readings for feedback

empress's dress

wind, final update.

i prepared. all was fine. the professional i dealt with has serious asperger's. lol. but i even prepared for that.

i came up with a plan. it succeeded. but they were basically hiding in the bushes eavesdropping, but did nothing beyond that. i can't stop them from eavesdropping sadly. i will have my plate full of this these next months.

but it appears new alliances are forming and in my favor. we shall see how it all comes to pass. about time i say!

still have to deal with my anxiety though.

but if new things play out as they seem they may, i will be in much better standing where it counts on this matter.

anyway thanks again!


6.Clouds * 36.Cross * 21.Mountain

This seems to be a very closed and unmoving situation...has she gone through some difficult period, since we have the Cross card? It may be that you don't really interact and your situation is concluded which leaves you a bit unsure as to what is truly going on. But I see no interaction, nothing happening, like you are not even in touch.

Hiya Wind!

Yes, this is spot on. This a situation sees very closed and not moving at all. Yes, she gone and i think she is still facing a though situation. Today we are not in touch, but i tried now to be in touch again.

made sense...

Thanks wind!