World Spirit Deck...The Sun (makes me wanna run!)


I don't own this deck yet, but I think Santa will be dropping it in my stocking this Christmas! I absolutely love the scans I've seen so far...Except for the Sun card, that is. So, is the figure in this card supposed to be a baby or a man? What does he represent? He sits in the center of a lotus, which I know is symbolic of enlightenment, yet the card strikes me as enigmatic. Certainly a very different sun card from any I've seen before. I find this card really repellent. Its kind of the black sheep among this evidently beatiful deck. I think its that flat-top haircut and those weasel-ish eyes that really bother me. He looks like a little drill sargent! I was hoping someone who already owns this deck and the accompanying book could clue me in. What is the consensus on this little fella?


"Its kind of the black sheep among this evidently beatiful deck. I think its that flat-top haircut and those weasel-ish eyes that really bother me. He looks like a little drill sargent! I was hoping someone who already owns this deck and the accompanying book could clue me in. What is the consensus on this little fella? "

Andryh, I think the consensus is, you are absolutely right. Solandia notes the same thing in her review of this deck.

He's supposed to be a smiling child, sitting on the petals of a lotus in the clear blue sky, opening his arms to take in all the blessings of the sun.

I am so glad my initial reaction to this card when didn't keep me from acquiring this amazing, wonderful deck. And, such is the power this deck has for me, the card has ceased to be an irritant and I'm actually beginning to like the little guy.

Well, "like" may be a little too strong, but we get along just fine now. Did I say this deck is wonderful? For a second opinion close at hand, see the other World Spirit thread right here and read what Lee has to say.

"If the sky falls, I shall have clouds for breakfast."


Thanks Talisman for your input. I won't let this little runt get in the way of enjoying this wonderful deck. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has been initially rubbed the wrong way by this card. The more I hear about this deck, the more intrigued I am. Can't wait to get my paws on this one! Thanks again for your input...Maybe in time the little guy will grow on me too.



It's now on the "I want List". The little mischivous child on the lotus on the sun card reminds me of my youngest child..the childish "I know I did something wrong, but you love me anyway" look.

Enjoy your deck..Hope it reads true for you




What an absolutely marvelous way of looking at this card! Thank you for that.



One of the deck reviews , and I don't remember which , said that the kid on the sun card looks like a little politician!!!