plans etc etc etc.

Things can become a tad imbalanced because our minds are over occupied in thought(s), and not only that, but thinking too much or not enough also prevents us seeing certain things as well.

"Advice: NEVER 5 "".

This is putting across that the ANSWERS you seek will NEVER come to light whilst there are certain beliefs, habits, truths, misconceptions you hold on to which means there is no growth.

When you can break free from those chains - then you will find those answers you seek.

DND :)



Need to see if you relate to the above or not before moving on to PART TWO.

If not, it just stays here.

DND :)


Hi DND, :)

first of all, thank you for this very interesting reading! There is already so much information to analyze here!

Yes, it does resonate a lot with me, it's as if you were able to read my mind directly (even the parts I can't read myself ha!)

I'm not sure if you need the feedback for the first part to go on with the second part, so I will write it now anyway to be sure.

About the first scenario (woman focus) :

Yes I'm really an over-thinker there is no doubt about that. Still, what you said about being limited in my ability to think freely could make sense too. I've always been open-minded about quite everything, but since I turned vegan (a bit more than a year ago) I started having a hard time staying as "open".

So yes to take your own words, I would say that my ability to think about humanity with positivity and more objectively was gradually suppressed by growing feelings of dissatisfaction.

Now, I think the sentence that talked to me the most in your reading is "Another thing to consider is that you may find knowing things challenging to take in or accept."
That's one of the conclusion I came to myself. Alas it didn't make things easier!

Also, the part about me being impatient could refer to 2 things. First, I really love to learn about new stuff. I love having knowledge in general it's true. And indeed I have a hard time keeping up with ONE thing until I'm really knowledgeable about it. Guess we can say I'm too impatient about getting some results.
But in this case, could my impatience be related to a fear of losing precious time of my life while I'm in this deep crisis? Do you get what I mean?

Now about the second scenario (tree focus) :

This one was pretty short and sweet but straight to the point! Definitely as of late I started considering myself as an existential nihilistic. I didn't read in depth about this though but from what I got, that seems to be it. Interestingly, I started feeling less depressed once I decided I could accept that maybe life doesn't make sense at all and it's just a weird thing where sentient beings are either more or less lucky and get to suffer more or less during their allowed time.
But it's so negative to see it that way isn't it? So I can't help but fight against my own brain, sometimes trying to convince myself that there must be a reason for all the seemingly useless suffering.

About the extra insight :

Yep overthinking indeed. Day in day out haha! I used to be a proud "thinker" but nowadays I started to despise that part of me. I'm trying meditation so that I can have some time when I'm awake and NOT thinking. Ain't easy, obviously. And as written somewhere above, I'm a bit impatient when results don't come fast enough...mmh.

Oh and true, I can be thinking about the same stuff in a very repetitive way...so I can easily lose track of the other side of the coin about some subjects. That's probably why I'm getting more and more imbalanced in my social life (pushing people away more and more instead of trying to listen to them).

Finally the advice :

Ahhhhh the road to being wise is never quick n' easy isn't it? I'm not surprised. I'm trying to 'break free' from some chains. Am I trying hard enough? Or again am I being too impatient? It's like walking in a thick mist and not being sure if you're advancing or even if you're going in the right direction! But since the mist won't go away, it's either you try or you let go altogether eh? ;)

I think I covered everything. Very interesting really!
I hope I explained clearly but if there's anything I can correct or add precisions.

Thanks again,




Now I can do PART TWO.

I will have this done between NOW and the end of the week hopefully.

I just did mine and I think I have paved the way, but need to perhaps change the NEW YEAR resolution part a tad to make it what to EXPECT in the coming year and/or NEW YEAR resolution possibilities to consider. And add in a NEGATIVE and POSITIVE component. Either that or use certain oracle cards only.

Thinking on it.

DND :)

Hi DND, :)

first of all, thank you for this very interesting reading! There is already so much information to analyze here!

Yes, it does resonate a lot with me, it's as if you were able to read my mind directly (even the parts I can't read myself ha!)

I'm not sure if you need the feedback for the first part to go on with the second part, so I will write it now anyway to be sure.

