Templar Tarot: WOW!


Well, I was brosing thenew decks that have been added to aeclectic (Templar Tarot and Tarot of The Saints) and I saw the Templar Tarot and didn't breathe for a whole 30 seconds: It is stunnng! The artwork is gorgeous, and it really clicks with me! Now its just trying to track it down ad buy it!

Go look at this deck: See what you think.

Kiama (Still in awe)


Oh yes i did the same, I adore it, its been put on my list of decks that I really want but cant afford lol, its for sale on the website for 24.95 The colors are amazing, it is filled with angels that arent winged goody two shoes, and I want the Tarot of the Saints too, in fact theres about 20 I want lol


Listen you people, stop posting decks here. Don't do this to me.....
I am afraid I might want to have them. Why on earth should I want more decks than I can use? It's just the artwork that makes me want to have them. But til now I still RESIST all temptations.
WOW, this deck is a beauty......I want it, and I already have 2 listed as "wanted".



Quote:Kaz (11 Jan, 2002 04:03):
Listen you people, stop posting decks here. Don't do this to me.....
I am afraid I might want to have them. Why on earth should I want more decks than I can use? It's just the artwork that makes me want to have them. But til now I still RESIST all temptations.
WOW, this deck is a beauty......I want it, and I already have 2 listed as "wanted".


~Giggles madly~ Well Kaz hon, quick checking the deck forum if you do not wish to be tempted ;)

As for why own more decks than you can use? simple ... because you can ~giggles~ and because you like them ... and because some day you might use them and then you will have them at hand ... or because some day they will be OOP and you will have something rare and wonderful. Like you I get sooooo tempted by artwork, my only concern with this deck (although the suits are obvious) is that the suit is not listed on it ... well anyway that is what I am telling myself before my other personality takes over and orders the deck *LOL*.

Just admit hon! you are a tarotholic just like most of us here ~giggle/snicker/snort~

Love & Light,


Quote:Kaz (11 Jan, 2002 04:03):
Listen you people, stop posting decks here. Don't do this to me.....
I am afraid I might want to have them. Why on earth should I want more decks than I can use? It's just the artwork that makes me want to have them. But til now I still RESIST all temptations.
WOW, this deck is a beauty......I want it, and I already have 2 listed as "wanted".


"I can resist everything except temptation"-Oscar Wilde

Me, I have over 40 decks on my wish list, and 36 at home right now. Oscar Wilde's quote is very apt for me!



OK, I can't resist anymore, I am trying to order it, which is not easy because those americans think there is no world besides it. Filling in required fields that don't exist here and so on, but I emailed them and I think this will succeed.
Sigh, deck number 4 this is, unless Jewel takes my dutch RiderWaite (collectors item!!!), then it will be back to 3.



It was in the mail today, it is a beautiful deck. Really beautiful......Big cards, no borders, magnificent artwork, a joy to look at.



Quote:Kaz (18 Jan, 2002 06:44):
It was in the mail today, it is a beautiful deck. Really beautiful......Big cards, no borders, magnificent artwork, a joy to look at.


Is there any way to order this deck if you don't have a credit card? I'm in the UK, andon't have a card, but I really want this deck!



I think you can use pay-pal, which I don't know mayself.
Have a look on their website, www.templartarot.com , I know they accept checks as well.
Just use their link to email them, I did that as well because I had trouble with their website ordering system.
They are really nice in handling these requests. Maybe you know someone with a creditcard, and can use that one?



You can get a *signed* Templar Tarot deck from eBay. I just received mine from there, and it's a beautiful deck.

Here's the link. They do accept money orders and checks.