Out of the blue contact


My question was why did X contact me out of the blue? (Different person from the last post)

Ship - Tree - Birds - Key and Gardens

He contacted me perhaps because he was a little home sick, and was on a long journey (of which indeed he was quite literally). Tree and birds he was worried about my health after the way we left things (and that was what the conversation was about.) it was playing on his mind for months creating him problems such as lack of sleep. Birds and Key he wanted to try and make a good connection again and continue speaking to me or at least promise it. Key and Gardens I'm a close friend and he's worried what others might think of him if he continues to treat me the way he does.

Will he contact again?

Fox - Snake - Star and letter

I believe fox and snake are representing that theirs deception around maybe he wanted to make it look he cared but he just can't be bothered. Snake and star He sees our friendship as quite challenging due to problems of his own or at least contact with me. Star and letter perhaps someone recommend he contacted me in the first place but yet he didn't quite want to.

What will come off it?

Lady - Ship - Book -Ring and Scythe

I believe lady and ship is telling me to take a journey and allow things to move on at their own course and not rush into things. Shop and book this journey will lead to secrets being told regarding our friendship, some that should have been told sooner. Book and ring maybe he'll tell me he's In a secret relationship or we'll start one of our own? Ring and scythe things wil need abruptly.