About the first scenario (woman focus) :

Yes I'm really an over-thinker there is no doubt about that. Still, what you said about being limited in my ability to think freely could make sense too. I've always been open-minded about quite everything, but since I turned vegan (a bit more than a year ago) I started having a hard time staying as "open".

So yes to take your own words, I would say that my ability to think about humanity with positivity and more objectively was gradually suppressed by growing feelings of dissatisfaction.

Now, I think the sentence that talked to me the most in your reading is "Another thing to consider is that you may find knowing things challenging to take in or accept."
That's one of the conclusion I came to myself. Alas it didn't make things easier!

Also, the part about me being impatient could refer to 2 things. First, I really love to learn about new stuff. I love having knowledge in general it's true. And indeed I have a hard time keeping up with ONE thing until I'm really knowledgeable about it. Guess we can say I'm too impatient about getting some results.
But in this case, could my impatience be related to a fear of losing precious time of my life while I'm in this deep crisis? Do you get what I mean?

Now about the second scenario (tree focus) :

This one was pretty short and sweet but straight to the point! Definitely as of late I started considering myself as an existential nihilistic. I didn't read in depth about this though but from what I got, that seems to be it. Interestingly, I started feeling less depressed once I decided I could accept that maybe life doesn't make sense at all and it's just a weird thing where sentient beings are either more or less lucky and get to suffer more or less during their allowed time.
But it's so negative to see it that way isn't it? So I can't help but fight against my own brain, sometimes trying to convince myself that there must be a reason for all the seemingly useless suffering.

About the extra insight :

Yep overthinking indeed. Day in day out haha! I used to be a proud "thinker" but nowadays I started to despise that part of me. I'm trying meditation so that I can have some time when I'm awake and NOT thinking. Ain't easy, obviously. And as written somewhere above, I'm a bit impatient when results don't come fast enough...mmh.

Oh and true, I can be thinking about the same stuff in a very repetitive way...so I can easily lose track of the other side of the coin about some subjects. That's probably why I'm getting more and more imbalanced in my social life (pushing people away more and more instead of trying to listen to them).

Finally the advice :

Ahhhhh the road to being wise is never quick n' easy isn't it? I'm not surprised. I'm trying to 'break free' from some chains. Am I trying hard enough? Or again am I being too impatient? It's like walking in a thick mist and not being sure if you're advancing or even if you're going in the right direction! But since the mist won't go away, it's either you try or you let go altogether eh? ;)

I think I covered everything. Very interesting really!
I hope I explained clearly but if there's anything I can correct or add precisions.

Thanks again,





Am ONLY going to get a start on it NOW and break this up in to sections so that it is easier to write as I go along.

This will still be completed between NOW and the end of the week.

BEFORE I FORGET: You brought up something in the form of a question about not wanting to "waste time" as being a part of this "existential crisis". If the truth be known: I think many go through this "existential crisis" at various levels and degrees of awareness and/or conflict at some point in their lives. For example: Fearing death, and not even our own, is due to not wanting to be abandoned or left alone. And that could be in conjunction with death in the literal sense.

So, my question to you is, why does it have such an impact on you that "time should not be wasted"? What makes you feel that time is of the essence? Why is time so short in some ways for you?

Just yesterday morning when my eyes first fluttered open from being asleep - it hit me straight away "WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE". It was such a profound moment and inevitable reality and not at all about our purpose for being here or the why, but rather that no matter what and at some point life as we know it ceases to exist.


What we have to work with from the NOW:

1) Overthinking.
2) Life is bleak with no real future.
3) Finding what you learn or know: challenging.
4) That UNLESS you free yourself from whatever chains hold you back (habits/thoughts/beliefs/) nothing will eventuate, for how can it, if there is no growth.

What progress can be made by December or early January if Onaorkal is able to work on any or all of the above?

Lenormand: Fox/Clover/WOMAN/Lily/Snake Focus: WOMAN.

If the work is put in or effort you would be given a small window of opportunity to explore or work towards a better understanding of why life exists etc between now and the coming months. And once your mind is set on it, you would follow it through from A to G, only I feel you may still find it challenging with what you learn or discover. In fact, you may have some real issues/conflicts.

The issues possibly being:

1) That you may get a "taste" of something, but to truly have a fuller understanding it will take longer than 3 months.


