tarot of the cat people?



does somebody know something about the tarot of the cat people or have the deck because i get it for my christmas and i'm curious to know. i adore cats and there is something about the outer region or something?

with love,



i have this deck, and enjoy it as one of my favorite theme decks in my collection. it is artistically attractive and the theme is unique.
the set-up (card titles, suits, etc.) is fairly traditional tarot, so it doesn't stray in terms of read-ability, for example. the symbolism is even RW influenced, most of the time.
every card has a cat on it, and most of them also have scenes involving the "cat people". the "cat people" are just like they sound--cat-like people!--specifically, a very exotic looking group of feline individuals from a distant land. the book depicts a creative, in-depth sci-fi/fantasy scenario, where the deck's creator discovered these "cat people", studied them, and brought back her findings. the art is good, with a lot of earthy, vibrant color and plenty of well executed details, even in the minors.
the card stock is hefty and the card size is standard, about like the robin wood or regular rider-waite. the backs are a reversible, multi-colored infinity or yin-yang type of symbol of two intertwined cats, on an off-white (or was it pale green?) background.
my best friend, who ADORES cats, got this deck for herself a couple of months ago, and is very pleased with the results. certainly, it helps to like cats with this deck; however, you don't have to emesh yourself in the fantasy theme aspect to enjoy or understand the deck, though i did find the book to be well written and enjoyable.


thank you for your explanation! i can't wait to get it next week! i will tell you then what i found about it, what it do to me.

with love rostie...