Spirit Guide? Ghost? Cool story regardless!



Not sure where this goes, so mods...please feel to move this to where it belongs.

I've been trying to contact my spirit guide for years now. I've always been pretty spiritual, but life got in the way at times, and I wouldn't tap into it as much at times. For the past month or two, I've been growing big time. Seeking my cards, and working with my crystals, meditating and healing myself. I use to get messages in licence plates, and with feathers. Nothing in my face, but I'm a scientist for a living, so I would something think they weren't big enough to be signs, or I was hoping they'd be signs. You get me?

On Saturday, I decided to do a reading for this month. I noticed that one of the cards was missing, and I looked EVERYWHERE for it. Even under each card, thinking maybe they got stuck together. Nope. What I did was take the same card from another deck and use it in its place. I let it go, knowing that it was something in my home and that it would show up.

My friend texted me what I was up to, and I happened to take a picture of the spread. Otherwise, I wouldn't have proof. Here it is:

I ended up leaving this spread on my table the entire afternoon, looking at it from time to time, while I watched tv and took tiny naps on my couch.

AT around 5:30 pm, I got up and looked at my cards one last time before going to the corner store to get something for my dinner. I was gone 10 minutes.

When I returned, I decided to text my mom to show her my halloween costume from the night before, so I sat down on my couch to see:

The anchor card placed neatly in place of another card, and the cards on the bottom row neatly moved one place over. It freaked me out, but I wasn't scared. I spent hour trying to come up with a rational explanation, even pulling a CSI, placing this card underneath another one, and mimicking what would happen if it was moved. Or blowing on them, seeing if they'd move. Nope. I called my mom, my friend (who's even more rational and logical than I am), and my brother (who doesn't believe in this stuff). None of them can come up with a rational explantation, and it even freaked them out.

Is my spirit guide trying to connect with me? I'm feeling that there may be something coming my way. Some change or visit/news of some kind. I've had a difficult past few months, so I'm hoping ti's something great. I've also experienced some synchronicities lately, but don't know whether they're that, or I'm hoping they are and could be just coincidences. You know how it is sometimes, where your emotions get the best of you.

Have you experienced anything like that? How has your spirit guide tried contacting you? Could it be a passing ghost instead?


How did you feel when you saw this? That is the important question when here, do you feel that it was a message from your guides? Use your intuition here. I have also been receiving messages from my guides as well. The important thing is that if you feel that it is a message from your guides, then it is a message from your guides. You said you have been trying to contact your guides for some time, it makes me curious if you may have received other messages and perhaps did not notice them as being signs. I have found that sometimes these messages are subtle, and sometimes they jump right out at you. Think back to any synchronies in your life over the past few years, I believe that once you tap into the Spirit you begin to notice that there are no coincidences. People, objects, experiences happen at just the right time, the exact moment that they are intended to. Continue to allow yourself to be open to receiving messages from your spirit, and you will continue to see them. I will sometimes specifically ask the spirit for something specific. I enjoy finding feathers, one day I asked my guides to bless me with a most unusual feather. The next day a very crazy looking feather from a red tailed hawk crossed my path. You can do this yourself with any other signs or symbols that speak specifically to you. Be patient, and remain watchful, and your spirit will gift you what you desire. Have faith in your guides presence and capability.



I was just curious to know what a difference it made in your reading? Was it telling you something else after they were moved?


How did you feel when you saw this? That is the important question when here, do you feel that it was a message from your guides? Use your intuition here. I have also been receiving messages from my guides as well. The important thing is that if you feel that it is a message from your guides, then it is a message from your guides. You said you have been trying to contact your guides for some time, it makes me curious if you may have received other messages and perhaps did not notice them as being signs. I have found that sometimes these messages are subtle, and sometimes they jump right out at you. Think back to any synchronies in your life over the past few years, I believe that once you tap into the Spirit you begin to notice that there are no coincidences. People, objects, experiences happen at just the right time, the exact moment that they are intended to. Continue to allow yourself to be open to receiving messages from your spirit, and you will continue to see them. I will sometimes specifically ask the spirit for something specific. I enjoy finding feathers, one day I asked my guides to bless me with a most unusual feather. The next day a very crazy looking feather from a red tailed hawk crossed my path. You can do this yourself with any other signs or symbols that speak specifically to you. Be patient, and remain watchful, and your spirit will gift you what you desire. Have faith in your guides presence and capability.


I feel like they have tried contacting me, appearing to me via feathers and messages on licence plates. Those were subtle messages, to give me the warm hug I need, or to have me keep going. It was also to give me more faith and belief in this.

But this. Never happened before. Too big and almost knocked me off my feet (if I wasn't sitting). How did I feel when I saw this? I was freaked out, but not scared. It was a cool feeling, a bit freaked out, as I said, but a sense of peace at the same time.