2) That what you learn might go against everything you believe in.

EXTRA INSIGHT: Bereavement (19)

Something is coming to an end in your life whether it is this "existential crisis", "your quest", "beliefs", and/or even the "world as you know it".

And there will be a sense of LOSS and LETTING GO. But usually this is not easy.

What you need to know is that you cannot go on in the same manner as you do as maybe it is not "working for you" or proving to be "productive".

ADVICE: What can be done to make it easier for Onaorkal to work to wards a better understanding or what is something she can work on within herself to become more open? Psycard: Destruction (18)

Book: You need to face the collapse of what you value most. You need to be aware of the destructive instincts in yourself as well as others and that there are different forms of destruction both internally and externally.

My Thoughts: But it is what is "inside" that you need to look at "closely" because sometimes it is those "urges" that can be "self sabotaging". E.g. Critical comments directed at others/Addictions/Past experiences
influencing one's behavior.

Other examples from childhood into adulthood:

Being bullied thus making you feel afraid, being assaulted thus making you feel insecure/violated, being robbed thus making you feel unsafe/angry/invaded, being teased thus making you feel unworthy etc etc etc. And vice a versa....

It is these kinds of "destructive attributes" that you need to go inside yourself to find, look at, and deal with accordingly.

I think that is about it for this part.

DND :)



Madam Endora/Enchanted Map/Animal Dreaming

THE SEER (Intuition):


1) Seek out a "Spiritual Advisor" that has an extensive knowledge of the occult and mystical arts.

2) Trust your instincts and natural intuition. The truth will all be revealed and in the near distance.



POSITIVE: Be more aware of the people that come in to your life from NOW on (when you read this) for it is through them that is the possibility of further personal growth and a time to reflect on your journey. So, be alert, as you will "recognize" who they are when they cross your path.


NEGATIVE: Sometimes a person's greatest hurts, pain, disappointments, dissatisfaction AWAKEN a need to shift to a higher frequency. Therefore, some work may need to be done before you can move forward or rise to that vibration.

WARNING: Be careful not to attract the OPPOSITE of what you want by being in denial or refusing to see the truth.


Instead of wondering "aimlessly", if indeed you are, take the time to nurture yourself a bit more and try grounding yourself.

Stand firm by your convictions, but know what affect you and your behavior may have on others. You may need to maintain eye contact, be relaxed, and only engage in conversations that have relevance rather than meaningless chit chat.

You will find by putting yourself out there as "honoring" yourself and demonstrating that you have self respect that you will likely attract to yourself like minded people with a similar vibration. Be practical not airy fairy.

"Walk your talk".

FROUD: Fairy Oracle

The Faun (35)/Unity (1) Reversed/Death (53)

You may need to work towards being more "true" to yourself, going back to your "roots", or back to the "basics". Sometimes when a person is bogged down in murky energy this needs to be uplifted somewhat. So, get out more, eat well, exercise, and find a balance!.

Also, if you "over focus" on the "differences" or what doe not "make sense" this could SEPARATE "you" from "others" and "life" etc and prevent you from being truly happy. I am wondering if you do feel like you are on your own. You may need to consider DOING some inner work as well as working on your attitude, beliefs, and thoughts that contribute to that feeling of "SEPARATION".

I cannot STRESS it MORE CLEARLY....but:

Let go of old habits/beliefs/attitudes so that you can move forward and/or have a better understanding or acceptance of what you seek.

There is going to be a major shift which might not even be in your hands to control, but my advise to you is to release what you have outgrown and make room for what is coming.

What to EXPECT in 2017

WISDOM of HIDDEN REALMS: Desert Prince(19)/Gypsy Witch 8 & 48/TEA LEAF: Horseshoe+Tree+Angel

Desert Prince

PRO: Expect a gift be it a small or big, but also know that 2017 will be a "hard time" for you, but not so dismal that it has to get the better of you or that you cannot thrive in it.

CON: If something is too hard to accept as real or true - then it is probably not. Be careful of those that make false promises and do not take any short cuts or a smile at face value if it does not match with a person's eyes.

Be careful not to get so caught up with studies/work/ research that you lose sight of the bigger picture or yourself.

8 & 48 2017 may be a year of financial struggle, not a lot coming in, losses, and/or bad investments. Also, one of disappointment.

