Should I appear on the news to expose a fraud?


We have been going through a terrible adoption process that failed because of the fraud of the agency (who is under investigation by the FBI.) I was asked to appear on the news to tell my story and would not do so until we had nothing left to lose. The adoption fell through on Friday and the reporter wants to talk to me tomorrow.

I am terrified to do this. I worry about repercussions for other families and having been threatened by the agency already if I talked to the media. So I did a reading to see what would happen if I did the interview.

RWS, 3 cards, reading reversals.

9S-- nightmare, psychological suffering. depression, worry. I get his card a lot in regards to this adoption experience. Yes yes and yes.

4C rev-- lost opportunity. failure to open up to possibilities, aloofness. The liquid is leaving the cup-- what is offered is draining away. I read this more as my reluctance to go public with this story would be a lost opportunity. But maybe it means that I am closing down opportunities for others. Or it could be that my adoption finally dying is the opportunity that has been lost. I have been trying to emotionally disconnect from the situation.

Judgement- absolution, heeding an inner call or awakening. Rebirth. This one is a major arcana, so maybe this news thing is something I am called to do. I always read this as a life changing decision. So perhaps doing this interview is life changing (and that is why I am terrified.) But I am curious as to how others might interpret this.



9S - 4C rx - Judgement.

Judgement makes me think 'put it all behind'. It's also putting it all behind for this agency. If they are already investigated by the FBI and your adoption fell through, it sounds like they can't get back in business and all the adoptions they are handling wouldn't go through anyway. You might be saving many others from heartache and nightmare, if you speak your truth about them as a business.

You might even become an advocate for adoption families (people might start contacting you with their stories once they see you), you find your calling in that area, or in some other way move on with your life with massive leaps.

Is the agency threatening to sue you for defamation or something? What repercussion you fear? That you wouldn't be accepted by other agencies?

9S refers to excessive worries, but usually the 9S worries are self-made, imagined mostly. You'd be worrying about the decision, but nothing real is coming your way.

4C Rx can mean you find an outlet to pour out all the stagnant emotions you've been holding on until now, hoping against hope the adoption could work out.

If you want to do it, maybe consider consulting a lawyer about what are the real repercussions from the agency towards you, if you fear that side.

If your gut strongly tells you no, it's obviously safer not to speak.


9S - 4C rx - Judgement.

Judgement makes me think 'put it all behind'. It's also putting it all behind for this agency. If they are already investigated by the FBI and your adoption fell through, it sounds like they can't get back in business and all the adoptions they are handling wouldn't go through anyway. You might be saving many others from heartache and nightmare, if you speak your truth about them as a business.

You might even become an advocate for adoption families (people might start contacting you with their stories once they see you), you find your calling in that area, or in some other way move on with your life with massive leaps.

Is the agency threatening to sue you for defamation or something? What repercussion you fear? That you wouldn't be accepted by other agencies?

9S refers to excessive worries, but usually the 9S worries are self-made, imagined mostly. You'd be worrying about the decision, but nothing real is coming your way.

4C Rx can mean you find an outlet to pour out all the stagnant emotions you've been holding on until now, hoping against hope the adoption could work out.

If you want to do it, maybe consider consulting a lawyer about what are the real repercussions from the agency towards you, if you fear that side.

If your gut strongly tells you no, it's obviously safer not to speak.

Yes, the agency is out of business. Very long story but they defrauded dozens of families in countries all over the world, were involved in human trafficking and bribery, and are the reason our case did not go through despite hiring a new agency and months of struggle and trips back and forth overseas. We spent well over 50K and the owner of the agency refuses to give any of it back despite promising to do so. Its an awful story and so many families are in the same boat.

I am not worried about them suing me for defamation-- everything that I would say would be true. I am just a private person and the act of going on tv terrifies me. I am the type who can't even stand to have pictures taken of me.


9S, 4C rx, judgement

I think it would be a traumatic experience in the 9S but 4C upright would have been your former position or stance on the matter where you withdrew but the rx is indicating your decision in judgement is to now stand up. A positive assessment.


I agree with headincloud. It will be terrifying for you (9S) but you are no longer caught up in your own world (4 of Cups rx) and are ready to get it all out into the open. Doing so may liberate you from previous self-imposed restrictions, allowing you the freedom to finally rise above the current situation with the ability to leave it behind for good.


I tend to distrust the media, so I don't see how anything good can come out of it if the agency is already defunct. Unless this kind of pressure could somehow make it more likely for you to get your money back, it just seems to be shoveling more dirt on the grave. The cards show that you might feel vindicated if you do it and make a clean break with the past (Judgement), but is it really necessary at this point?


I am very sorry to hear about this. What aweful people.

I was once the key witness to a very ugly scandal. I got PTC from it and the PTC recurs occasionally during high stress. The media was digging for witnesses, the main story... part of me wanted to expose it but in the end I did not. I chose to heal myself, Cranio sacro massages where what I chose.

How I see your cards is the sharp mental pain and confusion as you consider talking to the media. They reached out to you and you are considering seriously standing up like Headincloud said.

I don't see a decision to stand up but only the pain and confusion over considering the possibility.

Maybe you could do 2 separate readings, one for each outcome. Make a list of questions. One might be how talking/not taking with the media will affect your family.

My heart goes out to you.


I'm sorry to hear what happened to your family.

I'm struck that two of the three cards show isolation, pain, and overall bad feeling, while the final Judgement card depicts a collective revival, a new hope. I interpret this as encouraging you to take a deep breath and do the interview as it will help others when you "rise up" and show yourself and your feelings--refuse to remain "buried".

Perhaps it would be easier if you have a loved one nearby to lend support. And you can ask the reporter to be sensitive to your feelings and fears. Good luck to you, ((Red))


I tend to distrust the media, so I don't see how anything good can come out of it if the agency is already defunct. Unless this kind of pressure could somehow make it more likely for you to get your money back, it just seems to be shoveling more dirt on the grave. The cards show that you might feel vindicated if you do it and make a clean break with the past (Judgement), but is it really necessary at this point?

Perhaps speaking out would bring closure and exposure can only be a positive for other victims or would be victims, but I'd say go with your heart. I can't imagine walking away 50K lighter and not saying a word unless there was serious threat to life. If no-one is prepared to stand against child trafficking and the horrors of the world then where are we being led I wonder.


9S, 4C rx, judgement

I think it would be a traumatic experience in the 9S but 4C upright would have been your former position or stance on the matter where you withdrew but the rx is indicating your decision in judgement is to now stand up. A positive assessment.

Thanks. I have been reading a lot about the Judgement card and I think it is a very positive outcome for this. And appropriate, as it is sort of a spiritual absolution has tones of a collective awakening.