What do I think is the message? I feel like something "big" is going to happen. My cards have been telling me that I'll experience something, and it'll happen quickly. It could be love, or it could be something else, but it's coming. I'm not sure if my spirit guide is telling me to hang on, to brace myself, or that I am finally getting what I've been asking for and that things will fall into place, and I'll be flying high with happiness. I have no idea. I'm just waiting for that moment.

I have been asking for more info or to give me some guidance, and I'm still keeping my eyes, ear and intuition open.


I was just curious to know what a difference it made in your reading? Was it telling you something else after they were moved?

I just remember the ANCHOR-TREE-HEART-LETTER-BIRD being the cards that seemed like I needed to focus on. What's even weirder (or confirms this "feeling") is that during my serious questions and month/week readings lately, I've been getting the combination of those all together. Seriously. Even my tarot cards have been giving me similar information. I keep speaking out loud to my spirit guide, angels and universe, I've also been meditating to ground myself and try to rationalize my emotions and thoughts...because I'm someone who is rational and is hard to convince, but I've been shaken out of my element and now the synchronicities are more and more. It's actually pretty incredible. Now I'm just waiting.

If nothing happens, I guess I'm being entertained!


I am happy for you elle, although the experience seems to have shaken you up a bit.

Now that it seems clear the spirit guides are connecting to you, what is your next step?

And this is a question I have for all of you -- does everybody have a spirit guide? I never made any attempts to connect with mine, nor did I think I had one to begin with.


Since you're looking for both rational and metaphysical explanations, let's do rationality first. You mentioned you were taking small naps on the couch. Are you getting enough restful, dreamless sleep every night? Eight hours total and feeling refreshed? If not, you might have done something like this in between a waking and sleeping state which you don't remember. People can do all sorts of strange things, especially when they're on certain brands of sleeping pills.

A metaphysical explanation might be complicated. You're basically reporting poltergeist activity and that's not a frequent thing. Does the place this happened in have any history that might indicate something like that happening in the past (if not to you, to others)?

I really don't mean to spook you but you seem oddly calm about physical object manipulation and well, incorporeal entities or not, you are basically suggesting you're not alone in there. Would any physical, living, breathing humans have any means of access besides you?


I am happy for you elle, although the experience seems to have shaken you up a bit.

Now that it seems clear the spirit guides are connecting to you, what is your next step?

And this is a question I have for all of you -- does everybody have a spirit guide? I never made any attempts to connect with mine, nor did I think I had one to begin with.

I'm not shaken up. It was more like...WHOA. WTF just happened.

My next step is just listen and wait. I'm gonna do what I need to do, but open myself up to the universe. :)


Since you're looking for both rational and metaphysical explanations, let's do rationality first. You mentioned you were taking small naps on the couch. Are you getting enough restful, dreamless sleep every night? Eight hours total and feeling refreshed? If not, you might have done something like this in between a waking and sleeping state which you don't remember. People can do all sorts of strange things, especially when they're on certain brands of sleeping pills.

As I mentioned, I checked the cards just as I got up to go out, and they hadn't moved. I looked at them and did a bit of reflection before going to the store.

Yes, I get between 7-8 hours every night. It was a lazy and rainy Saturday, and I had gone out the night before. Just on my couch, closing my eyes every once in a while. Not really falling asleep, just being cozy. I had the tv on, and could hear the entire show while my eyes were closed, and I was wrapped up with my laptop on me. I did not get up or move. I don't take sleeping pills.

I thought about all this. Went through the entire thing with 5 people. I've covered all possibilities.

metaphysical explanation might be complicated. You're basically reporting poltergeist activity and that's not a frequent thing. Does the place this happened in have any history that might indicate something like that happening in the past (if not to you, to others)?

Haha, no poltergeist. I've never had that happen, nor has it happened to anyone I know. I live in a new loft, and no history of anything weird happening. I've lived there for 4 years. Calling it a poltergeist is a little dramatic, don't you think? They're usually something that repeats itself and is very violent. If it was a ghost, it was probably one that passed by. I've never had anything weird or strange happen before, and not since.

really don't mean to spook you but you seem oddly calm about physical object manipulation and well, incorporeal entities or not, you are basically suggesting you're not alone in there. Would any physical, living, breathing humans have any means of access besides you?

I don't think I'm oddly calm. Everyone I spoke to was weirded out at first, but they all feel the same way I do. I'm sure there's a rational explanation behind it. Or if there was something spiritual, it was harmless. Not everything unknown is scary. It freaked me out when I saw it, yes, but I let things go, and don't dwell on things unless there's a repeated action that hurts me (emotionally, mentally, or physically). I don't jump to conclusions, or get all theatrical. That's just me though; I'm chill. I've never heard any bumps in the night or feel like someone is watching me. Things are happy and calm in my home. I think if there was something harmful, I'd sense it.

Starri Knytes

And this is a question I have for all of you -- does everybody have a spirit guide? I never made any attempts to connect with mine, nor did I think I had one to begin with.

No one journeys alone. We are all watched over, cared for, and nudged along by those of another realm. :)
Whether in good times or in bad they might enjoy a little acknowledgement for their efforts on your behalf. ;)