So, just be prepared or keep to a budget. No outrageous gambling or spending it in ways it should not be.


There will some "good luck" as well during 2017, but as to what it might be could be anything.

You will have dealings with your family only it does not put across if this will be good or not so good. But know that for whatever reason there will be something happening with you and your family.

Finally, regardless of the "ups" and "downs" or "challenges" in 2017 know that you will be protected and put out of harms way as much as possible. Spiritual guidance may actually lead you through some of your "darker moments".

MY THOUGHTS: I think ALL of your reading is connected in some way as well.

A) Inner work/ Old habits/beliefs/attitudes must die.
B) Letting go/Transitional shift/No growth if no movement.
C) Hard times ahead and also good.
D) Others might be needed as part of this journey you are on.
E) Spiritual guidance might be one way of opening the door or enabling you to understand better.

I think that is about it.

What you "agree" with or "disagree" with after reading this might be interesting to know as I know you find taking everything in "challenging" that you read or learn etc.

DND :)



Hi again :)

WOW, that's one huge piece of reading(S)!
I'll try to write down my feedback(s) in a clear enough way, so that nobody gets confused!

I think I'll even write down some notes to make sure I grasp everything (since there's a lot to deal with concerning the past, present, near future and somewhat distant future.)

OK so here it's almost 4 AM and since I wasn't able to sleep (as usual) I decided to have a look and now I'm getting sleepy a bit BUT I got a lot of notes so I'll at least share some of it now.

BEFORE I FORGET: You brought up something in the form of a question about not wanting to "waste time" as being a part of this "existential crisis". If the truth be known: I think many go through this "existential crisis" at various levels and degrees of awareness and/or conflict at some point in their lives. For example: Fearing death, and not even our own, is due to not wanting to be abandoned or left alone. And that could be in conjunction with death in the literal sense.

So, my question to you is, why does it have such an impact on you that "time should not be wasted"? What makes you feel that time is of the essence? Why is time so short in some ways for you?

Just yesterday morning when my eyes first fluttered open from being asleep - it hit me straight away "WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE". It was such a profound moment and inevitable reality and not at all about our purpose for being here or the why, but rather that no matter what and at some point life as we know it ceases to exist.

Ah...the fear of death. Yes actually I think about death absolutely everyday. Not necessarily mine ; as you said, we all have the fear of being left alone. In my case it's almost to a paranoid level! Well, at least I'm still behaving 'normally' enough. (meaning I don't completely seclude myself and my girlfriend in case something might happen to one of us!)

Now, to answer your question(s) :

-Fear of later regret. It happened to me quite a few times, moments where I regretted some choices I had made in the recent or distant past. I don't forget and forgive easily, and it goes for myself as well. So, even though I know it's not a good way to approach life, I can't help but live in the constant fear of potential future negative feelings or events.

-You are right though, time might not be the most important thing in life. I mean you can live 80 years in a depressive state and you can also live 5 years of pure bliss. Here the quality weighs in I think. But then sometimes I'm afraid I won't ever get to that little bit of bliss...

-About time being short...I'm getting closer and closer to 30, that might be it? It happens quite often that I tell myself ''Geez, you already used up a good third of your life already, and that's only if you stay lucky!'' It's kind of ridiculous, since I know or heard of many many people that completely changed their way of life at 50,60 or even older and they don't talk about all those struggling past years as being 'useless lost time'. In fact I really try to live up to the saying ''Everything happens for a reason.'' and ''In every obstacle there is a lesson to learn.'' So that even the hardships and crisis have a sense of purpose that keeps me from getting too discouraged.

Isn't it funny though that I'm jumping between both extremes? I'm either struggling because I feel life is useless OR I'm stressing because I feel I might not be able to enjoy life for as long as I would like to.

I think I will leave it at that for now. Even though I have a lot of notes, they are not arranged in a relevant way for feedback. And I'd rather do it after a good night (morning) of sleep with a cup of coffee. I really don't wanna miss on anything!

So until then, thanks A LOT for everything and good night!



Just so you know "2017" is an extra, so I do not expect anyone to return at the end of it to give feedback as that is a long time off. Not unless s/he feels s/he wants to, but it is not an obligation.

