Some practice - CosmicBeing



This Thread is permanently close. I thank everyone who allowed me to read and who even did an exchange. I also thank you for the feedback and patience you gave me!!

Have an Amazing week and upcoming holidays!

Would love to hear any updates so i can see how things are aligning to the cards if comfortable with that.



How things will go btwn me and M in december?


5 cards

Coffin is the central energy of this pull:

Coffin is surrounded by the Fox (L) and Anchor (R)

Fox + Coffin= The end of Lies

Coffin + Anchor= End of stability or End of Hope

Man + Fox = Deceitful Man

Fox + Coffin= End of lies/deciet

Coffin + Anchor= End of stability or End of Hope

Anchor + Snake = Lies of Hope

Man + Snake = Treacherous man

Fox + Anchor = Fools gold

Arguments: Face to face communication

Looks there seems to be a male in your life. Not sure what role he plays in your life but it's definitely a man who sell false hope. In the next 2 months you most likely will see the falsehood in him. You may not reveal the details of the lies, but you will notice that he is selling fools gold.

Hope this made sense and Hopefully you can relate to this reading.
I think you may be picking up on my forever divorce, it has dragged on and on and on. Just when I think we are coming to an agreement something happens with him and he is no longer willing to compromise. We had a meeting with the lawyers last week and it turned into a war zone. We are now back to court. In not certain about what he may be lying about, perhaps his money situation (he is trying to play the pity party games). He blows his top with me and then tries to smooze afterwards to get me to agree to his terms and see things his way. It has been quite exhausting. Yet another reason why I have gotten off of riding his crazy train.

Thank you


It looks to be many positive card from a glance

5 cards


Clover is the overall energy of this reading
Happiness, companionship, luck

Surrounding the Clover is Sun (L) and Moon (R)

Sun + Clover= Success, good fortune, optimism towards Lucks/Companionship/Happiness

Closer + Moon= Happiness in recognition


Park + sun= successful community/successful public interaction

Sun + Clover= Successful companionship

Clover + Moon= Happiness in recognition

Moon + Key = Recognition that is 100%


Park + key = community/interaction that is set in stone

Sun + Moon = Successful recognition (but getting the urge to say Man + woman...existence together)


I would say that RJ will most likely reach out to create an interaction that is successful. Successful mingling.... which will lead to some form of companionship. What I want to say is the Happiness in recognition is I think is an emotion... Happy for the response...happy for being seen. Recognition is 100% I would say is the person will be putting all their focus in you. RJ won't be distracted or looking at anyone else.

Overall I would say in the next 3 months RJ is going to try to create a community/companionship between the two of you that will be full of happiness and 100% focus on one another.

It doesn't state what type of companionship it will be. But, there is definitely something that is existing like the MOON and Sun exist in the world. Just fact can't have one without the other.

Hope this made sense and rung true!!

He did contact me and want to pursue a relationship just as you said.


Post #59 cosmic thanks for looking


5 cards

Quint + Base
17 Stork= Change, relocation

28 Man= your future husband.

What type of relationship could be these cards...

Could indicate changes in how you/him interact in loving relationship. That you/him have to be more open to love and go with the flow. Improvement in love through going with the flow/laid back. Changes brought from being laid back.

quint+base could just be saying improvements will come through your relationship with the man.

Alternatively it could all point to a open relationship. Fish mirrors heart....Fish is also a card of open relationship and Park next to heart....Park is also a card of open/non-committal type relationship.

But I think the cards are pointing to the formal more to the latter because you have double energy of stork...then you also have ship which is a card of changes.

These cards only look so far into the only probably look at the men in the near future that you could potentially marry.


What type of relationship could be these cards...

Could indicate changes in how you/him interact in loving relationship. That you/him have to be more open to love and go with the flow. Improvement in love through going with the flow/laid back. Changes brought from being laid back.

quint+base could just be saying improvements will come through your relationship with the man.

Alternatively it could all point to a open relationship. Fish mirrors heart....Fish is also a card of open relationship and Park next to heart....Park is also a card of open/non-committal type relationship.

But I think the cards are pointing to the formal more to the latter because you have double energy of stork...then you also have ship which is a card of changes.

These cards only look so far into the only probably look at the men in the near future that you could potentially marry.

Thank you for your input. I know for sure i wouldnt be ok with an open relationship. So i wonder if marrying this guy who i would think may not be ready to settle down will cause changes within myself ? To be able to attract a better mate ? This relationship just doesnt look solid to me.