Single card reading - am I wasting my time with someone


Hey all,
I did a single card reading for a fast pointer with regards to someone I am close to to see if I was wasting my time (in an emotional sense) with them. I know a one card reading is ultimately restrictive especial so because I wasn't seeking a yes/no answer from it... was more trying to get a feel or tone from the situation.

Well, I spent a whole bunch of time shuffling and thinking on the matter and then finally drew The Fool.
Ok, so I know it doesn't necessarily mean I am a fool and wasting my time. My understanding is it's more a signifyer to a fresh start or a new beginning.

Whats your take on this ?


On further thought I guess the New Beginning could mean me 'Putting it behind' me ?


To find out if you're wasting your time you need to know how the relationship will progress, ask that and you'll be able to decide but you'll probably need a 3 card draw. The fool signals a new start and breaking free from restrictions but we can't work out how that will apply because of the way you've worded the question.


Hey headincloud,
thanks for the reply.
You mean by wording it as a feel or tone rather than a yes no answer?


Not really you see tarot doesn't work with opinions, it won't tell you if you are wasting your time or not because that's an opinion and it can't make a decision for you so never ask for one, ask for the facts and draw your own opinions from that.

If you want to know if you're wasting your time or not you need to know how things are going to play out so you need to ask how will the relationship progress and you'll get a general overview, then you can decide if you'd like to proceed or even see if there'll be any progression at all, hope that's clearer.


Ahh ok, I see your point. Ill leave it a few days and try a my in depth spread.
Thanks :)


I agree with headincloud's suggestion but just wanted to try putting this in conversational format for you:

Your question: Am I wasting my time with X?
Fool's Answer: "Follow Your Dreams."

Something from Harry Potter comes to mind: "If you have to ask, you’ll never know. If you know, you need only ask."

Just some thoughts, hope it helps!


If what you're ultimately seeking is commitment from this person, the Fool may be a warning that it won't be forthcoming... So, potentially a waste of time in that respect. Another possibility is someone who's in his/her own little world -- unaware of, or disinterested in, your attraction... But if there's clear mutual interest, no major barriers, and you're wanting to keep this light and free of material or emotional encumbrances, it looks just fine.


I think the fool card tells you to take the experience for what it is -an experience. Who knows what it would lead to? The fool assures a pleasant learning experience regarding one's own life. Fool rx, however, I would see as foolish.


I'm not sure why you'd feel you're wasting your time with this person. What is it you're wanting from them?

The Fool is just a nonchalant, happy-go-lucky character who can be reckless and really has no strings to hold him back. He can just step off the cliff, then get up, dust himself off and go seeking another cliff. I don't think the Fool gives much thought to wanting or not wanting something. He has no expectations or specific desires, so whatever happens is okay by him, mostly.

As another said, you'd probably get a better answer by using another spread with more cards.