I do want FEEDBACK for the "NOW" and at "3 months or so" as I want to see how the cards work together or not.

This is my first time including more then just the Lenormand/Kipper/and Psycards in a more expanded way so need to know if they are:

1) Compatible or not with each other.
2) Resonate with the Querant.
3) Are read right or need to be adapted somewhat.
4)The right choice for the focus point or a general.

Along these lines, so do not feel pressured about the "future future".

DND :)

Hi again :)

WOW, that's one huge piece of reading(S)!
I'll try to write down my feedback(s) in a clear enough way, so that nobody gets confused!

I think I'll even write down some notes to make sure I grasp everything (since there's a lot to deal with concerning the past, present, near future and somewhat distant future.)

OK so here it's almost 4 AM and since I wasn't able to sleep (as usual) I decided to have a look and now I'm getting sleepy a bit BUT I got a lot of notes so I'll at least share some of it now.

Ah...the fear of death. Yes actually I think about death absolutely everyday. Not necessarily mine ; as you said, we all have the fear of being left alone. In my case it's almost to a paranoid level! Well, at least I'm still behaving 'normally' enough. (meaning I don't completely seclude myself and my girlfriend in case something might happen to one of us!)

Now, to answer your question(s) :

-Fear of later regret. It happened to me quite a few times, moments where I regretted some choices I had made in the recent or distant past. I don't forget and forgive easily, and it goes for myself as well. So, even though I know it's not a good way to approach life, I can't help but live in the constant fear of potential future negative feelings or events.

-You are right though, time might not be the most important thing in life. I mean you can live 80 years in a depressive state and you can also live 5 years of pure bliss. Here the quality weighs in I think. But then sometimes I'm afraid I won't ever get to that little bit of bliss...

-About time being short...I'm getting closer and closer to 30, that might be it? It happens quite often that I tell myself ''Geez, you already used up a good third of your life already, and that's only if you stay lucky!'' It's kind of ridiculous, since I know or heard of many many people that completely changed their way of life at 50,60 or even older and they don't talk about all those struggling past years as being 'useless lost time'. In fact I really try to live up to the saying ''Everything happens for a reason.'' and ''In every obstacle there is a lesson to learn.'' So that even the hardships and crisis have a sense of purpose that keeps me from getting too discouraged.

Isn't it funny though that I'm jumping between both extremes? I'm either struggling because I feel life is useless OR I'm stressing because I feel I might not be able to enjoy life for as long as I would like to.

I think I will leave it at that for now. Even though I have a lot of notes, they are not arranged in a relevant way for feedback. And I'd rather do it after a good night (morning) of sleep with a cup of coffee. I really don't wanna miss on anything!

So until then, thanks A LOT for everything and good night!




OK so just to have some kind of transition between the first and second reading, here are my notes summarizing what I should remember about the past, present and future.

my notes said:
-Ability to be a free thinker/spirit suppressed by feeling of dissatisfaction

-Challenge with accepting/take in new information/knowledge/truth/facts
-Impatience about getting answers / having results with learned lessons
-Seeing life as deceptive / no potential for positive future/outcome
-Overthinking about some things leads to underthinking of possibly important matters
-Overthinking leads to unbalanced living (being / existing in the moment)

-Won't get answers (growth) until let go of some belief/habit/misconception
-When break free of those chains, answers will come

I did the same for the second and third parts, but I will break it down for the feedback.

DownUnderNZer said:
EXTRA INSIGHT: Bereavement (19)

Something is coming to an end in your life whether it is this "existential crisis", "your quest", "beliefs", and/or even the "world as you know it".

And there will be a sense of LOSS and LETTING GO. But usually this is not easy.

What you need to know is that you cannot go on in the same manner as you do as maybe it is not "working for you" or proving to be "productive".

ADVICE: What can be done to make it easier for Onaorkal to work to wards a better understanding or what is something she can work on within herself to become more open? Psycard: Destruction (18)

Book: You need to face the collapse of what you value most. You need to be aware of the destructive instincts in yourself as well as others and that there are different forms of destruction both internally and externally.

My Thoughts: But it is what is "inside" that you need to look at "closely" because sometimes it is those "urges" that can be "self sabotaging". E.g. Critical comments directed at others/Addictions/Past experiences
influencing one's behavior.

Other examples from childhood into adulthood:

Being bullied thus making you feel afraid, being assaulted thus making you feel insecure/violated, being robbed thus making you feel unsafe/angry/invaded, being teased thus making you feel unworthy etc etc etc. And vice a versa....

It is these kinds of "destructive attributes" that you need to go inside yourself to find, look at, and deal with accordingly.

What I retained from these cards is that from now on, I must change the way I'm doing/viewing certain things, otherwise I won't be able to grow. Also, I should beware of the possibility of me being self-destructive on a conscious and/or unconscious level(s).

DownUnderNZer said:
Madam Endora/Enchanted Map/Animal Dreaming

THE SEER (Intuition):


1) Seek out a "Spiritual Advisor" that has an extensive knowledge of the occult and mystical arts.

2) Trust your instincts and natural intuition. The truth will all be revealed and in the near distance.



POSITIVE: Be more aware of the people that come in to your life from NOW on (when you read this) for it is through them that is the possibility of further personal growth and a time to reflect on your journey. So, be alert, as you will "recognize" who they are when they cross your path.


NEGATIVE: Sometimes a person's greatest hurts, pain, disappointments, dissatisfaction AWAKEN a need to shift to a higher frequency. Therefore, some work may need to be done before you can move forward or rise to that vibration.

WARNING: Be careful not to attract the OPPOSITE of what you want by being in denial or refusing to see the truth.


Instead of wondering "aimlessly", if indeed you are, take the time to nurture yourself a bit more and try grounding yourself.

Stand firm by your convictions, but know what affect you and your behavior may have on others. You may need to maintain eye contact, be relaxed, and only engage in conversations that have relevance rather than meaningless chit chat.

You will find by putting yourself out there as "honoring" yourself and demonstrating that you have self respect that you will likely attract to yourself like minded people with a similar vibration. Be practical not airy fairy.

"Walk your talk".

I will gladly follow the advice of the Seer and learn to trust my instincts and intuition some more. I would get some outside help as well, but I don't have the financial means at the moment.

Following the advice of the Magical Shape Shifter, I will also try to stay alert and open to the possible meeting of people that could help me get through this or support me in any way in my quest.

Many cards from those readings are telling me to work on myself if I want to expect some results eventually, so I will make an extra effort. I will go on with the practice of meditation, which should help me to get grounded more easily.

DownUnderNZer said:
MY THOUGHTS: I think ALL of your reading is connected in some way as well.

A) Inner work/ Old habits/beliefs/attitudes must die.
B) Letting go/Transitional shift/No growth if no movement.
C) Hard times ahead and also good.
D) Others might be needed as part of this journey you are on.
E) Spiritual guidance might be one way of opening the door or enabling you to understand better.

Yes, very good summary. To bring it even more together, I would say my biggest challenge will be to change my attitude towards humanity/society/people around me. Since it looks like it's not the good way to go, I'm willing to make the effort. I'm happy to see that following a more 'spiritually-centered' path could help me. That's the 'turn' in my life I started to take a little while ago.

DownUnderNZer said:
What you "agree" with or "disagree" with after reading this might be interesting to know as I know you find taking everything in "challenging" that you read or learn etc.

Well, there isn't really anything that I disagree with. What you said about me in the past and the present really resonates with me. And the advices and potential future events don't feel off either. I wasn't expecting a "all is going to be easy and resolve on its own" kind of reading, so I was ready to see about potential struggles coming ahead.

DownUnderNZer said:
This is my first time including more then just the Lenormand/Kipper/and Psycards in a more expanded way so need to know if they are:

1) Compatible or not with each other.
2) Resonate with the Querant.
3) Are read right or need to be adapted somewhat.
4)The right choice for the focus point or a general.

1) I would say that yes, without a doubt those cards are compatible. I don't own any of them (except for the Lenormand), but I don't feel that you had to stretch any meanings to fit with the situation/question. I don't know for other people, but in this case, the cards really nicely gave different perspectives to think about.

2)Again yes, totally resonated with me.

3 and 4) I guess those questions were more for yourself? As in you'll draw your own conclusions when all readings will have feedback and all? Anyway, as for me I didn't feel any deck was 'out of place' or not related to the topic/focus.

We will see in the next month, but until now I can say you are doing an amazing job or interpreting those cards!

Ah and I can already tell that some cards hold the truth about my upcoming year. For example the ones saying I will probably have financial struggles. Given that I'm currently unemployed and am not looking for a job for the moment, truly I will have to be careful with money during next year! It's not stressing me out too much though, I am usually good with budgeting, but I'll still stay extra careful since the cards warned me ;)

I think that's it for now. I will be back in 3 months I guess? Or do you want me to tell you if stuff happens along the way (related to the readings)?

Thanks again,



You can come and go as you please as this thread is just for you really even though I realize now that I have spelled your nickname incorrectly. :rolleyes:

No one else can really comment or so forth as it is a part of AT regulations when it comes to readings unless it is opened to all. And this thread is not open in that way, so the interaction is really between just us.

If you want to use it like a diary or journal - do not see why not as long as no swearing or anything. :D

If you want to leave it right until the end that is fine too.

Out of curiosity, have you ever read "The Celestine Prophecies", but especially when it brings up about "chance meetings" never being a "coincidence" even if it is "brief and in passing".

Now, just so you know, I am remembering that going back over 20 years or so, but I doubt whether it has changed that much since it was written back in the early 1990's...or even 80's. :bugeyed: I read it in 1997 when I was travelling for 3 months from Cape Tribulation to Sydney and then on to South Africa.

Very insightful to read and opens your eyes to a few things especially when on that "spiritual journey" or when there is some "spiritual awakening" etc. For me it was an eye opener and challenged my awareness on the "spiritual front" that is for sure.

Anyways, it might be something to consider even though there are likely a lot of books out there now that are just as, if not more, enlightening.

DND :)


OK so just to have some kind of transition between the first and second reading, here are my notes summarizing what I should remember about the past, present and future.

I did the same for the second and third parts, but I will break it down for the feedback.

What I retained from these cards is that from now on, I must change the way I'm doing/viewing certain things, otherwise I won't be able to grow. Also, I should beware of the possibility of me being self-destructive on a conscious and/or unconscious level(s).

I will gladly follow the advice of the Seer and learn to trust my instincts and intuition some more. I would get some outside help as well, but I don't have the financial means at the moment.

Following the advice of the Magical Shape Shifter, I will also try to stay alert and open to the possible meeting of people that could help me get through this or support me in any way in my quest.

Many cards from those readings are telling me to work on myself if I want to expect some results eventually, so I will make an extra effort. I will go on with the practice of meditation, which should help me to get grounded more easily.

Yes, very good summary. To bring it even more together, I would say my biggest challenge will be to change my attitude towards humanity/society/people around me. Since it looks like it's not the good way to go, I'm willing to make the effort. I'm happy to see that following a more 'spiritually-centered' path could help me. That's the 'turn' in my life I started to take a little while ago.

Well, there isn't really anything that I disagree with. What you said about me in the past and the present really resonates with me. And the advices and potential future events don't feel off either. I wasn't expecting a "all is going to be easy and resolve on its own" kind of reading, so I was ready to see about potential struggles coming ahead.

1) I would say that yes, without a doubt those cards are compatible. I don't own any of them (except for the Lenormand), but I don't feel that you had to stretch any meanings to fit with the situation/question. I don't know for other people, but in this case, the cards really nicely gave different perspectives to think about.

2)Again yes, totally resonated with me.

3 and 4) I guess those questions were more for yourself? As in you'll draw your own conclusions when all readings will have feedback and all? Anyway, as for me I didn't feel any deck was 'out of place' or not related to the topic/focus.

We will see in the next month, but until now I can say you are doing an amazing job or interpreting those cards!

Ah and I can already tell that some cards hold the truth about my upcoming year. For example the ones saying I will probably have financial struggles. Given that I'm currently unemployed and am not looking for a job for the moment, truly I will have to be careful with money during next year! It's not stressing me out too much though, I am usually good with budgeting, but I'll still stay extra careful since the cards warned me ;)

I think that's it for now. I will be back in 3 months I guess? Or do you want me to tell you if stuff happens along the way (related to the readings)?

Thanks again,
